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- Judgement and orders 5
- Law reports, digests, etc 5
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- Nursing Care 5
- Philosophy 5
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- Sociolinguistics 5
- Study and teaching 5
- Abdomen 4
The Public Signs of Vilnius: Languages and Genres
Published 2024-12-01“…Research shows that the first foreign language used in a sign does not always play a stronger communicative function, as it may be used because of its symbolic power. The analysis of monolingual signs in foreign languages shows that the most significant proportion of such signs are stickers, shop signs, and graffiti, and the most common languages are English, Russian, Italian, German, French, Latin, and Latin. …”
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Exploring the state-of-the-art of halal food research using latent Dirichlet allocation
Published 2025-02-01“…The study identifies an overall increasing trend in HF research over the years, with particular emphasis on HF supply chain management and consumer behavior, while HF and Islamic culture received comparatively lower levels of attention. …”
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The Application of Koha Open Source Integrated Library System in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Bishop Stuart University Mbarara.
Published 2024“…The major challenges encountered with the use of KOHA in libraries included: inadequate funding, inadequate managerial support, inadequate power supply, etc. The findings of this study will serve a very useful purpose for Bishop Stuart University in particular, and other academic libraries within the country and globe at large. …”
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Thesis -
Design and Construction of a Plasma Sterilizing Machine Using Locally Available Materials.
Published 2024“…Some saloons were sampled purposively and the blades of the shaving machines were inoculated to make a sample solution of about 80cm3 from which I cm3 sample was placed on microscopic slides and observed under medium and high power to find out the microbial population in the samples made. …”
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Absenteeism and Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary in Buyanja Sub-County Rukungiri District.
Published 2024“…It was concluded that children more frequently absent in early kindergarten obtained lower working memory and cognitive flexibility scores, as represented by 31 %. …”
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Design and Simulation of a Solar Thermal Dryer for Fruits.
Published 2024“…The main objective was to design and manufacture a user-friendly solar fruit dryer that utilizes minimal effort and harnesses the power of the sun to dehydrate various fruits into tasty chips. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of Loan Interest Rate on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises a Case Study of Rosika Company Limited in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2024“…Fewer respondents noted that favorable rates help SMEs cover costs and sustain normal operations, ultimately achieving profits. …”
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An Ultrasonic Based Garbage Management Dustbin.
Published 2025“…The Arduino UNO board was powered with an external power supply of 12 V. When an object is in front of the sensor at a distance of less than or equal to 20cm, the smart dustbin opens automatically and it remains open for as long as the object remains in front of the sensor. …”
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Shaping interaction among improved cowpea’s farming: Do Institutions have a role to play? A case of Oyam district in Uganda
Published 2022“…The concerned agencies should strengthen the registration of actors engaged in the development and promotion of innovation at the lower local government and ensure traceability of input used by farmers to stream line actors’ roles.…”
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Shaping interaction among improved cowpea’s farming: Do Institutions have a role to play? A case of Oyam district in Uganda
Published 2022“…The concerned agencies should strengthen the registration of actors engaged in the development and promotion of innovation at the lower local government and ensure traceability of input used by farmers to stream line actors’ roles.…”
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University e-learning methodologies and their financial implications: evidence from Uganda
Published 2022“…A questionnaire survey was distributed to university students, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to understand the usage of e-learning and Persons correlation to understand the degree of the relationship between the study variables. …”
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Antimalarial Combination Therapies Increase Gastric Ulcers Through an Imbalance of Basic Antioxidative‑Oxidative Enzymes in Male Wistar Rats.
Published 2023“…Objective: Antimalarials are globally used against plasmodium infections, however, information on the safety of new antimalarial combination therapies on the gastric mucosa is scarce. …”
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The impact of specialised gastroenterology services for pelvic radiation disease (PRD): Results from the prospective multi-centre EAGLE study.
Published 2025-01-01“…Increases in quality of life, sexual activity and/or sexual function, and decrease in specific symptoms (e.g. bowel-related or urinary) between 6 and 12 months were observed. …”
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The first cases of collagenous sprue successfully treated with thioguanine
Published 2016-06-01“…Data were obtained from our prospective database of patients referred to our coeliac centre. Evaluation of small bowel biopsies was performed by an expert pathologist.Results None of the patients had ever had coeliac-specific antibodies, and all were negative for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 phenotype. …”
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Prevalence of Erosive-ulcerative Lesions of the Stomach and Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis
Published 2019-06-01“…The study of H. pylori infection with RUT was carried out in 111 patients without inflammatory bowel disease, who formed the control group.Results. …”
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Red clientelar en el distrito de Barranquilla: el rol de los intermediarios
Published 2021-01-01“…Un importante actor interviene en Las relaciones dientelares a nivel Local y no ha sido estudiado a profundidad: el intermediario o broker. A través de entrevistas con estos actores en el distrito de Barranquilla (Colombia), este artículo presenta nuevos hallazgos sobre su clasificación, roles, funciones y las motivaciones que los llevan a hacer parte de estas estructuras políticas.…”
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Healthy Living: Staying Regular
Published 2011-06-01“…Having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week is defined as constipation. …”
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Challenging the state. Churches as political actors in South Africa. 1980-1994
Published 2000-06-01“… Die jeugdige Tristan A Borer (1965 - ), "Assistant Professor of Government" by Connecticut College, Notre Dame, het Suid-Afrika drie keer in die loop van vier jaar besoek. …”
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Healthy Living: Staying Regular
Published 2011-06-01“…Having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week is defined as constipation. …”
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