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- Anesthesia 2
Culture de la vanille dans le sud de la Floride
Published 2019-11-01“…Ce document contient des informations utiles aux producteurs intéressés par l’établissement d’une vanillerie. …”
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Docentes engagement: caso (Escuela de Relaciones Industriales)
Published 2010-01-01“…Desde hace poco más de quince años se comenzó a estudiar el engagement, con el auge de la psicología positiva, los científicos comenzaron a preguntarse si no existiría un extremo opuesto al burnout que diera un giro a las investigaciones en materia de salud laboral en las organizaciones. …”
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La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial:
Published 2017-09-01“…Este estudio tiene un carácter exploratorio y fue elaborado a través de investigaciones bibliograficas e documentales y es producto del proceso de elaboración de la disertación de maestría en el programa de pos-graduación en Política Social de la Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. …”
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Impact of Citrus Greening on Citrus Operations in Florida
Published 2016-04-01“…As of January 2016, there is neither a cure nor an economically viable option for managing HLB-infected trees. …”
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Aporte Histórico Sobre os Direitos Trabalhistas no Brasil
Published 2020-01-01“… O artigo analisa a construção das leis trabalhistas no Brasil como resultado das lutas sociais que vem atravessando a história do país desde a transição do Império à República, tomando como base de análise obras de autores que estudam o mundo do trabalho brasileiro. …”
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Investigating the Use of Waste Vehicle Tyres as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates in Structural Concrete.
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Thesis -
Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Machine Learning dan Deep Learning untuk Klasifikasi Citra Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI)
Published 2023-08-01“…Computer vision is a technique used by computers to classify images. Computer vision helps automatically recognize SIBI images, making it easier for normal people to communicate with deaf or mute people. …”
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Évaluation de la prescription et de l’utilisation des benzodiazépines dans la ville de Sidi Bel-Abbès
Published 2022-12-01“…Les BZDs étaient utilisées pour combattre l’insomnie (25,21%), l’anxiété (16,43%), pour une durée de plus d’une année (57,79 %). Conclusion-La prescription et l’utilisation des BZDs dans la ville de Sidi Bel-Abbès s’est avérée importante. …”
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Christianity, ‘supernatural’ beliefs and COVID-19
Published 2023-06-01“…Neo-Pentecostal church leaders had mixed messages on the possible cure for COVID-19, with some emphasising miracles as the panacea for COVID-19, and a minority believing that God exhibits his power through epidemiologists. …”
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The effects of magnesium supplementation in autoimmune rheumatic diseases
Published 2024-11-01“…The present review aims to screen the literature for well-designed studies in which magnesium was supplemented to cure rheumatological conditions. SciELO, PubMed, and Web of Science databases were screened between 1966 and April 2024 for the literature on this topic. …”
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La certification PEFC : un nouveau standard de gestion durable
Published 2025-02-01“…Messages clés : - Le nouveau référentiel de la certification PEFC poursuit la logique d’une certification de développement durable. - Le nouveau référentiel n’apporte pas de modification fondamentale dans l’organisation de sa délivrance. - Le nouveau référentiel fait évoluer la certification pour une meilleure prise en considération des enjeux liés à la multifonctionnalité des forêts. …”
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Modernización universitaria y protesta estudiantil en Colombia: el caso de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (1953-1977)
Published 2012-01-01“…La UIS se convirtió en la institución más importante que los santandereanos crearon en el siglo XX, producto del esfuerzo denodado de unas élites regionales que, paradójicamente contribuyeron a formar desde el Colegio de Santander una contraélite que fijó su derrotero en la revolución socialista.…”
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The Impact of Norm- and Criterion-Referenced Grading Systems on Students’ Course-Related Expectations
Published 2024-12-01“…Although participants reported experiencing criterion-referenced grading more often in college, both grading policies were commonly experienced by participants. …”
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Izbor kriterijuma i parametara za kontrolu transportne funkcije automobilskih transportnih jedinica JNA
Published 1990-05-01“…Objekat kontrole je transportna funkcija, koja se može definisati kao skup aktivnosti kojima se u transportu ostvaruje prevoz ljudi i tereta. …”
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More on Dongxiang Vowel System
Published 2024-09-01“…Todaeva, Ma Guoliang and Liu Zhaoxiong, Nademude, Buhe, A. Ibrahim, Ma Guozhong and Chen Yuanlong, Deligerma. …”
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Assessment of Cassava Peel Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Plain Concrete Production.
Published 2023“…The concrete was batched with a mix of 1: 1.5:3. The cubes produced were allowed to cure for 7-28 days. …”
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Thesis -
Espaços de Formação Matemática: Laboratórios, Feiras e Mostras
Published 2016-06-01“…Dentro dessa perspectiva entendemos que os laboratórios, feiras e mostras na área de educação matemática contribuem para a formação matemática de futuros professores da Educação Básica e estão intrinsicamente ligados à forma como se compreende a produção do conhecimento matemático. …”
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Gadamer y Nietzsche
Published 2005-01-01“…Este trabajo se propone aportar elementos para el diálogo impostergable de la filosofía hermenéutica de Gadamer con la obra de Nietzsche. De la versión que da Gadamer del desencuentro inicial con el Zaratustra, pasamos al recuento que él hace del auge creciente de la interpretación, término que gracias a Nietzsche llega a simbolizar la actitud de la época moderna. …”
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The influence of Christianity on Graeco-Roman medicine up to the Renaissance
Published 2005-06-01“…Progressive stagnation of scientific development and medicine specifically, set in. However, during the 5th century Nestorian Christians, fleeing from persecution by the Church, settled in Persia where they initiated a blossoming of medical science during the Golden Age of Islam (8th to 13th centuries), coexisting with the Dark Ages of Medieval Europe. …”
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