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Aquaculture Applications of the Family Gobiidae
Published 2020-06-01“… Marine ornamental fish production is still in its infancy compared with its freshwater counterpart. …”
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Hubungan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-Crm) Terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Pustaka
Published 2023-07-01“…Aplikasi strategi e-CRM juga mempengaruhi kelangsungan aktivitas rumah sakit melalui peningkatan loyalitas dan retensi pasien. Selain itu faktor keberhasilan penerapan E-CRM sebagai alat untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan loyalitas pasien adalah faktor manusia, diharapkan petugas medis memiliki sikap melayani yang baik, sopan, adil dan humanis. …”
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Bruxism repercussions in muscular activation: Ultrasound differences in abdominal wall between women with and without bruxism. A cross-sectional study.
Published 2025-01-01“…Age was not a significant predictor (p = 0.506), suggesting its limited role in this context.<h4>Conclusion</h4>The results of this study support the existence of an association between bruxism and the abdominal wall muscles structure and activation. …”
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Las identidades políticas y étnicas en la Historia Regional de Guatemala: reflexiones sobre un recorrido
Published 2009-01-01“…El estudio propone un primer recorrido por la historiografía guatemalteca de la últimadécada en el que se valora la presencia del campo de trabajo de la ‘Historia regional’en su itinerario de desarrollo. Desde una revisión de la mayor parte de la producciónescrita sobre la temática, se propone una explicación sobre las aportaciones de estecampo de trabajo historiográfico en la comprensión de las identidades étnicas ypolíticas fuera de las visiones ‘metropolitanas’ que han prevalecido en la historiografíaguatemalteca y centroamericana. …”
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On the nature of civilization in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Published 1996-12-01“… The article by the medievalist historian presents a critical review of the reports on the nature of civilization in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Polish, Russian, German, and Lithuanian historiography based on the definition of civilization by the Polish theorist of history, Feliks Koneczny ("Civilization is a method of arranging communal life"), and proves that this civilization was neither Western-Latin nor Eastern-Byzantine, but, rather, quite an independent one, with its own necessary minimum of European values. …”
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Measurement of remaining storage, rate of siltation, and rate of erosion of the Ahmadu Bello University Farm Lake drainage Basin in Zaria
Published 2013-07-01“…The authors conclude that the University Farm Lake cannot serve as source of water for Shika Hospital, unless it is dredged to its original storage capacity. The impounding reserve will soon be lost. …”
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Geosmithia Species in Florida: Common Fungal Symbionts of Wood-Boring Bark Beetles
Published 2019-02-01“…Continuous surveys in Florida have found neither Geosmithia morbida nor its beetle vector in the state, but many native Geosmithia species have been recovered. …”
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Compartilhamento de Informações, Confiança e Comprometimento: Percepção de Autopeças Brasileiras sobre Montadoras de Diversas Etnias
Published 2015-01-01“…Estatisticamente, não foi possível visualizar traço que caracterize relações de Confiança entre montadora e fornecedor de autopeças, uma vez que a falta de Confiança ou Compartilhament o de Informações verificou - se entre relacionamentos intensos, que incluíam grande número de itens comercializados e alta frequência de entrega de materiais.…”
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Identification of rare atypical BCR-ABL1 transcript: A case report
Published 2023-07-01“…Several guidelines have been published for its detection and molecular monitoring. Here, a case is described of chronic myeloid leukemia presenting in the blast phase with a rare variant transcript, with a discussion on possible red flags in its detection and genetic testing and description of the patient's clinical characteristics. …”
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Japanese clematis, Clematis terniflora (D.C.) Ranunculaceae
Published 2008-09-01“…SS-AGR-309, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Michael Meisenburg, Ken Langeland, and Kurt Vollmer, describes this vigorous woody vine that is recommended for landscape use in cold-hardy zones, but is considered invasive in many areas of the country — its impacts and management. Includes references. …”
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Microbiome turnover during offspring development varies with maternal care, but not moult, in a hemimetabolous insect
Published 2024-07-01“…Overall, these results provide new insights into our understanding of the (in)stability of the prokaryotic microbiome in hemimetabolous insects and its independence from moult. More generally, they question the role of microbiome acquisition through maternal care in maintaining family life in species where this behaviour is facultative.…”
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Communicating About Water in the Floridan Aquifer Region: Part 1—What Do People Know About Water Science?
Published 2024-03-01“…A 2020 study suggests that Florida and Georgia residents lack fundamental knowledge about their water resources, including regional water processes, including its challenges, and policies. This is the base information that would enable a person to competently participate in water discussions and make citizen-level voting decisions on topics related to the Floridan aquifer. …”
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Pluralizm religijny wyzwaniem dla wczesnej edukacji
Published 2019-06-01“…The author gives the characteristics of this concept, which has changed its meaning over the recent years. The author brings into light some contemporary ways of perception of the religious pluralism and controversies they result in. …”
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End User Computing Satisfaction : Model Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (Studi Kasus)
Published 2021-11-01“…Dari populasi tersebut terpilih sebanyak 252 responden dan diseminasi kuesioner dilaksanakan melalui daring dan membagikan secara langsung dengan cara simple random sampling. Setelah itu, data yang dikumpulkan diolah dengan program Microsoft Excel 2016 serta PLS-SEM mengoperasikan tool SmartPLS 3.2.7. …”
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Weather Conditions (with Focus on UV Radiation) Associated with COVID-19 Outbreak and Worldwide Climate-based Prediction for Future Prevention
Published 2020-07-01“…SARS-CoV-2 produced consistent debate regarding the relationship between its emergence and weather conditions. Our study explored these conditions, expressed by three main parameters—ultraviolet radiation, air temperature and relative humidity—that characterized Hubei (China), the source region of COVID-19 pandemic, in November 2019–March 2020. …”
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Evaluating supply chain sustainability and agility using fuzzy logic approach: A case in Indonesian agroindustry
Published 2025-01-01“…This study makes two significant contributions: (1) demonstrating the applicability of the fuzzy logic method for assessing sustainability-agility in agroindustry and (2) providing insights for companies and policymakers to address critical challenges and implement targeted improvements. Despite its contributions, the study acknowledges limitations related to the reliance on decision-maker perceptions and emphasizes the importance of expert involvement. …”
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Integrative analysis of immunogenic PANoptosis and experimental validation of cinobufagin-induced activation to enhance glioma immunotherapy
Published 2025-02-01“…This study investigates PANoptosis dynamics in glioma and explores the therapeutic potential of its activation, particularly through natural compounds such as cinobufagin. …”
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Mental health in people living with and beyond colorectal cancer: A patient‐oriented constructivist grounded theory
Published 2024-09-01“…Data collection and analysis were iterative, employed theoretical sampling, and culminated in a theoretical model. …”
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Consistent individual positions within roosts in Spix’s disc-winged bats
Published 2023-11-01“…We focus on the highly cohesive and mobile social groups found in Spix’s disc-winged bats (Thyroptera tricolor) given this species’ use of a tubular roosting structure that forces individuals to be arranged linearly within its internal space. We obtained high scores for linearity measures, particularly for the top and bottom positions, indicating that bats position themselves in a predictable way despite constant roost-switching. …”
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