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Investigating Gram-negative bacilli isolates’ sensitivity to ceftazidime/avibactam
Published 2025-01-01“…The results show that ceftazidime avibactam can cure MDR and CRE infections, especially urinary tract infections, better than conventional antibiotics, which is a great help in the fight against increasing antibiotic resistance.…”
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Snabdevanje letilice električnom energijom varijabilne frekvencije
Published 1990-09-01“…Ukoliko se pokaže da sistem varijabilne frekvencije u celini ima bolje karakteristike u pogledu pouzdanosti, mase i cene, može se očekivati nastavak radova na ovoj problematici i šire uvođenje ovakvih sistema u upotrebu.…”
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Phytochemical Constituents, Antimicrobial activities and Isolation of Eupatorin from the Seed Extract of <i>L. inermis</i> LINN
Published 2020-01-01“… In low- and middle-income countries like Nigeria, traditional medicine practitioners use seeds, roots, stem barks or the whole plant to cure some ailments, hence, the need to scientifically analyze these ethnobotanical claims. …”
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Teoria da identidade: estudo da existência de ações socioambientais semelhantes no setor elétrico brasileiro
Published 2013-01-01“…Os programas e projetos socioambientais foram obtid os nos relatórios de sustentabilidade de empresas que seguiram as diretrizes da GRI. Verific ou-se que as empresas pertencentes ao mesmo grupo de identidade tendem a realizar os mesm os tipos de ações socioambientais e que os projetos e ações em cultura e esporte e em s aúde são bem similares, no entanto o foco das ações de cada grupo é diferente para os demais indicadores.…”
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Polemika na temat natury małżeństwa na łamach „Ateneum Kapłańskiego” z projektem prawa małżeńskiego Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej w okresie międzywojennym
Published 2023-03-01“…Państwo na miarę swoich możliwości starało się poprawiać los rodzin. Duże znaczenie w nowym państwie złożonym z terenów po dawnych zaborach miało stworzenie nowego prawa, w tym także prawa małżeńskiego i rodzinnego. …”
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La geografía del auto en México. ¿Cuál es el rol de las instituciones locales?
Published 2017-01-01“…Los resultados dan poco soporte a la tesis so-bre el papel que pueden estar ejerciendo las ins-tituciones Limitaciones. …”
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Primjena dinamičkog programiranja u optimizaciji pouzdanosti tehničkih materijalnih sredstava (sistema)
Published 1990-05-01“…Na osnovu tih rezultata može se zaključiti da se metoda dinamičkog programiranja može veoma efikasno primijeniti u rješavanju navedenog problema, Osim toga, metoda je i veoma pogodna za postavljanje na računar.…”
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Crisis económica, cambio tecnológico y comercio exterior de México
Published 2009-01-01“…Este trabajo retoma la controversia de largo plazo entre aquellos enfoques que resaltan las bondades del sistema de mercado, libre de interferencias de gobierno, y los que, por el contrario, destacan la propensión a reproducir y/o incrementar las inequidades cuando el sistema capitalista se deja a su libre accionar. …”
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Selecting first-line immunotherapy in advanced melanoma: Current evidence on efficacy across diverse patient populations
Published 2025-01-01“…Immunotherapy has dramatically changed the outcome for patients with advanced melanoma, with significant improvements in overall survival and potential cure for some. The recent approval of nivolumab in combination with relatlimab (nivolumab-relatlimab) added a third immunotherapy option for first-line treatment for advanced melanoma. …”
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Development and Validation of Chlamydia muridarum Mouse Models for Studying Genital Tract Infection Pathogenesis
Published 2025-02-01“…Therefore, in this study, we used mouse models to visualize pathologies in both the endometrium and oviduct following C. muridarum inoculation.…”
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Immunological Approaches and Different Strategies for Vaccine Development Against SARS-COV-2
Published 2020-12-01“…The body of the patients has ability to develop the immunity to cure the patient and more importantly both humoral and cellular immunity have studied against SARS-COV-2. …”
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A data pipeline for secure extraction and sharing of social determinants of health.
Published 2025-01-01“…We compared DeGAUSS to a third-party vendor geocoding tool available at Duke Health using a cohort of adult patients referred for abdominal transplant from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2022. …”
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La primera reforma tributaria en la historia de la humanidad
Published 2019-01-01“…El artículo presenta un apólogo, sobre el contexto en el cual se dio esa primera reforma social, que sin lugar a dudas fue una verdadera reforma tributaria en favor del pueblo. …”
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Informational support for women with endometriosis: a scoping review
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract Background Ten per cent of women of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis, a painful and incurable disease that leaves women with severe implications for their health and overall well-being. Due to the absence of a cure and the limited effectiveness of available treatments, acquiring accurate information is paramount for women to successfully navigate both their daily lives and the complexities of the healthcare system. …”
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Quantification of nipple size and shape among an ethnically diverse sample of US women
Published 2023-09-01“…A total of 510 women were recruited into this study—using an iPhone App, employing the ‘True Depth Scanning’ software, and scanning their torso from both the left and right aspect to secure an image of each breast. …”
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Bioactive Compounds in Herbal Bitter Drinks and Effects on selected Hepatic Biomarkers in Albino Wister Rats in Lagos, Nigeria
Published 2020-01-01“… Recently in Nigeria, the use of natural products described as herbal bitter drinks presumed to cure all except death has been on the increase. …”
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Molecular techniques for cancer diagnostics
Published 2024-01-01“…These discoveries led to the development and clinical approval of several drugs that are more efficient and can specifically target cancer-specific pathways to provide a long-lasting cure. …”
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Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease on Caregivers in the United States
Published 2022-08-01“…As patients’ symptoms of dementia continue to worsen, they gradually grow more limited in their independence. As a result, family members and close acquaintances often become caregivers for the patient and become more involved in maintaining the patient’s lifestyle. …”
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HABITUS COMO ASSUNTO E FERRAMENTA: reflexões sobre tornar-se um boxeador
Published 2013-03-01“… O presente artigo expõe mais detalhadamente como me engajei no uso do método etnográfico e como entrei acidentalmente numa academia de boxe de Chicago, que tornou-se palco e ator central do meu estudo de campo sobre lutadores no gueto negro americano, levando ao lançamento do livro Corpo e Alma que buscou tanto utilizar metodologicamente quanto elaborar empiricamente o conceito de Habitus, central na obra de Pierre Bourdieu. …”
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Major data gaps and recommendations in monitoring regulations of activities in EU marine protected areas
Published 2025-02-01“…Only mining was reported as prohibited in at least 10% of the MPA area. …”
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