Efficient Authentication Mechanism For Defending Against Reflection-Based Attacks on Domain Name System
Published 2020-06-01Get full text
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¿Se volverá a equivocar el Banco de la República?. Dejen flotar la tasa de cambio
Published 2007-01-01“…Se teme que el banco central vuelva a irrespetar el mercado tal como lo hizo durante el período 1994-1999 durante la vigencia de la banda cambiaria, cuando desperdició recursos y tiempo tratando de defender una tasa y un sistema que finalmente tuvo que abandonar al darse cuenta de la imposibilidad de conseguir los objetivos propuestos.…”
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Relações Entre Pensamento e Linguagem: Explorações Teóricas no Contexto da Educação Matemática
Published 2002-06-01“… O presente artigo procura defender determinada perspectiva teórica acerca da relação entre pensamento e linguagem (aspectos simbólico-representacionais), propondo que esta última tem importância central e constitutiva no desenvolvimento conceptual, na medida em que pode se constituir em amplificador cultural decisivo para a construção de significado por parte do sujeito, sem contudo se constituir em aspecto fundante da própria cognição. …”
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The Role of Imperial Authorities in Electing Muslim Clerics across Yenisei Governorate, Mid-Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries
Published 2024-05-01“…However, believers tended to perceive their mullah as a defender of their interests even at the government level. …”
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Tiempo y libertad en lo educativo. Algunas notas latinoamericanas sobre el Manifiesto por la educación de Biesta y Säfström / Time and freedom in Education. Some Latin American not...
Published 2018-05-01“…A continuación, se argumenta cómo dicha articulación temporal, reduce las posibilidades de libertad que la misma proclama asevera defender. Finalmente, se comparten los principios centrales de Biesta y Säfström, pero se opone a una articulación temporal de corte universal que restringe caminos divergentes a formas diversas de libertad en el ámbito educativo. …”
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A relação entre ciência e ideologia em tempos de hegemonia financeira: a biotecnociência e o mercado de promessas
Published 2019-01-01“…In this sense, through a literature review of the specialized literature and the discourse analysis of central characters of the techno-scientific field on screen, we defend as central argument that the development of the economy around biotechnologies and, underlying it, the emergence of a “market of promises” have made scientific discourses begin to function ideologically as vehicles of capital accumulation.…”
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O sujeito-escritor e as transformações no campo literário: o caso Cristovão Tezza
Published 2014-01-01“…However, this idea of inclusion hides the more pungent dispute about this central space, which obviously does not include the diversity indiscriminately. …”
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Die zekerheid van het geloof - Bucer's antwoord aan Pighius
Published 2004-01-01“…Regensburg, 1541) achieved a certain consensus regarding the central theme of justification through faith. Both Rome and Luther turned this down. …”
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Immune Tolerance Regulation Is Critical to Immune Homeostasis
Published 2025-01-01“…The body’s immune response plays a critical role in defending against external or foreign antigens while also preserving tolerance to self-antigens. …”
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Afinidades e desencontros entre a concepção de Max Weber e Georg Simmel sobre a Cidade e a Liberdade
Published 2023-12-01“…Nesses dois pensadores da modernidade, aparece como tema central, a relação problemática entre a constituição da cidade e a liberdade. …”
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Published 2020-12-01“…The second article in this issue, from Johannes Stößel, Julian Schneidereit and Sonja Stockburger, focuses on intergenerational capital transfers in Germany. Central to the focus in this article is the constitutional provision in Germany for the protection of family-owned businesses. …”
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Is fides quaerens intellectum a scholarly enterprise? Some thoughts on confessional theology at a public university
Published 2011-06-01“…Such a case can even be made within the narrow confines of a modernist understanding of what constitutes true academic scholarship, given the centrality of the notion of intersubjectivity within such an understanding. …”
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