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Contaminants in the Urban Environment: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)—Part 2
Published 2015-05-01“… Pharmaceuticals and personal care products contain a variety of chemical substances that enter household wastewater from bath and shower, sinks, and washers and ultimately find their way into the environment. …”
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Published 2024-04-01“…The paper adopts qualitative analysis to serve as a method for data collection; it draws on a variety of research sources, including academic journals, news articles, and reports from international organizations. …”
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Music therapy and psychological-clinical impact in surgery: a systematic review
Published 2022-10-01“… # Methods The main procedure was to search for studies on various scientific platforms such as PubMed, Medline, PsycINFO and CINAHL.Many studies pertaining to the topic in question were examined and from the variety of articles available, thirty-four were selected that fully reflected the focus of this review…”
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State of the art and new directions using DNA and other molecular markers in forensic entomology
Published 2024-12-01“…Beginning with the use of single mitochondrial genes, the range of DNA-based markers available to forensic entomologists has grown to include a wide variety of individual mitochondrial and nuclear genes, and has further expanded to include the analysis of whole genomes and transcriptomes. …”
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Sucrose Accumulation Maturity Curves for CP 72-2086
Published 2004-04-01“…A full comparison of CP 72-2086 SPT trends with 12 other CP cultivars may be found in EDIS Fact Sheet SS-AGR-221 Maturity Curves and Harvest Schedule Recommendations for CP Sugarcane Varieties ( This document is SS-AGR-213, one of a series of the Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Sucrose Accumulation Maturity Curves for CP 70-1133
Published 2004-04-01“…A full comparison of CP 70-1133 SPT trends with 12 other CP cultivars may be found in EDIS publication SS-AGR-221 Maturity Curves and Harvest Schedule Recommendations for CP Sugarcane Varieties ( This document is SS-AGR-212, one of a series of the Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Zostań MovieStarPlanet! – czyli o partycypacji kultury dziecięcej w kulturze cyfrowej
Published 2018-06-01“…The analysis of children’s e-folklore allowed formulating conclusions on the communal and creative functioning of children in a selected web place, a rich variety of themes and types of undertaken communication initiatives and the existence of specific features of children’s language suggesting the existence of the internet aspect of children’s culture. …”
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Tree Risk Assessment Methods: A Comparison of Three Common Evaluation Forms
Published 2014-02-01“…Experienced arborists can aid in this decision process by conducting a professional risk assessment that specifies the likelihood of whole or partial tree failure, the consequences of such a failure, and the potential targets affected. A variety of risk assessment methods have been developed to guide professionals through the tree inspection process. …”
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Contaminants in the Urban Environment: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)—Part 1
Published 2015-05-01“… Pharmaceuticals and personal care products contain a variety of chemical substances that enter household wastewater from bath and shower, sinks, and washers and ultimately find their way into the environment. …”
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Professional Disease Management Guide for Ornamental Plants
Published 2012-06-01“…Florida’s warm, humid environment is a gardener’s paradise and a great location for ornamental plant producers to grow numerous plant species—but these conditions also are suitable for the development of a wide variety of plant pathogens and insects that can spread them. …”
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Assessment and Management of Hurricane Damaged Timberland
Published 2005-05-01“… Every year, southern timberland is damaged by hurricanes, ice storms, or tornados somewhere in the region. In response, a variety of information sources have been developed to address the many issues associated with such damage. …”
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Coral Reef Conservation Strategies for Everyone
Published 2016-10-01“…Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet; an essential habitat for a wide variety of animal and plant species. About 400 million people rely on coral reef fish as a source of protein; about 6 million people make a living by catching and selling coral reef fish and invertebrates; tourism activities like SCUBA diving and snorkeling provide revenue of US $9.6 billion per year; and reefs reduce wave energy by 97%, helping to protect 197 million people in coastal areas from beach erosion, wave energy, and flooding. …”
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Fertilizer Experimentation, Data Analyses, and Interpretation for Developing Fertilization Recommendations — Examples with Vegetable Crop Research
Published 2011-11-01“…The optimum fertilizer amount is determined from extensive field experimentation conducted for several years, at multiple locations, with several varieties, etc. This 10-page fact sheet focuses on the research principles behind determining the optimum rate of fertilizer, including experimentation and interpreting research results for optimum crop production and quality in conjunction with minimal environmental consequences. …”
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Głosić odważnie na rozstajach dróg. Zadania głosiciela słowa Bożego w środowisku zsekularyzowanym
Published 2021-12-01“…Wśród najważniejszych zadań stojących przed kaznodziejami głoszącymi w środowisku zsekularyzowanym należy wymienić: głoszenie z posłania i w imieniu Kościoła, głoszenie słowa Bożego, mimo niesprzyjających okoliczności i zagrożeń, budzenie pragnienie Chrystusa w sercach słuchaczy oraz odważne głoszenie na rozstajach dróg. …”
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Zdania afinitywne w ujęciu kontrastywnym i diachronicznym na podstawie wybranych fragmentów tekstu Psałterza floriańskiego
Published 2024-12-01“…Pokazano, że afinitywne modele zdań należy uznać za pełnoprawne syntagmy. Uniwersalność i regularność zdań pozbawionych verbum finintum oraz ich niezależność w kodowaniu predykacji nakazują uznać je pod względem tworzenia zdań za równoprawne formacje zdaniowe. …”
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Arabscy chrześcijanie wobec astrologii na podstawie traktatu „O wierze chrześcijan w wyroki gwiazd” Eliasza z Nisibi
Published 2017-04-01“…Eliasz z Nisibi należy do najbardziej płodnych pisarzy chrześcijańskich języka arabskiego swojej epoki. …”
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Pielgrzymka jako pozalekcyjna forma katechezy
Published 2024-04-01“…To od niego przede wszystkim zależy, czy otworzy się na świętość, podda się działaniu Boga. …”
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Christian and Culture in the Personalist Thought of Stefan Wyszyński
Published 2021-10-01“…W tym sensie, twórczą aktywność na rzecz kultury należy widzieć w kontekście realizacji pełni osobowości człowieka nie tylko w wymiarze doczesnym, ale także nadprzyrodzonym. …”
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