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Avusturya Kamuoyunda Bosna-Hersek’in İşgali: Biat ile Direniş Arasında Bosna-Hersek Müslümanları 1878-1879
Published 2025-01-01“…Bu işgaldeki Müslüman direnişi ve direnişin bastırılmasındaki çatışma sahneleri Taror kartlarını süsleyecek kadar Avusturya kamuoyunda büyük bir tarihi zafermişçesine geniş yankı uyandırmıştır. …”
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Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula : a practical guide /
Published 2008Table of Contents: “…Preface -- Acknowledgments -- About the author --Part 1: Frame Of Reference -- 1: Learning-centered approach to course and curriculum design -- 2: Expanding role of faculty in accreditation and accountability -- 3: Staying informed -- 4: Scholarship and faculty rewards -- 5: Introduction to the model and its benefits -- 6: Diagramming -- Part 2: Process -- 7: Making the decision to go ahead -- 8: Getting started -- 9: Linking goals, courses, and curricula -- 10: Gathering and analyzing essential data -- 11: Thinking in the ideal -- 12: Adjusting from the ideal to the possible -- 13: Clarifying instructional goals and learning outcomes -- 14: Designing and implementing your assessment plan: Overview and assessing a curriculum -- 15: Designing and implementing your assessment plan: Assessing a course -- Part 3: Designing, Implementing, And Assessing The Learning Experience -- 16: Designing the learning experience: Research on teaching and learning -- 17: Designing the learning experience: Your instructional options -- 18: Using technology to support learning / Wallace Hannum -- 19: Distance learning / Wallace Hannum -- 20: Meeting the needs of adult learners / G Roger Sell -- 21: Addressing diversity / G Roger Sell -- 22: Developing a learning-centered syllabus -- Part 4: Your Next Steps -- 23: Using your data: curriculum and course revision -- 24: Learning from experience -- Resources -- Case studies -- References -- Index.…”
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The impact of macroeconomic policies on poverty and income distribution : macro-micro evaluation techniques and tools /
Published 2008Table of Contents: “…Ferreira ... [et al.] -- Part 3: Distributional effects of trade reform : an integrated macro-micro model applied to the Philippines / François Bourguignon and Luc Savard -- Simulating targeted policies with macro impacts : poverty alleviation policies in Madagascar / Dennis Cogneau and Anne-Sophie Robilliard -- Wealth-constrained occupational choice and the impact of financial reforms on the distribution of income and macro growth / Xavier Giné and Robert M. …”
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Grzech pierworodny a obraz Boży w człowieku
Published 2014-11-01“…Przez grzech Adama ludzka natura została pozbawiona łaski uświęcającej oraz pewnych darów wiążących się ze stanem pierwotnym. Człowiek wciąż jest obrazem Boga i jest do Niego podobny, ale grzech pierworodny ogranicza wyrazistość tej fundamentalnej właściwości ludzkości stworzone przez Boga, a człowieka stawia na drodze oczekiwania na przyjście jego Odkupiciela. …”
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The mediating role of parental attachment in the relationship between parenting styles and identity achievement among secondary and preparatory school students
Published 2023-06-01“…Hence, quantitative data were collected and path analysis via linear regression was employed to determine the path coefficients of the variables under consideration. Based on Baron and Kenney’s requirements of single mediation, simple and multiple linear regressions were made to determine the beta value of the four paths. …”
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Transformasi Mindset Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Profesional di MTs Al-Barokah Robotika
Published 2025-02-01“…Kepuasan guru dan peserta didik, bersama dengan reputasi positif madrasah, turut menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang berdaya saing dan relevan di era modern. …”
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A brief essay on the administrative system of astrakhan kalmyks by Ivan Cherkasov: problem of authorship, reflection of the main stages of kalmyk history and features of public adm...
Published 2024-11-01“…The problem of authorship lies in the fact that in the catalogues of the state libraries of the Russian Federation, the author indicates Baron I. A. Cherkasov, who lived in the 18th century. …”
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Investigation of the Physical Properties of Different Ion Species at Hadron Therapy; A Comprehensive Study
Published 2025-01-01“…Materials and Methods: In this work, protons Caron- and Oxygen-Ions are considered as hadron beams while irradiating a given tumor located at soft tissue equivalent phantom to mimic the patient body using FLUKA simulation code. …”
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Miktadha ya Kisintaksia itokanayo na Makusudio ya Mawasiliano katika Uibuzi wa Miundo Virai Kubalifu ya Kiswahili.
Published 2024“…Nadharia ya Uchunguzi wa Kimaeneo ya Joshua Aaron Fishman mwaka (1972) ilitumika katika uchanganuzi na uwasilishaji wa data. …”
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Analysis on Yields of Optimal Spaced and Broadcasted Grain Amaranth in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2025“…The experiment was carried out on the Kabale University farm.T he results of this study demonstrate that out of a total of 20 observations, the majority of roots, 75%, fall within the 1-4 length range, constituting 15 instances. …”
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Thesis -
Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian Hipertensi pada Pra Lansia dan Lansia di Kelurahan Kedaung Kota Depok
Published 2024-12-01“…Latar Belakang: Provinsi Jawa Barat menempati posisi ketiga dengan kejadian hipertensi tertinggi di Indonesia. …”
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FathomDEM: an improved global terrain map using a hybrid vision transformer model
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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The Role of Exchange Rate As a Moderating Variable in CAR, NPF and BOPO Influencing Profitability
Published 2025-01-01“…Originality/value (State of the art): The originality/value (State of the art) of this research is by providing empirical evidence about the importance of risk management and operational efficiency in determining the financial performance of Sharia Commercial Banks. …”
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Analisis Kemiskinan Digital Indonesia di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Published 2022-02-01“…This research consists of two parts, firstly is mapping digital poverty using QGIS and secondly is comparing digital poverty with economic poverty into four quadrants. …”
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Promoting Computational Access to Digital Collections in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: An Icelandic Use Case
Published 2025-01-01“…This paper is an extension of the workshop focusing on computational access at GLAM institutions delivered at the 2024 edition of Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB) Conference.1 This paper aims to provide a framework for creating a collection of Jupyter Notebooks using GLAM digital collections following best practices and guidelines and as part of a Collections as data publication workflow. …”
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Dunia Yao - Utopia /
Published 2009“…Verbal art and documentary literature in African languages = Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen ;…”
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