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A literary-historical analysis of Daniel 2: two powers in opposition
Published 2002-06-01“…The latter enables the researcher to formulate the theological values or persuasions which the writer wished to convey to her readers. Secondly, synchronic and diachronic insights are integrated in an analysis of the text. …”
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Generosity and Solidarity -A Biblical Contribution and Perspective in Response to Poverty in Africa.
Published 2024“…Poverty has always existed but the Holy Bible isn’t silent about it speaks about the poor and needy but at the same time commands the faithful to give generously to those that are less fortunate in society (( Deut. 24:17-22, 2 Cor. 8 & 9). …”
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Rancang Bangun Purwarupa Pemilah Sampah Pintar Berbasis Deep Learning
Published 2022-06-01“… Pengolahan sampah di Indonesia masih menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang besar dan belum terselesaikan. …”
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Menciptakan Layanan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan secara Profesional, Moderm dan Bermartabat Berbasis Teknologi Digital
Published 2022-02-01“… Keterbatasan sumbar daya manusia pengawasan ketenagakerjaan serta kondisi georgrafis negara Indonesia yang berupa kepulauan, merupakan alasan utama pentingnya penggunaaan teknologi digital dalam penyelenggaraan pengawasasn ketenagakerjaan. Masih lemahnya koordinasi antar instansi terkait pengawasan ketenagakerjaan, mengkibatkan sistem pendataan dan pelaporan penyelenggaraan pengawasan ketenagakerjaan belum berjalan dengan baik. …”
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Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on Girl Child Education in Buhunga Sub-County Uganda.
Published 2025“…IIs; 01 Parish Chief; 04 LCIs; 03 CWC; 05 CYC. Data collection instruments were structured questionnaires and interviews to collect data on the effects of teenage pregnancy on Girl Child Education in Buhunga Sub-County of Rukungiri District, Uganda. …”
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Growth performance and meat quality of medium-growing chickens fed with live black soldier fly larvae
Published 2025-12-01“…The fatty acid of the breast and thigh was influenced by the inclusion of the BSFL in the diet. …”
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Evaluasi Kualitas Proyek Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Pemerintah Daerah Menggunakan Project Management Body of Knowledge
Published 2024-07-01“…Pada sub process group Plan Quality mengenai belum terbitnya regulasi kerjasama dengan dinas terkait pelaksanaan sistem pelayanan perijinan, sedangkan pada Quality Assurance terdapat temuan bahwa saat ini Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Perijinan masih belum dijalankan, ujicoba hanya dilaksanakan sebatas tim pengawas dan tim IT pada DPMPTSP Kota Denpasar saja. …”
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Black Carbon Concentration and Potential Source Regions: A Case Study of the Yellow River Basin in Shandong Province, China
Published 2024-05-01“…Higher BC concentrations were found in Jinan, Tai’an, Jining, and Dezhou, situated in the central part of the study area. …”
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Gravitational waves and dark matter in the gauged two-Higgs doublet model
Published 2025-01-01“…The results indicate that forthcoming detectors such as BBO, LISA, DECIGO, TianQin and Taiji could potentially detect the gravitational wave signals generated by the FOEWPT. …”
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Pemanfaatan Arsitektur Microservice untuk Peningkatan Performansi Website Lomba nasional Kreativitas Mahasiswa
Published 2024-08-01“…Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa arsitektur microservice berhasil meningkatkan throughput tanpa mengalami penurunan, meskipun rata-rata error rate sebesar 8.52% masih memerlukan perbaikan. Dengan demikian, arsitektur microservice dapat menjadi solusi untuk meningkatkan performansi website LO Kreatif, namun perhatian terhadap aspek perangkat keras juga krusial untuk mendapatkan performansi optimal. …”
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Sistem Klasifikasi Jenis Sampah Berdasarkan Kombinasi Fitur Warnac Tekstur Menggunakan Artifical Neural Network Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital
Published 2024-08-01“…Namun, diberbagai tempat pembuangan sampah, dua jenis sampah tersebut masih tercampur antara satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan implementasi teknologi pengolahan citra digital untuk pemilahan sampah menggunakan metode Artifical Neural Network. …”
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Büyük Birader’i Deneyimlemek: Bir Eleştirel Distopik Anlatı Örneği Olarak Orwell Keeping an Eye on You
Published 2021-06-01“…Baskı ve tahakküm dolu bir evren sunmasıyla distopyaya, protagonistin kendi eylemleriyle bu baskı ve tahakkümden kurtulabilmesini içerdiği için ütopyaya benzetilebilecek eleştirel distopyalar, bu iki türden de izler taşır. Video oyunları, etkileşime ve hikâyeye doğrudan müdahil olma imkânı sunmasıyla günümüzde popülerliğini gün geçtikçe artırmaktadır. …”
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2000-2020 Yılları Arasında Rus Sineması ve Milliyetçilik 1612 Adlı Film Örneği Üzerinden Analitik Bir İnceleme
Published 2022-12-01“…Milliyetçiliğin benimsetilmesinde tarih ve dil gibi iki temel etkiden yararlanılmaktadır. …”
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ParSite is a multicolor DNA labeling system that allows for simultaneous imaging of triple genomic loci in living cells.
Published 2025-01-01“…Intriguingly, the hybrid ParS (ParSh) of half-ParSc and half-ParSm enables for the visualization of a third locus independent of ParSc or ParSm. …”
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Perancangan Data Warehouse Untuk Menunjang Akreditasi Program Studi
Published 2022-10-01“…Akibatnya, dalam penyediaan data untuk proses akreditasi masih dilakukan secara manual dengan mengambil dari berbagai sumber dari berbagai aplikasi sehingga akan memakan waktu yang lama. …”
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Investigation of the Effect of Grout Viscosity on The Bearing Capacity of Sandy Soil.
Published 2023“…Soil tests were conducted, which included; particle size distribution and CBR test while the viscosity test was carried out on the grout using the Marsh funnel viscometer. Results indicate that the penetration resistance of the grouted soil decreases with a decrease in the viscosity of the grout. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of Soil Erosion on Crop Production in Kyanamira Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The study was conducted in three Parishes in Kyanamira Sub-County. A total sample of 114 out of 225 targeted populations was selected to participate in the study. …”
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The Contributions of Pineapple Growing on Farmers Welfare.
Published 2020“…The study used both purposive and simple random sampling to select respondents and used a sample size of sixty nine (69) respondents selected from six parishes within the sub county. In addition, the study used qualitative and quantitative techniques in data analysis. …”
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Challenging Gender Norms: Male Physicians' Perspectives on Family Planning in Rural Islamabad
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Assessing the Effect of Counselling On Academic Performance of Primary Learners in Three Selected Primary Schools in Rubaare Sub-County, Ntungamo District.
Published 2023“…This is because as long as learners are counseled they become faithful to each other and this enhances peace in the school. 15( 19%) of the respondents who were interviewed noted that School dropout by children is the main challenge faced by most families. 15(19%) of the total respondents mentioned that the absence of counseling in learners results in strikes and this happens because most of these learners end up fighting and quarreling. …”
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