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Published 2020-07-01“…Nevertheless, the total reliability indices of the six substations under investigation as obtained from the analysis, and it shows that availability of power to FUPRE distribution is very poor as compared with the benchmark of IEEE ASAI of 99.99 for distribution substation availability. …”
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Pests and Fungal Organisms Identified on Olives (Olea europaea) in Florida
Published 2014-09-01“… Olive production in Florida has increased over the last few years. As trees become available in nurseries many homeowners are planting them in their landscapes. …”
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Treatment of biliary cysts of the liver and polycystic liver disease: a surgical view
Published 2010-02-01“…Following variants are defined: 1) percutaneous puncture and drainage of cysts with injection of sclerosing agents; 2) laparoscopic erasion of free walls of cysts with impact on remaining epithelium; 3) erasion of cysts by laparotomic access. …”
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Mathematical Modeling of the Transmission of Foot And Mouth Disease Virus in Cloven-Hooved Animals.
Published 2024“…(That is, if r(+ BI) > RS" Furthermore, we show that if the product of the infection rate, an exposure rate, and the population growth rate r is less than the product of the sum a + µ, and 6 + y +µthen the disease-free equilibrium will be stable (that is; a{]r < (a + +)(6 + y + µ), where 8, y are the disease-induced death rate and recovery rates, respectively). …”
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Thesis -
Spatiotemporal Assessment and Modelling of Roof-Harvested Rainwater Quality in Kigezi Highlands, Uganda
Published 2023“…Water is an everlasting free resource that is vital for life (Rahman, et al., 2014). …”
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Silicon photonic modulators with a 2 × 1 Fabry–Perot cavity
Published 2025-01-01“…Silicon photonics modulators based on a 2 × 1 Fabry–Perot (FP) cavity, which is circulator-free, are proposed and demonstrated by introducing two asymmetric multimode-waveguide grating (AMWG) reflectors and a short straight modulation section with interleaved PN junctions. …”
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Occurrence and diagnostic of intermittent shedding of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine mammary infection
Published 2025-02-01“…The literature overview shows that only a few studies (n = 6) examined occurrence of intermittent shedding of Staphylococcus aureus in milk at cow level. A detection-free period of ≤ 0.5–1 d was only observed in 3 studies.…”
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Matrix metalloproteinase-3 is a potent prognostic factor associated with cell proliferation and migration in prostate cancer
Published 2025-03-01“…However, the clinical and biological significance of MMP3 has not been well elucidated.We therefore immunolocalized MMP3 in prostate cancer tissues (n = 117) and demonstrated that MMP3 immunoreactivity was correlated with aggressive phenotype of prostate cancer, including higher proliferation/invasion ability, and shorter disease-free survival. In addition, subsequent in vitro analysis revealed that overexpression of MMP3 significantly increased the proliferative and migratory abilities of PC-3 and DU-145 prostate cancer cell lines, depending on conditioned media from WMPY-1 prostate stromal cells.It was concluded that MMP3 might contribute to prostate cancer progression by modifying the ECM surrounding prostate cancer cells and could serve as a potent prognostic factor in prostate cancer.…”
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Low Carbon Operation Optimization of lntegrated Energy System with Reversible Solid Oxide Cell
Published 2025-01-01“…Second,the IES low-carbon economic model of RSOC and CCS is constructed to improve the carbon emission reduction benefit of the model and minimize the economic operation cost. Finally,an improved IEEE-40 node power system in a city in Northwest China is used as an example and seven different configuration scenarios were analyzed. …”
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An optimal strategy for energy storage allocation in active distribution networks considering new energy consumption rates
Published 2025-01-01“…Case studies using the modified IEEE 33-bus system demonstrate that the optimal energy storage allocation derived from the proposed strategy effectively increases the consumption rates of wind and solar energy while enhancing the overall economy of the distribution networks.…”
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Effect of Induced Plant Expression on Ants and Extrafloral Nectaries Number in Cotton and Castor
Published 2021-12-01“…EFN is a cheap resource in quickly and effectively maintaining consistent population levels of biocontrol agents within the crops, even during pest-free times. …”
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Potential of ultrasound investigation in diagnostics of pseudomembranous colitis in surgical patients
Published 2012-04-01“…Set of ultrasound signs, according to which it is possible to suspect pseudomembranous colitis is determined: thickening and lamination of walls of the large intestine, paracolic edema, free fluid in abdominal cavity, depositions of fibrin on parietal and visceral peritoneum. …”
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Breaking linear scaling relationships in oxygen evolution via dynamic structural regulation of active sites
Published 2025-02-01“…This dynamic dual-site cooperation simultaneously lowers the free energy change associated with O–H bond cleavage and O–O bond formation, thereby disrupting the inherent scaling relationship in oxygen evolution reaction. …”
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Orbital-order as the driving mechanism for superconductivity in ruthenates
Published 2025-02-01“…While the Jahn-Teller effect is at the core of a strong electron-phonon coupling producing insulating states and orbital and bond orderings, its implication in superconductivity remains unobserved. Here, with parameter-free first-principles calculations, we reveal that superconductivity in A2RuO4 (A = Sr, Ca) emerges due to an electron-phonon mechanism associated with the proximity of an orbital and bond-ordered phase. …”
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Dynamics of revolving D-branes at short distances
Published 2020-01-01“…The method is to perform the modular transformation partially in the moduli parameter and rewrite the amplitude into a sum of contributions from both of the open and closed string massless modes. It is nevertheless free from the double counting and can approximate the open string amplitudes with less than 3% accuracy. …”
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Aryanization Bureaucrats in Post-Holocaust Romania
Published 2023-09-01“…However, most of these opportunistic bureaucrats were successful only in the short term; eventually their past caught up with them, and they were imprisoned by the communist authorities or had to flee the country to escape arrest. The article shows that the communist revolution was not as radical as the communist leaders liked to boast and that it did not immediately bring a complete transformation of the state, its institutions, and employees holding crucial positions. …”
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Real-time helium bubble growth in tungsten by in-situ GISAXS
Published 2025-03-01“…Nuclear fusion, as a carbon-free energy source, is actively pursued by the international community. …”
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The physics of meaning: More than inhuman?
Published 2022-12-01“…The ambition of this paper is to say that if “cultural science” accepts the need to rethink culture along scientific rather than just critical lines, then at the same time physics must rethink its own commitment to “culture-free” methodology. That has only yielded what we might call “meaningless universe theory,” without addressing ways that physics as a discourse is strongly marked by culture, with the usual signs of gender, race, and hegemony present in its methods. …”
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Gréckokatolícki mučeníci z obdobia neslobody 1939–1989
Published 2012-07-01“…Pass of the twentieth century in Central Europe is marked by two totalitarian systems, which grossly restricted the freedom of people and stifled any opposition speeches. These included the free expression of religion at all levels of society. …”
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Published 2024-02-01“…Ovary 3-locular, white silky tomentose; styles 3, free to the base, glabrous. Capsule subglobose, sparsely pubescent, furfuraceous. …”
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