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Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Propagation
Published 2019-11-01“…While sexual propagation (by seed) results in plants that are not genetically the same as the mother plant, asexual propagation (cuttings, division, air-layers, and grafting) creates offspring that are clones of the mother plant. Cloning fruit trees is important because it allows different cultivars to be preserved over time. …”
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o interior das escolas profissionais femininas
Published 2025-02-01“…Os resultados encontrados apontam para uma similaridade na existência de alguns elementos em escolas profissionais femininas congruentes na forma de dispor para que seja possível estabelecer um diálogo entre alunas e o que era necessário ser ensinado. …”
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Diastolic dysfunction of myocardium and change of <i>Q–T</i> interval at chronic hepatitis C
Published 2012-11-01“…In patients at liver cirrhosis stage elongation of Q-Tc interval was significantly more frequent (40% of cases) in comparison to patients at hepatitis stage (6,25%). …”
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The assembly factor Reh1 is released from the ribosome during its initial round of translation
Published 2025-02-01“…Reh1-bound ribosomes are also strongly enriched for initiator tRNA, indicating they are associated with early elongation. Using cryo-electron microscopy to image Reh1-bound 80S ribosomes, we found they contain A site peptidyl tRNA, P site tRNA and eIF5A, indicating that Reh1 does not dissociate from 60S until translation elongation. …”
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Kaznodzieja, coach czy influencer? Kogo preferuje współczesny odbiorca medialny?
Published 2021-12-01“…Większa obecność głosicieli słowa Bożego w Internecie oraz poszerzenie ich kompetencji o umiejętności coachingowe i influencerskie stwarza szanse do efektywniejszej ewangelizacji i skuteczniejszej prezentacji treści ewangelicznych. …”
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Słowo Boże a życie osobiste i wspólnotowe według pierwotnej katechezy cenobickiej
Published 2017-10-01“…Analiza tekstów reguł monastycznych prowadzi do wniosku, że wszystkie zalecenia i praktyczne rozstrzygnięcia płynące ze słowa Bożego służyły budowaniu wspólnego życia osób, które odpowiedziały na dar powołania do „świętej koinônii”. …”
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CAFTA and U.S. Sugar
Published 2019-05-01“…The quota amount increases to 151,140 metric tons by the end of the 15-year period. …”
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Reseña: El transporte público en la provincia de Castelló. Pasado, presente y futuro
Published 2024-03-01“…Pasado, presente y futuro. Castelló de la Plana: Diputació de Castelló, colección Universitària-Geografia i Història, 544 pp. …”
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Breaking the Myth of the „Chinese Wall“
Published 2023-12-01“… Apie Leono Nekrašo disertaciją „„Pafrontė“: Valstybė ir visuomenė Lietuvos pasienyje su Lenkija 1920–1939 m.“ ir jos gynimą / On Leonas Nekrašas’ Thesis „„Frontline Area“: State and Society in Lithuania’s Borderland with Poland in 1920–1939“ …”
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Reseña: El transporte público en la provincia de Castelló. Pasado, presente y futuro
Published 2024-03-01“…Pasado, presente y futuro. Castelló de la Plana: Diputació de Castelló, colección Universitària-Geografia i Història, 544 pp. …”
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Słowo i obraz. Homilia w transmisji audiowizualnej
Published 2021-12-01“… Artykuł podejmuje problem wpływu czynnika technologicznego na percepcję homilii głoszonej podczas Mszy św. transmitowanej w radiu, telewizji czy też za pomocą streamingu internetowego. Przepowiadanie słowa Bożego jest poddane tym samym prawom, co inne transmisje live. …”
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Aksjologiczne wymiary nędzy w Dzienniczku Faustyny Kowalskiej – perspektywa językoznawcza
Published 2018-09-01“…Analiza semantyki występujących w tekście użyć słowa nędza wskazuje na jego różne znaczenia, odbiegające od typowych znaczeń leksykalnych podawanych przez słowniki. …”
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“Quando Mulambo caminhar, é que alguma coisa vai fazer”: encruzilhada, movimentos e acertos
Published 2025-02-01“…Essa etnografia foi possível, a partir do encontro com Dona Padilha, Dona Mulambo, Dona Maria e Dona Sete Saias nas giras. …”
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Analysis of the composition, characteristics, and antifungal properties of cutin in goji berry fruits at different developmental stages
Published 2025-02-01“…Spore germination and germ tube elongation in A. alternata were significantly inhibited by treatment with cutin extracts from goji berries at different developmental stages. …”
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Antenatal Ultrasound Findings from a Fetus that was Ultimately Diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis in the Mid Neonatal Period: A Case Report
Published 2013-12-01“…The pyloric muscle is hypertrophied and the pyloric channel becomes narrow and elongated, causing gastric outlet obstruction. This is a case report of antenatal ultrasound findings from a fetus that was ultimately diagnosed with pyloric stenosis in the mid neonatal period. …”
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D-stem mutation in an essential tRNA increases translation speed at the cost of fidelity.
Published 2025-02-01“…The efficiency with which aminoacyl-tRNA and GTP-bound translation elongation factor EF-Tu recognizes the A-site codon of the ribosome is dependent on codons and tRNA species present in the polypeptide (P) and exit (E) codon sites. …”
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Marketing Strategies and Organization Performance: A Case Study of Rukiga SACCO Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
Published 2023“…Editing of the questionnaires was cloned to ensure there were no errors. Analysis of quantitative data was cloned using statistical analysis techniques such as the frequencies, means, and percentages Analysis of qualitative data was done using content analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Mechanical behavior of synthetic fiber ropes for mooring floating offshore wind turbines.
Published 2025-01-01“…The strain and reversible elongation of the cables at each stage were analysed, and an empirical formula for quasi-static stiffness considering the creep coefficient of the ropes was established. …”
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