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Factors Leading to Malnutrition in Children Under Five Years in Nyamwamba Division, Kasese Municipality, Kasese District.
Published 2023“…The study recommends exclusive breast feeding and proper supplementary feeding especially among children aged less than three years.…”
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Thesis -
The Role of School Management Committee and Pupils' Performance in Government Primary Schools in RuhiJa Town Council Rubanda District.
Published 2023“…The recommendations included; the school management committee through meetings with members of teaching staff and their head teachers should advise them properly and allow them to execute their duties as expected in order to alleviate levels of understanding to children that lead to excellent academic performance; more research should be carried out to allow the school management committees not to dwell on advising head teachers only on matters of children's performance by suggesting strategies but also the entire stakeholders whose effort can promote academic performance of children in primary schools; need to formulate academic committees advised by the members of school management committee on how to perform through motivational element aiming at doing well academically to promote the names of the school; it is imperative that the schools get in touch with the members of the school management committees who have some formal education to quickly understand the value of education and how plans for developments of certain sectors in school especially academic performance could be made; need to foster supervision that involves cooperation towards pupils 'performance by all stakeholders; appointing an active team that can do supervision to let children advance academically is healthy.…”
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Records Keeping and Financial Performance in Local Government: A Case Study of Rubanda District Local Government.
Published 2024“…The study findings show that the role of record keeping on financial performance of Rubanda district Local Government were Proper accountability, it improves auditing, it enables Easy of monitoring, Easy control of resources, it reduces waste of resources and it Improves effectiveness. …”
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Records Keeping and Financial Performance in Local Government: A Case Study of Rubanda District Local Government.
Published 2024“…The study findings show that the role of record keeping on the financial performance of Rubanda district Local Government was Proper accountability and improved auditing, it enables Easy monitoring, Easy control of resources, reduced waste of resources, and Improved effectiveness. …”
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Youth Involvement in Pornography and Academic Engagement in Selected Secondary Schools in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2024“…Social media platforms, internet sources, and private messaging applications were revealed as the primary sources for obtaining pornographic content, together with the widespread use of the internet and smartphones in the area of study, and unrestricted access and absence of proper supervision mechanisms by parents, teachers, and other school administrators on what the youth should watch in the digital era. …”
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Enhancing Plasticity and Compaction Properties of Clay Soil- Subgrade Using Iron Ore Tailings: A Case Study of Kabale District.
Published 2024“…Iron ore tailings are waste generated during the mineral processing process and are the main component of industrial solid waste. If not properly treated, Iron ore tailings cause many hazards such as land occupation, environmental pollution, and safety hazards among others. …”
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Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Case of Buhara Sub County, Kabale District.
Published 2023“…The study recommended that, Kabale District local government in conjunction with Buhara Sub County leadership should come up with ordinances and byelaws on how to improve community sanitation and hygiene practices especially improving toilet coverage, hand washing and proper disposal of the wastes to avoid stunting as they pose great risk to diarrheal diseases leading to mal-absorption food. …”
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Assessment of Hand-Hygiene Practices Among Health Care Workers at Kisoro Hospital, Kisoro District.
Published 2023“…The study also recommended that; there is need for proper quantification of hand hygiene items such as hand sanitizers, gloves, soap by the hospital management in order to avoid stock outs and while ordering for hospital supplies such items should be given priority since hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to reduce the prevalence of hospital acquired infections. …”
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Pembangunan Aplikasi Virtual Reality Tur Perumahan Pada Balimbingan Permai Regency (PT. Karya Propertindo Utama)
Published 2022-12-01“…Compatibility testing shows that the application can run properly when accommodating almost all usage scenarios on Android versions 6.0 to 9.0 …”
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Sistem Pakar Penentuan Penggunaan Bahan Tambahan Pangan untuk Produk Pangan
Published 2022-06-01“…Based on this, to avoid misuse of food additives that are not proper, it is necessary to build an expert system that can give information on determining the correct use by the desired food products with the help of an expert in the field of food additives. …”
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Combined Effects of Humic Acid-Modified Magnetic Biochar and AMF on the Properties of Saline-Alkali Soil and Photosynthetic Parameters of Muskmelon
Published 2024-12-01“…[Methods] Through response surface methodology, the effects of the ratio of magnetic biochar to humic acid (1∶4, 1∶6, 1∶8), the concentration of FeCl3 and FeSO4 reagents (0.02, 0.04, 0.06 g/mL), and the cross-linking duration (48, 72, 96 h) on HA-MBC were analyzed, to procure the optimum amendment scheme suitable for combined application with AMF. …”
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Pengukuran Tingkat Kapabilitas Sistem Pengolahan Data Survei Pada Manajamen Kinerja Dan Manajemen Data Operasi Menggunakan Dmbok Dan Cobit2019 Di BPS RI
Published 2023-07-01“…Based on the results of this study, recommendations have been made to optimize the Capability Level in both Performance Management and Data Operations Management of ICS so that it can be run properly in accordance with the goals of digital transformation of BPS. …”
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E-Monitoring Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Kejawanan Menggunakan Metode Agile Scrum
Published 2024-07-01“…Abstract The activities of the fishing industry in Kejawanan VAT produce liquid waste, which can cause environmental problems if not treated properly. The process of monitoring the water quality of PPN Kejawanan WWTP still uses a manual system. …”
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Pengembangan Gim Simulasi Kehidupan untuk Peningkatan Literasi Grafik Menggunakan Framework DPE
Published 2023-12-01“…The results of the black box testing show 100% valid in the test, so the system is proven to work properly. From the competency tests it can also be seen that the average score has increased from 70,657 to 81,090. …”
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Tradition and Development of Lithuanian Terminology
Published 2024-03-01“…However, during this short period of time, due to the efforts of terminologists—both linguists and specialists in the subject areas - the Lithuanian terminology has successfully played its proper role in the Lithuanian language of science and technology. …”
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Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Validasi Data Pembangunan Fiber Optik
Published 2021-11-01“…Problems that occur, in managing the validation of the results of the construction of optical fiber are not effective and not monitored properly, still done manually without using a system, so that the current process resulted in the development of data that is missed for validation. …”
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Evaluasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi di Dinas Pertanian Gianyar Menggunakan COBIT 2019
Published 2023-07-01“…If IT risks are not managed properly, IT can result in disrupted organizational operations that are not optimal. …”
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A key technology for synergistic backfilling of coal-based solid waste and high-salinity wastewater
Published 2025-01-01“…Background and Objective Limited by locations, as well as economic and technical levels, most of the coal-based solid waste is still accumulated in the form of open-air landfills without treatment, thus occupying large quantities of land resources and causing secondary pollution to the environment. The proper treatment and reduction of high-salinity wastewater (e.g., high-salinity mine water and high-salinity water from the coal chemical industry) represent a key link in the achievement of zero liquid discharge. …”
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Assessment of The Factors Affecting Management of Gender and Sexual Violence Against Women in Rural Communities: A Case Study of Kyanamira Sub County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The emerging themes and opinions were properly analyzed, and compared with the information that was obtained in the literature review. …”
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Career Development Programs and Employee Performance in Kanungu District, South Western Uganda
Published 2022“…The Town Councils in Kanungu District Local Government should provide adequate career advisory services to its staff as well as have adequate and proper career development plan for its staff to improve on their overall performance.…”
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