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Die verstaan en funksie van die Ou Testament in die kerk (of: kan die kerk klaarkom sonder die Ou Testament?) Deel I
Published 2002-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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Como Desenvolver Aulas de Matemática Centradas na Resolução de Problemas
Published 2024-12-01“… No artigo se propõe um modelo didático aplicável na organização de aulas de Matemática baseadas na resolução de problemas, gerado a partir de uma pesquisa desenvolvida com estudantes para professor de Matemática que participaram num curso de resolução de problemas matemáticos, projetado para propiciar sua atividade cognitiva e metacognitiva, enquanto se dedicavam à busca da solução de problemas matemáticos apresentados pelo professor no contexto das aulas do referido curso. …”
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A emergência do Facebook como instrumento de luta por reconhecimento
Published 2023-09-01Subjects: “…Facebook; Luta por reconhecimento; Redes sociais…”
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Nogo Osing Apps: Aplikasi Smart Farming Buah Naga Berbasis IoT
Published 2024-02-01“…Kombinasi arduino, microcontroller, sensor flow, soil moisture dan modul relay dapat memonitoring suhu dan kelembaban tanah guna menghasilkan buah naga yang optimal. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu metode research and development. …”
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Vibraharp: perkusinio-klavišinio instrumento klaviatūros dėklas ir jo naudojimo būdas
Published 2024-04-01“…Šis dėklas padeda apsaugoti instrumento klaviatūrą nuo nepageidaujamo fizinio poveikio bei sugadinimo, ir leidžia patogiau bei efektyviau sumontuoti ir išmontuoti klaviatūrą, instrumento surinkimo ir išardymo metu. …”
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,,Cura animarum" of the Preachers Order in the Background of the Medieval Monkhoods Soul Salvation Development
Published 2006-12-01“…During the development of individual cult, there began a gradual exclusion of the majority of elements, which so far belonged to "cultus publicus," out of parish obligation ("cura animarum ordinaria") to include them in "cura animarum extraordinaria." …”
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NAVA: A Network-Adaptive View-Aware Volumetric Video Streaming Framework
Published 2025-01-01“…This paper introduces NAVA, a novel network-adaptive view-aware volumetric video streaming framework for XR scenes consisting of multiple volumetric sequences. …”
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Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guia de Accion Juvenil
Published 2007-07-01“…Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2006. CIR 1269S/FR140: Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guía de Acción Juvenil ( …”
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A Saúde nos governos Temer e Bolsonaro: Lutas e resistências
Published 2020-01-01“…A mercantilização das políticas sociais, em especial da saúde, faz com que surjam novos mecanismos de luta e resistência, entre eles a Frente Nacional contra a Privatização da Saúde. …”
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Reginaldo Voltou pra Casa: Colaborações da Psicanálise à Luta Antimanicomial
Published 2024-11-01“… O presente trabalho resulta do atendimento clínico a um paciente internado em um hospital público voltado para pacientes com alterações cardíacas, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O paciente em questão apresentava uma grave cardiopatia, sendo necessária internação após episódio de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). …”
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Fuga de capitales: un mal endémico de la economía mexicana
Published 1997-08-01“… La fuga de capitales se convirtió en un mal endémico cuando entro en crísis la estrategia financiera del gobierno de Salinas de Gortari. …”
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Published 2013-06-01“… The Reformed Funeral Songs and Territorial Customs in the Nádas River Area. In this paper I will present the customs regarding the Hungarian reformed funeral songs in the area by the stream Nádas, an area that is located in the heart of Kalotaszeg in Romania. …”
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Sobór w Konstancji wobec Jana Husa i Hieronima z Pragi
Published 2016-01-01“…Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie rozwiązania problemu Jana Husa i Hieronima z Pragi przez Sobór w Konstancji. …”
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Syrian Refugees’ Perceptions About the Representations of Syria and Syrians on Turkish News Media
Published 2022-06-01“…This huge number inevitably causes refugees to be included in public and news media agenda daily. In this regard, this paper aims to present the Syrian refugees’ perceptions of the portrayals of Syria and Syrians on Turkish news media through a qualitative study. 22 Syrian immigrants living in Turkey have been interviewed. …”
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Voorveronderstellings in die hantering van die verhouding tussen Ou en Nuwe Testament. 'n Beskrywing na aanleiding van Friedrich Baumgärtel
Published 2004-06-01“…The Bible or Canon comprises two Testaments. 3. Both the Old and the New Testament convey the powerful word of God. 4. …”
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Pedagogika muzealna. Cele, idea, kierunek rozwoju i zastosowanie w praktyce na przykładzie „lekcji muzealnej” w polskim muzeum historycznym
Published 2015-03-01Subjects: Get full text
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„Oni się tylko bawią” – czy tylko? Kontrowersje wokół hasła nauka przez zabawę
Published 2022-10-01Subjects: Get full text
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