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Decoding vascular aging: implications for atherosclerosis progression and clinical intervention
Published 2024-08-01“…In the review, we highlighted five altered vascular mechanisms in cardiovascular models: genomic instability, neurohormonal deregulation, epigenetics, protein regulation, and the gut microbiome. …”
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Molecular genetic methods for intestinal microbiome investigation
Published 2018-08-01“…Modern molecular genetic methods of microbial investigation combined to the established methods of classical microbiology give the chance not only to identify microorganism species and even a strain, but also to decipher their genomes, to estimate antibiotic resistance and to establish its mechanism at genetic level, to estimate specific properties of specific microbial strain that will allow to define potential and efficacy of their clinical application etc. …”
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Healthy lifestyle reduces cardiovascular risk in women with genetic predisposition to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Published 2025-02-01“…We evaluate the genetic risk for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy using a genome-wide polygenic risk score derived from a large-scale GWAS. …”
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Uma Aplicação da Abordagem de Personificação no Estudo de Imagem de País
Published 2009-01-01“…Por meio de análise fatorial exploratória, foram obtidas três dimensões de imagem de país, nomeadas como "Desafortunado", "Busca de Qualidade e Satisfação" e "Busca de Valor Econômico", sendo consistentes com o estudo original de Nebenzahl, Jaffe e Usunier (2003). …”
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How do monomorphic bacteria evolve? The Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and the awkward population genetics of extreme clonality
Published 2023-09-01“…Population genetic methods allowing to infer mutation, recombination, genetic drift, and natural selection make strong assumptions that are difficult to reconcile with clonal reproduction and fully linked genomes consisting mainly of coding regions. In this review, we highlight the challenges of extreme clonality by discussing population genetic inference with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, a group of closely related obligate bacterial pathogens of mammals. …”
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Processo de profissionalização docente: o contexto das práticas
Published 2014-08-01“…O exame das práticas dos professores destaca que planejar, desenvolver a aula, avaliar e mobilizar aprendizagens integram um único processo, racional e complexo, que compõe sua expertise, sendo a delimitação da atividade e definição da expertise importantes para a profissionalização docente. …”
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Participação e insurgência no contexto do Promaben em Belém do Pará
Published 2017-02-01“… O presente estudo resulta de pesquisa sobre o Programa de Macrodrenagem da Bacia da Estrada Nova (PROMABEM) em Belém-PA, com recorte sobre os processos de participação e mobilização no contexto do projeto, tendo como objetivo central analisar as ações desencadeadas pelos movimentos sociais urbanos e outras formas de organizações populares que tem implicado em modificações no planejamento do projeto em decorrência das mobilizações dos moradores atingidos. …”
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ANIMAIS EM SUA NATUREZA: um estudo de caso acerca das atitudes públicas em relação a animais, modificação genética e ‘natureza’
Published 2014-03-01“…Os resultados sugerem que animais GM são potencialmente um assunto polêmico, especialmente no domínio dos testes, devido à forma como estes simbolizam e expressam as tensões fundamentais entre as abordagens “moral” e “instrumental” com respeito a animais. …”
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Impact of donor CYP3A5 genotype on pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in South African paediatric liver transplant patients
Published 2024-04-01“…Blood samples from 46 living liver donors were collected, their genomic DNA was extracted, and their CYP3A5 genotype was established (polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, validated by Sanger sequencing). …”
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Phylogeographic breaks and how to find them: An empirical attempt at separating vicariance from isolation by distance in a lizard with restricted dispersal
Published 2023-08-01“…We identified four groups of populations within A. erythrurus, separated by barriers to gene flow, but even using nine independent nuclear makers the power of our approach was limited, and further investigation using genome-wide data will be required to resolve the phylogeographic history of this species. …”
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IL-23 tunes inflammatory functions of human mucosal-associated invariant T cells
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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ATP1B3 may promote glioma proliferation and migration through MAPK/NF-KB signaling pathway
Published 2025-02-01“…ObjectiveTo investigate the function of ATPase Na+/K+ Transporting Subunit Beta 3 (ATP1B3) in gliomas and the molecular mechanisms associated with them in order to identify a novel target and approach for glioma clinical diagnosis and treatment.MethodsThe Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a public tumor database, and the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) were used to evaluate the differential expression of ATP1B3 in glioma cells of various grades. …”
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Published 2007-01-01“…La estomatitis en ofidios es una condición de frecuente diagnóstico en la clínica de animales silvestres.Se relaciona principalmente con eventos estresantes como deficiencias medioambientales,nutricionales o una enfermedad subyacente, las cuales terminan favoreciendo el crecimientode gérmenes patógenos y, de esta forma, llevan a la muerte del animal. …”
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Published 2008-01-01“…Esta evaluación buscaba identificar los aspectos que predisponen a la población a actuar de una forma determinada utilizando el modelo metodológico denominado teoría de facetas; este modelo parte de una frase mapa que enmarca la hipótesis, y con la cual se elaboró el cuestionario de evaluación que se aplicó a 106 habitantes de la comunidad de Gandoca, lo que corresponde al 40% del total de pobladores según el instituto nacional de estadística y Censos (2000). en general, los resultados mostraron que la actitud de la población de Gandoca hacia el uso que se le debe dar a las tortugas marinas se basa en el elemento emocional, donde el turismo tiene gran aceptación, y donde existe en limitada medida la responsabilidad de las acciones hacia el objeto de la actitud.…”
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PGC-1α activation to enhance macrophage immune function in mycobacterial infections.
Published 2025-01-01“…Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is a protein essential for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome stability, integrity, and metabolism. Both PGC-1α and TFAM regulate mitochondrial biogenesis and activity, and their disruption is linked to inflammatory signaling and altered macrophage function. …”
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Published 2014-04-01“…Uno de los rasgos más llamtivos de la investigación histórica y a la vez principal factor responsable de tal escepticismo es la coexistencia de múltiples interpretaciones de los mismos eventos o procesos. Dado que la relatión entre la realidad pasada y nuestros productos cognitivos es lo que está en cuestión, resultará valioso investigar hasta qué punto la filosofía de Roy Bhaskar, Realismo Crítico, podría iluminar estos problemas. …”
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Parques Nacionales y la configuración de un destino turístico: transformaciones socio territoriales en San Martín de los Andes, Argentina (1937-1955)
Published 2021-01-01“…La metodología consistió en el análisis de bibliografía especializada y fuentes de distintas procedencias: archivos de la Administración de Parques Nacionales, Censos Nacionales y de Territorios Nacionales; y guías de turismo y otras publicaciones que circularon durante el período de análisis. …”
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AutoPVPrimer: A comprehensive AI-Enhanced pipeline for efficient plant virus primer design and assessment.
Published 2025-01-01“…The pipeline uses Biopython to automatically retrieve different genomic sequences from the NCBI database to increase the robustness of the subsequent primer design. …”
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The Role of the Pathoanatomical Diagnosis «Chronic Gastritis» in the System of Personified Cancer Prevention
Published 2018-09-01“…The activity of gastritis (infiltration of the mucosa with neutrophilic leukocytes) of any etiology is the theoretical justification for the use of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate pharmacological preparation to protect the genome of stem cells of the gastric epithelium as a secondary prevention of gastric cancer.…”
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