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Lower Kinetic Chain, Meet the Thinking Brain: A Scoping Review of Cognitive Function and Lower Extremity Injury Risk
Published 2022-08-01“…Included articles were appraised using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies…”
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A Case of Exacerbation of Chronic Pancreatitis Against the Background of COVID-19 Complicated by Pancreaticopleural Fistula with Enzymatic Pleurisy
Published 2024-01-01“…After surgical treatment, according to ultrasound control, pleurisy was cured. The patient was examined a year later; his condition was consistent with the surgery. …”
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Review of the Effectiveness of the Existing Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Uganda. Case Study of Kabale Municipal Council, Kabale Municipality, Kabale District.
Published 2023“…Observation, questionnaires and interviews were used during the collection of data which was then analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. …”
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The Contribution of Micro Finance Institutions on the Growth of Small and Medium Business : A Case Study of North Kigezi Diocese Sacco In Rukungiri Municipality.
Published 2023“…Furthermore, the researcher adopted a case study research design, where North Kigezi SACCO represented the entire country Uganda. The study used a sample size of 86 respondents during data collection from the study area. …”
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Effects of Teaching Methods on Academic Performance of Pupils in Mathematics In Primary Schools of Bufundi Sub-County Rubanda District.
Published 2024“…A sample size of 100 was used. Questionnaires and interviews were used during data collection. …”
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Assessing the Effect of Large Class Size and Pupils Academic Performance in Public Primary School in Rukungiri Municipality.
Published 2024“…Based on results from the study, 100% of the respondents were aware of the relationship between large class size and pupils' academic performance, and these- included smaller classes encourage participation or interaction as students may receive more support from classmates, teachers in small classes are more I likely to give individual attention to students, effectively control and manage the classroom and build better relationships with students, class size may also influence teachers' interpersonal styles, small classes are more visible and more likely to engage in learning and social behaviors during class, class size has the potential to affect how students interact with each other. …”
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Teacher Professional Development on Students Learning and Academic Performance: A Case Study of Selected Schools in Rubanda Town Council.
Published 2024“…The findings of the study revealed that there were impacts of Teacher professional development on pupils’ academic performance as they included; Teacher effectiveness increases pupil's performance, High performing schools took more interest in staff training programs, Training provides knowledge and skills to improve and encourages better performance and quality output, Teacher training programs promote knowledge on choice and use of effective teaching methods, Training had visible influence in student academic achievement and Trained teacher receiving students from untrained teacher can facilitate excellent academic gain for his/her students during the school. …”
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Role of Financial Management in Influencing the Performance of Kabale District Local Government.
Published 2024“…The study findings revealed how financial controls influence the performance of Kabale District Local Government, local governments must make decisions about how to allocate limited resources among competing needs local governments rely on various sources of revenue, including taxes, fees, grants, and other income; local governments face financial risks. …”
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Performance of Sisal Fabre as Natural Geotextile to Reinforce Soil Layers on Unpaved Road.
Published 2024“…Geotextiles may be used to improve; the embankment stability against bearing capacity failure, stability against slope failure through the foundation, allow a more controlled construction over very soft or difficult foundation soils. …”
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Impact of Weed Infestation on Growth and Yield of Carrot Plants.
Published 2024“…Data Collection Methods used included observation and measurement. Quantitative data was used during data analysis and it involved the use of frequencies, and tables against their percentages and aided in data interpretation, data analysis, and presentations of findings. …”
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Budgetary Factors and the Quality of Education Service Delivery in Public Secondary Schools in Northern Division Kabale District.
Published 2024“…Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used during data analysis. Some respondents showed that the schools have adequate classrooms to accommodate all students. …”
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Effects of Seasonal Variations in Physical Parameters on Quality of Gravity Flow Water in Kyanamira Sub-County, Kabale District, Uganda
Published 2022“…Temperature was measured using thermometer; pH, EC and TDS were determined using a multimeter, turbidity, colour and total suspended solids were determined by spectrophotometric method. …”
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An Update on African Trypanocide Pharmaceutics and Resistance.
Published 2023“…Suramin sodium suppresses ATP generation during the glycolytic pathway and is ineffective against T. vivax and T. congolense infections. …”
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Using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence (SRXRF) to Assess the Impacts of Shipping Emissions on the Variations of PM10-bound Elemental Species
Published 2021-07-01“…In this study, we conducted simultaneous sampling of PM10 at three air quality observation sites located close to Laem Chabang Sea Port (LCSP) from 24 May to 27 June 2020. The PM10 samples were then chemically characterised using SRXRF at the Beam Line 5.1 Wiggler (BL5.1W) in the Siam Photon Source, Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand). …”
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Automatic cervical lymph nodes detection and segmentation in heterogeneous computed tomography images using deep transfer learning
Published 2025-02-01“…The nnUNet model was used as a baseline, pre-trained on a large-scale head and neck dataset, and then fine-tuned with 4,729 LNs from hospital A for detection and segmentation. …”
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Published 2024-09-01“…To solve the problem, a simulation method was applied using the principles of queuing systems (QS). This method makes it possible to obtain the main characteristics of the ISS from the UA with an unlimited amount of buffer memory (BM). …”
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Published 2016-11-01“… Today’s business environment is more dynamic due to vast technological growth. This growth is most visible in the IT industry. …”
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Aportes de la escuela de Frankfurt y Edgar Morin para fomentar el pensar dialéctico y complejo en la educación
Published 2025-01-01“…Finalmente, se concluye que la única manera de evitar nuevas barbaries como la de Auschwitz –como campo de exterminio, pero, sobre todo, como metáfora del lugar al que se puede llevar el conocimiento sin un pensamiento educado que lo guíe– es promover una educación para la complejidad, la comprensión y la libertad. …”
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Oral health surveys of traditional peoples and communities in Brazil: a scope review
Published 2025-02-01“…Design Scoping review according to the Scoping Review extension for the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.Data sources MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences were searched up until June 2023.Eligibility criteria Studies involving individuals from indigenous groups, quilombolas, riverside communities and Romani communities, all included in TPC in Brazil, were included without any age restrictions.Data extraction and synthesis Data were extracted by two independent reviewers, and studies were categorised considering the author and year of publication, the traditional group, study type, geographical location, age group, sample size, data collection method and the main oral health condition assessed.Results After the searches, 39 studies were included in the review, and 2 studies were manually added. …”
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Single-cell immunopathology of recurrent acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis associated with vancomycin
Published 2025-05-01“…Single-cell analysis of affected skin showed polyclonal TH17-like cells with gene expression signatures similar to T-cell response during prevalent infectious diseases. Conclusions: This patient exhibited persistent vancomycin-positive IDT despite distinct nondrug episodes of ALEP/AGEP. …”
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