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Published 2014-04-01“…Perscruta, num lado, possibilidades do conhecimento na condição atual da discussão sobre paradigmas que se querem científicos , e, noutro,produção e aplicação de métodos que corresponderiam ao anseio da demarcação científica. …”
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Personalized medicine: An alternative for cancer treatment
Published 2024-01-01Get full text
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Infestation of Ixodidae Ticks in Cattle: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in Ambo District, Western Ethiopia
Published 2022-02-01“…Adult Ixodid ticks were collected from different body parts of infested cattle, preserved in 10% formalin and transported to Ambo University Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory for stereomicroscopic identification to species level. …”
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Maternal and neonatal complications in the Beds Regulation Center in Maringá’s macro-region
Published 2014-04-01“…From January to June 2013 there were a total of 2215 requests for ICU beds in the Hospital Beds Regulation Center, with 221 for pregnant woman and 103 for newborn infants. 9 of the cases were requests for both the mother and the baby. The women’s average age was 24.5 years, 60.5% from 20 to 34 years of age; the majority (37.44%) has had no children, and 90% were in the third trimester, mostly with gestational age of 34 weeks. …”
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Syphilis and Urogenital Diseases during Pregnancy and Developmental Defects of Enamel: A Brazilian Prenatal Cohort (BRISA)
Published 2025-02-01“…Material and Methods: This study is a prospective cohort – the Brazilian Ribeirão Preto and São Luís Cohort Study (BRISA) – including 865 mother-child dyads, evaluated in three moments: prenatal care (22nd and 25th weeks of gestational age); baby birth; and between 12.3-36 months of age. The outcome was assessed according to the modified DDE index. …”
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Effects of Pollution on <i>Vibrios</i> in Woji River
Published 2013-07-01“…The average population density of vibrios ranged from 21MPN/100ml at Oginigba (station 1) to 1100MPN/100ml at Trans Amadi by slaughter (station 3) in April and 43MPN/100ml to 1100MPN/100ml in November respectively compared to plate counts that ranged from 2.2 x 105cfu/100ml to 1.6 x 108cfu/100ml in April and 3.2 x 105cfu/100ml to 2.6 x 108cfu/100ml in November respectively. …”
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A transmutação: das Letras à Sociologia
Published 2024-03-01“…Fundamento os argumentos aqui apresentados em teóricos diversos, tanto da educação, do pensamento crítico, quanto da Sociologia, dos clássicos aos contemporâneos. …”
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Ecofriendly colorimetric set-up coupled with mathematical filtration strategy for simultaneous determination of ipratropium and fenoterol in their novel anti-asthmatic metered dose...
Published 2025-02-01“…The method also conformed well to the recently published blueness (BAGI tool) and whiteness (RGB12 tool) concepts.…”
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Homines in extremis: o que pesquisadores-lutadores nos ensinam sobre o habitus
Published 2015-10-01“…Utilizo aqui a coletânea de etnografias carnais das artes marciais e esportes de combate, organizada por Raul Sanchez e Dale Spencer sob o título Fighting Scholars (2013), para chamar atenção para a fecundidade do uso do conceito de habitus como objeto empírico (explanandum) e como método de investigação (modus cognitionis). …”
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Valoración de competencias específicas del profesional en Psicología desde la Universidad de Costa Rica
Published 2012-12-01“…Se obtuvieron altos niveles de “importancia” en todas las competencias, y se destacaron las relacionadas con la ética profesional y la capacidad para concretar un ejercicio profesional integral y contextualizado. Aquí, el trabajo interdisciplinario obtuvo altos niveles de “importancia”, pero bajos niveles de “cumplimiento”. …”
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Incidence of Postpartum Depression and Associated Risk Factors in Antenatal Women: A Cohort Study
Published 2025-01-01“…Background: The incidence of postpartum depression (PPD) varies across cultures, regions, and communities, and there are very few studies addressing this issue, henceforth making it difficult to estimate the actual burden of the disease. …”
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Didáctica proyectual: un acercamiento documental a las configuraciones narrativas identitarias de cátedra en la FAUD, UNMDP / Project-design Didactics: A documentary approach to na...
Published 2018-04-01“…El Plan de Beca aborda esta didáctica específica en una de sus manifestaciones narrativas sobre la disciplina y su enseñanza: los Planes de Trabajo Docente de tres opciones de cátedra para una asignatura del Ciclo Introductorio en la carrera de Arquitectura de FAUD, UNMDP. Presentamos aquí fragmentos investigativos correspondientes al análisis documental de uno de estos tres textos que conforman el universo de análisis; se exponen, asimismo, los principales objetivos y lineamientos de indagación de los paisajes semióticos con-formados como vía para la comprensión de sus prácticas y los fundamentos allí inscriptos. …”
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Hasan Al-Banna's Approach In Reconciling The Flow Of Salaf And Khalaf: Study And Evaluation
Published 2023-11-01“…The work of Hasan al-Banna, particularly the book al-'Aqa'id, is emphasized to clarify three suggestions meant to address the disagreements between the Salaf and Khalaf over the nature of khabariyyah. …”
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MARXISMO, PÓS-MARXISMO E REALISMO CRÍTICO: reflexões acerca do debate Bhaskar/Laclau
Published 2014-04-01“…A questão principal a ser considerada aqui representa o nó-górdio do Marxismo, a saber, em que medida é possível discordar filosoficamente, mas concordar politicamente. …”
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Penerapan Animasi 3D pada Media Pembelajaran Mengenal Huruf Vocal untuk Anak 2-4 Tahun
Published 2020-12-01“…Pengenalan huruf vokal bagi anak usia dini harus diperkenalkan sejak dini karena huruf vokal berfungsi untuk merangkai huruf dari kumpulan konsonan yang dijadikan suatu perkataan. …”
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Desain Layanan E-Surat untuk Desa Waru Barat, Pamekasan, Madura menggunakan QR-Code
Published 2021-11-01“…Sementara itu hasil user acceptance testing dengan melibatkan perangkat desa dan warga masyarakat sebagai pengguna utama menunjukkan tingkat dayaguna dan penerimaan sangat tinggi masing-masing 97,2% dan 95,6%. Dari hasil di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan aplikasi e-surat ini terbukti sangat berguna bagi pemerintah dan warga desa terutama yang berdomisili di luar desa. …”
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Suatu Pendekatan Hibrid Menggunakan Topsis - Entropi pada Penentuan Siswa Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi Berbasiskan Kriteria Objektif
Published 2021-02-01“…Keterbatasan dana beasiswa ditambah dengan siswa yang berhak menerima bantuan adalah berjumlah banyak, menghendaki adanya suatu sistem yang dapat membantu dalam penentuan siswa penerima beasiswa. Penelitian kami menerapkan pendekatan hibrid dari Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) metode Entropi dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). …”
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Menciptakan Layanan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan secara Profesional, Moderm dan Bermartabat Berbasis Teknologi Digital
Published 2022-02-01“…Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pemanfaatan teknologi digital dapat membantu penyelenggaraan pengawasan ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberi masukkan bagi instansi terkait dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan teknologi digital di bidang pengawasan ketengakerjaan. …”
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Geografía del éxito futbolístico en España: la influencia de la densidad demográfica
Published 2024-04-01“…Se mide el éxito futbolístico de una demarcación territorial a partir del cálculo de las clasificaciones obtenidas por su equipo (o equipos) al término de cada temporada de Liga en primera y segunda división durante el período considerado o en distintas etapas del mismo. …”
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