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Suggested Topics within your search.
- methods 55
- Moral and ethical aspects 26
- Research 23
- Methodology 17
- Statistical methods 10
- Study and teaching 10
- Mass media 9
- Professional ethics 7
- therapy 7
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- History 6
- Management 6
- Physical Examination 6
- Social sciences 6
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- diagnosis 6
- Anatomy 5
- Child 5
- Ethics 5
- Extremities (Anatomy) 5
- Human anatomy 5
- Information technology 5
- Law 5
- Legal ethics 5
- Psychology 5
- Public administration 5
- nursing 5
- Abdomen 4
- Biochemistry 4
- Chest 4
Perbandingan Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Analytic Hierarchy Process Untuk Pemilihan Supplier pada Restoran
Published 2022-02-01“…Simple and easy calculations are the advantages of SAW, detailed data is the advantage of AHP, compared to Euclid and Distance for determining the best method, which has a value close to zero. …”
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Rancang Bangun Case Based Reasoning untuk Diagnosis Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Nilam menggunakan Nearest Neighbor Kombinasi Certainty Factor
Published 2020-05-01“…CBR uses the similarity Nearest Neighbor method to find similarities between cases that are in the retrieval stage. …”
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E-Monitoring Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Kejawanan Menggunakan Metode Agile Scrum
Published 2024-07-01“…Therefore, this research will design an e-monitoring for the Kejawanan PPN Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to monitor the test results of the Cirebon PPN Kejawanan WWTP. The method used in system development is using the Agile method with the Scrum framework and using functional suitability and usability system testing that refers to ISO 25010. …”
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Analisis Keselarasan Teknologi Informasi dan Bisnis Menggunakan Strategic Alignment Model Maturity (SAMM) di Universitas Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur
Published 2022-06-01“…This research is a descriptive qualitativeresearch with a case study method approach and data analysis using the Pattern Matching method. …”
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Pengembangan Aplikasi Berlatih Membaca Cepat Berbahasa Inggris Berbasis Progressive Web App dengan Metode Prototyping
Published 2024-10-01“…User satisfaction assessments, conducted using the SUS method, yielded a score of 84, categorizing it as grade B and considered acceptable. …”
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Improving Fugitive Dust Emission Inventory from Construction Sector Using UAV Images Recognition
Published 2024-06-01“…This methodology offered detailed activity level information by distinguishing various types of construction lands and equipment. …”
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Pollution Characteristics and Source Analysis of Carbonaceous Components in PM2.5 in a Typical Industrial City
Published 2024-03-01“…OC was divided into primary organic carbon (POC) and secondary organic carbon (SOC) using the minimum R squared (MRS) method, and the highest and lowest amounts of SOC were generated in winter and summer, respectively. …”
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Impact of the Late Miocene Cooling on the loss of coral reefs in the Central Indo-Pacific
Published 2025-02-01“…Here, we present a TEX<span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M1" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow><msubsup><mi/><mn mathvariant="normal">86</mn><mi mathvariant="normal">H</mi></msubsup></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="11pt" height="17pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="2a07f66c340e5ca419639b2784f7d244"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="cp-21-405-2025-ie00001.svg" width="11pt" height="17pt" src="cp-21-405-2025-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span>-based sea surface temperature (SST) record for the Coral Sea, suggesting that the LMC is present across the Central Indo-Pacific. …”
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Segmentasi Pelanggan Majalah pada Situs Web E-Commerce dengan K-Means++ dan Metode RFM
Published 2024-12-01“…Abstract Customer segmentation is one method that can be applied to maximize business opportunities. …”
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Effects of non-contact electric fields on the kidneys and livers of tumour-bearing rats [version 6; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
Published 2025-02-01“…Histopathological cross-sections of the kidneys and livers were made using the paraffin method and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Histological scoring used the post-examination masking method with 100 visual fields per group. …”
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Penerapan Metode K-Medoids untuk Pengelompokan Mahasiswa Berpotensi Drop Out
Published 2023-02-01“…One of the analyzes carried out is the clustering method. How clustering works by grouping data or objects into clusters (groups). …”
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Integrating Hybrid Team-Based and Case-Based Learning in Dental Education Transformation
Published 2025-02-01“…The CBL is another way to fill the TBL ‘gap’ which is a student-centered learning method in which regular clinical scenarios are solved as case reports, responsibilities of Student-to-Student teaching in particular topics to promote professional diagnosing, and ethical practice planning. …”
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Strategic approaches to human resources management in the Post of Serbia: A case study
Published 2024-01-01“…The authors conducted the research using the survey method, and the further processing procedure was carried out thanks to the statistical program SPSS version 26. …”
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A critical evaluation of religious syncretism among the Igbo Christians of Nigeria
Published 2021-12-01“…The study adopts a qualitative phenomenological research design and descriptive method for data analysis. Personal interviews and library resources constitute the primary and secondary sources of data, respectively. …”
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Radar-measured passerine vertical speeds reveal a migratory switch near a major barrier
Published 2025-02-01“…Our findings represent an undescribed migration initiation and termination switch with implications for flight and stopover scheduling. The method extends the scope of aeroecological research for addressing individual-level migration behavior.…”
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"Kiedy dzieci są niegrzeczne, nie wiem, co się zdarzyć może!" Obraz dzieci grzecznych i niegrzecznych w polskich piosenkach dziecięcych
Published 2022-10-01“…The qualitative analysis of the linguistic layer of these lyrics, carried out using the discourse analysis method, enabled the author to reach the vision of the social world propagated by them. …”
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Relieve Adversarial Attacks Based on Multimodal Training
Published 2025-01-01“…This paper first introduces the principles and types of adversarial attacks, as well as basic concepts and related methods, including Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), Projected Gradient Descent (PGD), DeepFool, and Jacobian Saliency Map Attack (JSMA). …”
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Transfert de masse non-stationnaire depuis des particules sous écoulement
Published 2023-08-01“…A new characterization method is proposed and validated using experimental data. …”
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Denitrification in Seepage-Irrigated Vegetable Fields in South Florida
Published 2005-02-01“… Seepage irrigation is the most common irrigation method in south Florida on muck and sandy soils, and consists of maintaining a water table perched on an impermeable layer. …”
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