Showing 321 - 340 results of 546 for search 'Vyasa~', query time: 1.31s Refine Results
  1. 321

    Explorando los componentes del crecimiento demográfico reciente de los municipios del sur de Europa: España e Italia en perspectiva comparada by Laura Marbán Martínez, Joaquín Recaño, Cecilia Reynaud

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Los datos empleados proceden del Padrón Continuo (España) y del Anagrafe della popolazione residente (Italia) de los años 2011 y 2021, las estadísticas vitales y los movimientos migratorios (internos e internacionales) del periodo 2011-2020. Se han calculado tasas locales de crecimiento real, natural y migración neta con las que se ha elaborado una tipología de crecimiento demográfico que recoge todos los patrones de crecimiento posibles en función de las combinaciones de los componentes. …”
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  2. 322

    Penggunaan Metode Eklektik Dan Mentoring Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Lisan Tenaga Pendidik Dan Kependidikan by Erniwati

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…MDC Surabaya yang disebabkan oleh rasa malu dan takut membuat kesalahan, anggapan bahwa bahasa Inggris susah untuk dipelajari serta pelatihan bahasa Inggris yang diberikan sebelumnya tidak efektif. …”
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  3. 323

    Persepsi Guru dan Siswa terhadap P5 Topik Pengelolaan Sampah di SMA Ibrahimy Wongsorejo by Hardiyanti Utami, Tuti Mutia, Sumarmi Sumarmi, Heni Masruroh

    Published 2025-02-01
    “… Tantangan masa depan menjadi perhatian khusus dalam mempersiapkan generasi penerus bangsa. …”
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  4. 324

    2023 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçim Sürecinde Siyasal Söylem: Meral Akşener Örneği by Ayşe Çelikbaş Aykut

    Published 2024-06-01
    “…Analizi yapılan metinlerde anlamı güçlendirmek, hatta seçmenine Altılı Masa’dan ayrılışının ‘haklı’ gerekçelerini sunmak amacıyla, kelime seçimi ve cümle yapılarının özenle seçildiği tespit edilmiştir. …”
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  5. 325

    O COLONIALISMO NO CORAÇÃO DA TEORIA CRÍTICA: a justificativa colonial em Karl Marx by Josias de Paula Jr.

    Published 2014-03-01
    “…Nesse contexto, pode-se observar com clareza o processo dialético que caracteriza a teorização social, no qual as ideias tanto refletem quanto informam as relações sociais de seu tempo. Nosso artigo visa lançar luz sobre as relações ambíguas entre a teoria de Karl Marx e o ideário colonialista que embasou uma vasta gama de opressões. …”
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  6. 326

    Brinquedos Têm Sexo? O Que Pensam as Educadoras sobre a Divisão Sexual dos Brinquedos Infantis? by Antonia Camila de Oliveira Nascimento

    Published 2019-07-01
    “…O presente trabalho versa sobre a análise da ideologia patriarcal/capitalista na definição dos brinquedos e brincadeiras infantis. …”
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  7. 327

    Innovación en sueño by Laura Vigil, Toni Zapata, Andrea Grau, Marta Bonet, Montserrat Montaña, María Piñar

    Published 2024-10-01
    “…Este trastorno afecta a mil millones de personas en todo el mundo, y tradicionalmente el diagnóstico se basa en la polisomnografía (PSG), un método laborioso que requiere personal especializado. …”
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  8. 328

    Un mondo di Storie by Marcello Petrucci

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Le persone che passano da Casa Betania, restano nei pensieri e nelle opere dei volontari anche dopo l’uscita dalla struttura. …”
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  9. 329

    Criando niños saludables: Dos años by Jamie C. Stolarz, Karla P. Shelnutt

    Published 2012-02-01
    “…Probablemente sea difícil de creer que el bebé que trajo a casa desde el hospital tiene ya dos años de edad. …”
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  10. 330

    Indonesia’s Approach towards Myanmar’s Crisis: Understanding the Different Perspectives of the Democracy Process in Indonesia and Myanmar and the Role of the Military by Aswin Ariyanto Azis, Firstyarinda Valentina Indraswari, Annisa Ridhatul Khatimah, A. Qalbi Faathimah Azzahra

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…Indonesia must become a role model as the champion for a civilian rule that will not make Myanmar’s military weaker, less prosperous, or no longer be appreciated as the glue of the country—but vice versa. This paper also recommends intensifying the Indonesian military to military engagement with Myanmar.…”
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  11. 331

    Precarização da assistência social e marco regulatório das organizações sociais by ILZAMAR SILVA PEREIRA

    Published 2022-02-01
    “… Este estudo versa sobre a Precarização da Assistência So- cial e a privatização do fundo público: o Marco Regulatório das Or- ganizações da Sociedade Civil (MROSC) referendado pelo Projeto Neoliberal, oculta “interesses públicos” conservadores que resultam, por um lado, na precarização da Assistência Social e na privatização do fundo público e, por outro, no fortalecimento do “Terceiro Setor”, transformando-o em um novo fetiche de enfrentamento das desigual- dades sociais na realidade brasileira. …”
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  12. 332

    Bokrecension: Tyst kunskap. En teoretisk ram för praktiknära forskning by Lars Bjørklund

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Denna forskningsram vidareutvecklar en teori om utveckling av expertis som skrevs fram av bröderna Dreyfus och det kan därför vara intressant att helt kort nämna dem och deras arbete." …”
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  13. 333

    Uchanganuzi Linganishi wa Nomino za Kiswahili na Zile za Kinyankore- Kikiga. by Kyomuhendo, Susan

    Published 2025
    “…Wanafunzi walihakikisha kuwa hawakuwa na vitabu vya kurejelea walipoambiwa kufanya uchunguzi huu na kwa hivyo, kulikuwa haja ya tafiti kama hizi kufanywa na baadaye vitabu kuandikwa kusaidia watu kuelewa na kujifuza lugha zao.…”
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  14. 334

    Racismo algorítmico: implicações na vivência de mulheres negras by Cyntia Barbosa Oliveira, Mariana Pinheiro de Souza

    Published 2024-09-01
    “… O presente artigo é construído a partir de uma metodologia qualitativa, traçando como objetivo a discussão teórica que versa sobre as implicações do racismo algorítmico na vivência de mulheres negras. …”
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  15. 335

    18. Yüzyıl İç Anadolu’sunda bir Osmanlı Köyü: Sinason by Hasan Ali Karasar

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Bu açımlama, dönemin önemli jeopolitik ve ekonomik zorlukları bağlamında kırsal yaşam, yönetişim ve adalet konularına dair bir bakış sunmaktadır. …”
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  16. 336

    Ne postoji obveza plaćanja lučkih pristojbi za luku koja nije proglašena lukom otvorenom za javni promet : [prikaz presude] by Vesna Skorupan Wolff

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…Kada sud poništi akt protiv kojeg je bio pokrenut upravni spor, predmet se vraća u stanje u kojem se nalazio prije nego što je poništeni akt donesen (čl. 62. …”
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  17. 337

    Recommended System Optimization in Social Networks Based on Cooperative Filter with Deep MVR Algorithm by Kim Hung Pho

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…In this research, we tried to provide a system of recommendations for introducing new users to previous users and vice versa based on the principles of machine learning. …”
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  18. 338

    Frontal Pole, Cingulate Gyrus, and Precuneus Cortex Represent the Confidence Level in Prediction of Other's Risky Decision-Making. by Ahmad Shoaa Haghighi, Soroush Safari, Elahe Oloumi, Hadis Jameei, Gholam Ali Hossein Zadeh, Abdol-Hossein Vahabie

    Published 2025-01-01
    “…Using behavioral data, we found that When participants answer correctly, their confidence level as a metacognition factor increases simultaneously and vice versa. Conclusion: These key findings suggest that the brain's activities can represent subjects’ confidence level in predicting risky behaviors and show how metacognition in the theory of mind for prediction of others’ choices is represented in the brain’s activity. …”
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  19. 339

    Türkiye’de Meydana Gelen 6 Şubat Kahramanmaraş Depremlerinin Vergi Gelirlerine Etkisi: Kahramanmaraş ve Hatay Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme by Arınç Boz, Adem Demirbozan

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Depremlerin birincil etkilerinden olan can ve mal kayıplarının dışında, sosyal yaşam, psikoloji ve de ekonomi üzerinde birçok etkisi bulunmaktadır. …”
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  20. 340

    Impact of patient compliance with inhaler therapy on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity: a rural tertiary care perspective by Nandakishore K. S., Preethiraj Ballal, Anirudha Katipalla, Shruthi Rai P., Supreetha T., Dixith T., Sanjay Srinivas, Shree Dhanusha, Pramod Pujar, Sushmitha Sudeesh, Vignesh T. M.

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…This relationship was found to be statistically significant proving that the higher the number of visits, the lesser the compliance and vice versa. Conclusions Our study highlights the importance of patient education about compliance to inhalers which is an economical and effective modality which has significant impact on reduction of exacerbations and morbidity.…”
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