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Weed Control in Beans and Peas (Bush, Pole, Lima Beans, English Peas and Southern Peas)
Published 2006-11-01“…Stall, describes effective weed management practices for beans and peas in Florida and provides a table listing herbicides available to growers for chemical weed control. This publication updates the 2003 table to reflect current recommendations. …”
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Common Questions When Using Soil Moisture Sensors for Citrus and Other Fruit Trees
Published 2021-03-01“… This guide is for Extension personnel who may encounter questions from growers about the functioning and accuracy of soil moisture sensors (SMSs) for fruit tree production. …”
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Vanilla Growing in South Florida
Published 2024-02-01“…This publication aims to provide basic information to growers interested in establishing a vanillery. …”
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Nutrient Deficiencies in Production of Annual Floral Crops
Published 2007-05-01“…Gibson, Beth Bolles, Sheila Dunning, Theresa Friday, Dan Mullins, Carrie Stevenson, and Larry Williams, describes practices for nutrition monitoring and management for growers of annual floral crops. It describes essential nutrients and their translocation, provides a table of essential nutrients, and several figures showing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. …”
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Managing Thrips in Pepper and Eggplant
Published 2009-10-01“…ENY-658, a 10-page illustrated fact sheet by Joe Funderburk, Stuart Reitz, Phil Stansly, Dave Schuster, Greg Nuessly, and Norm Leppla, provides pepper and eggplant growers with management information for this serious pest of ornamental, vegetable, and fruit crops in the field and greenhouse — biology and ecology, tomato spotted wilt, and management programs. …”
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Update and Outlook for 2005 of Florida's BMP Program for Vegetable Crops
Published 2005-06-01“… With the onset of the implementation of the BMP program for vegetable crops, growers may be interested, concerned and confused about how the program will affect their production practices. …”
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Using Recyclable Water Containment Areas (RWCAs) to Treat Agricultural Stormwater Runoff For Watersheds: A Concept Paper
Published 2005-08-01“…Develop a means by which private land owners/growers can benefit from assisting with the management of water at the watershed level for control of non-urban stormwater runoff, nutrient sequestering, and soil quality improvement. …”
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Postbloom Fruit Drop (PFD) Identification and Management
Published 2015-09-01“… This two-sided ID card is ideal for growers working in the field trying to identify or manage postbloom fruit drop (PFD) in citrus. …”
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Baits for Sampling Wireworms in Southern Florida's Agricultural Fields
Published 2006-08-01“…It provides the basic data necessary for growers in the Everglades Agricultural Area to use rolled oats baits as a sampling tool to determine whether it is necessary to apply pesticides for wireworm control before planting. …”
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Citrus Cold Weather Protection and Irrigation Scheduling Tools Using Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) Data
Published 2009-09-01“…Lusher, provides an overview of the water saving tools that are available to citrus growers on the FAWN Web site — the Cold Protection Toolkit and the citrus microsprinkler irrigation scheduler. …”
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Muscle Activity and Kinematics During Three Hamstring Strengthening Exercises Compared to Sprinting: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Published 2024-05-01“…The rocker showed greatest hamstring and gluteus maximus activity. …”
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Turfgrass Disease Management
Published 2011-02-01“…Fortunately, grasses maintained using proper cultural practices (water, mowing, and fertility) are not as likely to become diseased or be as severely damaged as grasses that do not receive proper care. …”
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Environmental Stresses and Your Florida Lawn
Published 2016-02-01“…This revised 2-page fact sheet explains how to choose the most appropriate grass, fertilize properly, mow to the correct height, and irrigate for your lawn’s needs. …”
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Turfgrass Disease Management
Published 2011-02-01“…Fortunately, grasses maintained using proper cultural practices (water, mowing, and fertility) are not as likely to become diseased or be as severely damaged as grasses that do not receive proper care. …”
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Food Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
Published 2017-11-01“… Food is always an important part of holiday festivities, but holiday meals can take a turn for the worse if food safety is not properly practiced when preparing and cooking the food. …”
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Environmental Stresses and Your Florida Lawn
Published 2016-02-01“…This revised 2-page fact sheet explains how to choose the most appropriate grass, fertilize properly, mow to the correct height, and irrigate for your lawn’s needs. …”
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Food Safety Tips for the Holiday Season
Published 2017-11-01“… Food is always an important part of holiday festivities, but holiday meals can take a turn for the worse if food safety is not properly practiced when preparing and cooking the food. …”
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Cost of Production for Fresh Market Grapefruit Grown in Indian River, 2016/17
Published 2018-03-01“…Typical users of the estimates include growers and consultants, who use them as a benchmark; property appraisers, who use them to compute the taxes for property owners; and researchers, who use the estimates to evaluate the economic feasibility of potential new technologies. …”
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2018 Vegetable Production Handbook Chapter 1: Commercial Vegetable Production in Florida
Published 2018-12-01“…Suggested practices are guidelines for growers to plan farm activities and are always subjected to review using the latest scientific data available. …”
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Elemental Sulfur Recommendations for Sugarcane on Florida Organic Soils
Published 2019-02-01“…This 6-page document is intended primarily for Florida sugarcane growers but may also be useful to researchers and others interested in sugarcane nutrition. …”
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