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Estigmatización territorial en la ciudad neoliberal: percepciones y reacciones ciudadanas en las periferias sociales de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España)
Published 2020-09-01“…El estigma es un proceso de naturaleza intangible que debilita los sentimientos de pertenencia, deteriora los vínculos sociales y, en última instancia, agrava las duras condiciones de existencia de entornos urbanos con claros signos de exclusión social. …”
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Las políticas urbanísticas municipales en España: 40 años de ayuntamientos democráticos (1979–2019)
Published 2020-04-01“…Para ello, se establecen tres períodos de análisis temporal: 1979–1991; 1992–2007 y 2008–2019, cuya delimitación se realiza teniendo en cuenta, también, la evolución de la dinámica inmobiliaria y las fechas de celebración de las elecciones municipales. …”
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Hieronimowa krytyka pelagianizmu w Dialogu przeciw pelagianom
Published 2014-09-01“…Idzie on bowiem po linii, którą prezentuje choćby św. Augustyn. Jednakowoż na szczególną uwagę zasługuje sposób, w jaki to czyni, specyfika jego podejścia. …”
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Att samtala om det omätbara
Published 2025-01-01“…She uses the epistemology of Nicholas of Cusa and her philosophy is sometimes close to theology, even if she always keeps a safe distance from religious beliefs. …”
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Polemika na temat natury małżeństwa na łamach „Ateneum Kapłańskiego” z projektem prawa małżeńskiego Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej w okresie międzywojennym
Published 2023-03-01“…Jednak dyskusja prowadzona na jego łamach nad projektem prawa małżeńskiego Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej odegrała dużą rolę w środowisku katolickim. …”
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The Oxford handbook of language and law /
Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Courtroom discourse -- Discourse in the US courtroom / Gail Stygall -- Courtroom discourse in Japan's new judicial order / Mami Hiraike Okawara -- Courtroom discourse in China / Meizhen Liao -- The language of criminal trials in an inquisitorial system : the case of the Netherlands / Martha L. …”
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Manual of Clinical anesthesiology :
Published 2021Table of Contents: “…-- Hemodynamic collapse following a mainstem intubation -- Hypoxemia during tracheostomy -- Anesthetic depth and mask ventilation in the prone position -- Jet ventilation through a cookgas airway exchange catheter -- End of case evaluation and management of a patient post airway mass excision -- Possible recurrent laryngeal nerve injury -- Obstructive sleep apnea, and dead in bed -- Bilevel positive air pressure, decreased sensorium, aspiration and capnography -- Perioperative management of a patient previously treated with bleomycin undergoing thoracic surgery -- Intra-operative airway fire -- Obesity hypoventilation syndrome -- Circulation-related cases -- Hemorrhage during endovascular repair of thoracic aorta -- Pacemakers and automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators -- Acute myocardial infarction during laparoscopic surgery -- Sickle cell and preeclampsia -- Dysrhythmias in a patient with Crohn's disease -- Hematologic disorders: hemophilia and disseminated intravascular coagulation -- Blood transfusion and the Jehovah's Witness patient -- Cardiac and pulmonary contusions -- Intraoperative coagulopathy -- Hypotension in chronic methamphetamine user -- Venous air embolism during arteriovenous malformation repair -- Cardiac tamponade -- Case of intraoperative new-onset atrial fibrillation -- Valvular disease -- Obstetrics-related cases -- Labor epidural with unrecognized dural puncture, causing high sensory block, hypotension, fetal bradycardia and post dural puncture headache -- Acute pulmonary dysfunction immediately after cesarean delivery under general anesthesia -- Jehovah's Witness with placenta previa and increta for cesarean hysterectomy -- A pregnant patient with mitral stenosis -- Unrecognized uterine hyperstimulation due to oxytocin and combined spinal-epidural analgesia -- Super morbidly obese patient for elective repeat cesarean section -- Probable amniotic fluid embolus -- Emergent cesarean section -- Pregnancy plus atrial septal defect vs Eisenmenger Syndrome -- Uterine abruption -- Pediatric-related cases -- Neonatal resuscitation following spontaneous vaginal delivery -- Anxious, coughing and bound to obstruct -- Special diseases/conditions/situations -- Hypothermia during laparoscopic nephrectomy -- Operating room management case scenarios -- Anaphylaxis reactions -- Autonomic dysreflexia -- Porphyrias -- Monitored anesthesia care: medical implications; and wrong-sided operations: legal implications -- Diabetic ketoacidosis in the urgent anesthesia setting -- Fever, altered mental status, and rigidity in the perioperative course -- Neuro/neuromuscular-related cases -- Emergent craniotomy for evacuation of epidural hematoma -- Hyperkalemia and residual neuromuscular blockade after kidney transplantation -- A defasciculating dose of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker -- Postoperative monocular vision loss -- Delayed emergence after aneurysm clipping -- Pain and regional anesthesia related cases -- Unintentional dural puncture in a patient with severe preeclampsia -- Complex regional pain syndrome -- Vascular absorption of local anesthetic producing systemic toxicity -- Inadvertent high spinal in parturient -- Outpatient surgery-related cases -- Plastic surgery in a surgeon's office -- Orthopedic surgery in an ambulatory surgicenter -- Eye surgery at an outpatient surgicenter -- Endoscopic sinus surgery at an outpatient sugicenter.…”
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Nonlinear Association Between the Liver Fat Content and the Risk of Hyperuricemia in Prediabetic Individuals: Evidence from Cross-Sectional Health Screening Data in China
Published 2025-02-01“…Ao Liu,1 Xin Li,2 Xueyi Zhang,1 Keke Chen,3 Zhi Zou,4 Yongbing Sun,1 Jing Zhou,5 Zhonglin Li,4 Xiaoling Wu,6 Xue Lv,5 Hao Li,7 Zhiping Guo,8 Yongli Li5 1Department of Medical Imaging, People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Medical Imaging, People’s Hospital of Henan University, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 3Department of Medical Imaging, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Xinxiang Medical College, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 4Department of Medical Imaging, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 5Department of Health Management, Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Chronic Disease Health Management, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 6Department of Nuclear Medicine, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China; 7Department of Health Management, Fuwai Central China Cardiovascular Hospital, Zhengzhou, 451464, People’s Republic of China; 8Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Chronic Disease Health Management, Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Hospital, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of ChinaCorrespondence: Yongli Li, Department of Health Management, Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Chronic Disease Health Management, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, 450003, People’s Republic of China, Email shyliyongli@126.comPurpose: The impact of hepatic lipid accumulation on hyperuricemia presents an intriguing research avenue, particularly in light of existing studies linking obesity with hyperuricemia. …”
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Kurčiųjų ar neprigirdinčiųjų tėvų ir girdinčiųjų vaikų šeima: dviejų atvejų tyrimas
Published 2024-12-01“…Tačiau, skirtingai nei ankstesnės kartos, kurtieji tėvai nebandė kalbėti garsu su girdinčiaisiais vaikais, nes jau dabar žinoma, kad toks būdas nėra veiksmingas. Išanalizavus tiriamąją medžiagą, galima daryti išvadą, kad abi šeimos nesistengė specialiai vaikų mokyti nei lietuvių garsinės, nei lietuvių gestų kalbos. …”
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Taking into account students' psychotypes and using their neuropsychological maps when implementing digital educational technologies within the Metaverse
Published 2025-02-01“…It was revealed that learning using digital online technologies in the context of the Metaverse has a positive effect on the development of the mobility of neural processes, and cognitive and psychophysiological mechanisms, increases the involvement and motivation of students to acquire new knowledge, helps to normalize the balance between the psychophysiological processes of excitation and inhibition, activates the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for will, emotions, self-awareness, motivation and communication, contributes to the development of communicative competence, critical thinking and creative potential of the student's personality. …”
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A Casa Azul na Chapada do Araripe: a experiência de uma incursão no Sertão do Cariri
Published 2014-05-01“… Esse texto é fruto de uma incursão da autora ao Sertão do Cariri, cuja experiência trouxe o contato com a socio e biodiversidade do lugar, gerando reflexões profundas e a necessidade de um olhar complexo para essa realidade. …”
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Bone within bone as a calcified chronic extra-dural hematoma mimicking ossified chronic subdural hematomas: a rare case report in pediatric patients
Published 2025-02-01“…It is common in young adults presumably due to relatively lax adhesion of dura to calvarium. Case Presentation We report a case of 10-year-old female who presented in emergency department with complaints of headache, repeated attacks of seizure, disorientation and sudden loss of consciousness for 2 days. …”
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Contribuições da enfermagem na promoção à saúde do trabalhador plataformizado
Published 2025-02-01“…Métodos: revisão da literatura que culminou na apresentação de três eixos de análise e reflexão: Os fundamentos teóricos necessários para uma reflexão crítica acerca das novas organizações de trabalho do neoliberalismo; O trabalho plataformizado e riscos de acidentes e adoecimento; Contribuição da enfermagem para promoção da saúde do trabalhador plataformizado. …”
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Desenvolvimento e governança de investimentos externos: apontamentos sobre Moçambique
Published 2015-01-01“…Teoricamente assenta-se no debate em torno da concepção de desenvolvimento e de governança cuja preponderância, atualmente, sugere uma mudança fundamental tanto na gestão corporativa como na governamental. …”
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Anfetaminas o una cena de campeonato: ¿por qué nadaban más rápido los deportistas de Harvard? Recuperando un estudio silenciado por la política antidopaje
Published 2024-12-01“…La versión relegada al olvido fue la de una parte de los asistentes al congreso sobre dopaje de la UNESCO de 1964, cuyas actas nos han permitido conocer las debilidades argumentales de la política antidopaje. …”
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Transecto espacial urbano-rural: procesos socio-territoriales en la España escasamente poblada: el caso del Valle del Tiétar
Published 2025-02-01“…El método se implementa en un caso de estudio, el Valle del río Tiétar, al sur de la provincia de Ávila, una comarca cuya debilidad demográfica se ha visto agravada en las últimas décadas y ha estado sometida a procesos de reequilibrio espacial. …”
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“As flores do mal”: A experiência da denegação do outro generalizado na internet
Published 2020-01-01“…A fuga deste conflito acaba por trazer à tona um novo conflito para seus atores. …”
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Published 2014-04-01“…O movimento hip-hop representa outra forma de resposta juvenil de moradores da periferia à vivência no mundo urbano, cuja especificidade e a criação de uma identidade positiva para jovens pobres e o impulso para a criação artística, em que se faz o relato e a denúncia do cotidiano da cidade. …”
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Ordenación territorial supramunicipal de tipo bottom-up y top-down en España: el caso valenciano
Published 2023-02-01“…Para conjugar ambos tipos de demarcación, en 2018 se presentó una nueva ley valenciana de mancomunidades que promueve un modelo mixto: mancomunidades clásicas bottom-up al lado de mancomunidades de interés comarcal (voluntarias pero adaptadas a un esquema top-down). …”
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