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- Psychology 5
The Clinical and Economic Impact of Employees Who Are Care Partners of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis by Disease Severity
Published 2023-04-01“…More care partners of patients with moderate/severe vs mild MS had hyperlipidemia (32.6%/31.8% vs 21.2%), hypertension (29.5%/29.7% vs 19.3%), gastrointestinal disease (20.8%/22.9% vs 13.1%), depression (9.2%/10.9% vs 3.9%), and anxiety 10.6%/8.9% vs 4.2%). …”
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Association of reported sleep disturbances with objectively assessed mild cognitive impairment among adults in the United States
Published 2025-02-01“…The unadjusted odds ratio (uOR) for experiencing trouble falling asleep most of the time was 1.69 (95% CI: 1.42–2.03), for trouble waking up most of the time was 1.31 (95% CI: 1.10–1.57), and for waking up early most of the time was 1.88 (95% CI: 1.51–2.35). …”
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Heme-Iron OptiFer® in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy
Published 2022-03-01“…RESULTS: The post-treatment hemoglobin and ferritin were significantly high in the heme-iron OptiFer® group (11.2±7.1 gm/dL and 112.8±54.8 ug/l, respectively) compared to the ferrous fumarate group (10.9 ±5.1 and 89.9±43.3, respectively; p=0.0002 and p=0.006; respectively). …”
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Published 2017-01-01“…La EDA de GC se calculó en 3.251 kcal/kg MS. La EDA de GC en MCI dependió de NA (P < 0 , 001) estimándose en 4.427 , 3 y 3.769 , 3 Kcal/kg MS para NA10 y NA12, respectivamente. …”
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Maximal and Explosive Muscle Strength During Hip Adduction Squeeze and Hip Abduction Press Test Using A Handheld Dynamometer: An Intra- and Inter-tester Reliability Study
Published 2023-08-01“…Relative reliability for all tests was assessed using ICC~2,1~ two-way mixed model with absolute agreement, thereby taking bias between testers into account…”
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Clinical Features and Prognosis of Double-Positive Anti-MDA5 and Anti-CCP Antibodies in Dermatomyositis: A Retrospective Study
Published 2025-02-01“…Interstitial lung disease (ILD) was diagnosed in 17 cases (94.4%), with non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and organizing pneumonia (OP) combined with NSIP being the most predominant, as they presented in 6 cases (33.3%) each. Two of the ILD cases (11.1%) developed into rapidly progressive ILD (RP-ILD). …”
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Distribution Characteristics and Coupling Relationship Between Soil Erosion and Hydrologic and Sediment Connectivity in Changchong River Basin
Published 2024-12-01“…The higher value is mainly located in the low-lying flat area with low slope and easy water accumulation, while the lower value is mainly in the steep mountainous area. (3) Topographic factors and land use types significantly affected soil erosion and hydrological and sediment connectivity (p<0.01). The relatively low soil erosion intensity and hydrological and sediment connectivity levels, the higher erosion intensity and connectivity levels accounted for a higher proportion of arable land, but a smaller proportion of woodland and grassland. …”
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Ультразвуковой мониторинг легких при COVID-19 пневмониях в ОРИТ: межэкспертная повторяемость при выполнении врачами анестезиологами-реаниматологами: ретроспективное двухцентровое к...
Published 2024-11-01“…РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: 16-зонный протокол независимо от типа используемой шкалы — LUS или LUS NMHC — обладает высокой межэкспертной повторяемостью с корреляцией результатов между операторами > 0,9 (p > 0,001). При этом значение корреляции > 0,9 (p > 0,001) сохраняется независимо от времени, через которое были пересмотрены кинопетли как экспертом, так и начинающим специалистом. …”
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Association of blood manganese and selenium levels with hepatic steatosis among adolescents: a nationwide cross-sectional analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…In the fully adjusted model, adolescents in the highest quartile of blood manganese had more than twice the odds of hepatic steatosis compared to those in the lowest quartile (OR = 2.41, 95% CI: 1.55–3.75, P < 0.01). Similarly, the highest quartile of blood selenium was associated with a 57% increase in hepatic steatosis prevalence compared to the lowest quartile (OR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.19–2.08, P < 0.01). …”
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Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Levels in Early and Late Onset Preeclampsia
Published 2020-12-01“…Results: Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels were significantly higher in women with preeclampsia compared to those without preeclampsia (p<0.001); in women with early-onset preeclampsia compared to those with late-onset preeclampsia (p<0.001); and in women with late-onset preeclampsia compared to those without preeclampsia (p=0.028). …”
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The Effect of Prognostic Nutritional Index and Systemic Inflammatory Index in Endometrioid Type Endometrial Cancer
Published 2024-12-01“…LVSI positivity was 8.2% in the presence of low SII and 44.1% in the presence of high SII (p<0.001). LVSI positivity was 23.3% in the presence of low PNI and 11.1% in the presence of high PNI (p=0.025). …”
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The role of polymorphism (rs1800566) of NAD(F)H quinone oxidoreductase-1 in development of acute pancreatitis
Published 2018-08-01Subjects: “…над(ф)н-хиноноксидоредуктаза 1…”
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The Effect Of Mild Exercise Induced Dehydration On Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3) Scores: A within-subjects design.
Published 2021-04-01“… # Methods Seventeen recreationally competitive, non-concussed participants (age: 23.1±3.1 years, height:168.93±10.71 cm, mass: 66.16 ± 6.91 kg) performed three thermoneutral, counterbalanced sessions (rested control, euhydrated, dehydrated). …”
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Health-related quality of life in hemato-oncology patients: role of informativeness and doctor-patient communication
Published 2024-05-01“… # Results Patients' sociodemographic data, the disease's determinants, the patients' information about their disease and the quality of doctor-patient communication predicted 26.8 % variance of global health status (*F* = 2.756, *p* \< .01), 35.7% variance of physical functioning (*F* = 4.196, *p* \< .01), 23.3% variance of role functioning (*F* = 2.291, *p* \< .05), 29.9% variance of emotional functioning (*F* = 3.215, *p* \< .01) and 27.9% of social functioning (*F* = 2.881, *p* \< .01). …”
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The role of candidate genetic polymorphisms in covid-19 susceptibility and outcomes
Published 2025-02-01“…PRS was not associated with COVID-19 susceptibility and hospitalization, it however significantly predicted COVID-19 severity (P = 0.01). Conclusion This study highlights the importance of genetic testing for key host genes involved in COVID-19 life cycle and eventually measuring the PRS which proves to be an important tool for prognosis assessment in vulnerable individuals, potentially enhancing patient care.…”
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Аналіз шумів залізничного транспорту: аналітичний огляд
Published 2023-06-01“… Україна, Європейський Союз та інші країни визначають шумове забруднення довкілля як одну з основних проблем сучасного світу [1]. Згідно з Директивою з шуму навколишнього середовища 2002/49/ЄС кожна держава Євросоюзу повинна дотримуватися низки принципів, серед яких проведення моніторингу рівнів шуму, відкрите опублікування інформації про стан навколишнього середовища та складання карт шуму міст. …”
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The Comparative Mental Health Responses Between Post-Musculoskeletal Injury and Post-Concussive Injury Among Collegiate Athletes: A Systematic Review
Published 2021-02-01“…Peak depressive symptoms in athletes who sustain a concussion or musculoskeletal injury occur within one-week post-injury. …”
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Особливості робочого процесу в детонаційній камері складної конфігурації
Published 2023-06-01“…Як паливо використовувалася воднево-повітряна суміш стехіометричного складу під тиском 101,3 кПа при температурі 298 К. Ініціювання детонації здійснювалося у вхідному або вихідному перерізі камери. …”
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