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Korisničke mogućnosti automatske telefonske centrale ASB-501 u funkciji interfonske centrale
Published 1990-07-01“…Time, je pokazano da se jedna standardna telefonska centrala može koristiti i prema posebnim zahtevima, kao sto su zahtevi funkcionalnih mreža.…”
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Mogućnost primjene dinamičkog programiranja u problemu transporta
Published 1990-01-01“…Razmatrani model dinamičkog programiranja može se koristiti i u nekinv drugim praktičnim situacijama. …”
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Otkrivanje opasnosti i kontrola kontaminacije pri hemijskim udesima u miru
Published 1990-11-01“…Iako formacijska indikatorska sredstva nisu svemoguća, dobijeni rezultati pružaju korisne informacije o merama zaštite. Organoleptička detekcija potvrđuje svoj značaj, naglašavajući potrebu za obukom vojnika i starešina. …”
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Survival of Foodborne Pathogens on Berries
Published 2014-09-01“…When berries are picked for fresh consumption, they are usually packed directly without washing because they are highly perishable. There is typically no “kill step” that would eliminate pathogens on fresh or frozen berries. …”
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Healthy Eating for Elders: Food Storage Guide
Published 2005-02-01“…To help you learn how much to buy, here are storage guidelines for some perishable foods. Tips: Store fruits and vegetables (except potatoes and tomatoes) in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, and keep your refrigerator below 40EF. …”
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Healthy Eating: Food Storage Guide
Published 2013-10-01“…The following storage guidelines for perishable foods will help you decide how much food to buy when you visit the grocery. …”
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Multiplekseri u primenjenoj elektronici
Published 1990-09-01“…Nisu obrađeni analogni MX-eri, već samo digitalni, ali treba znati da je princip rada isti, samo što se kod analognih MX-era koriste kontinualne vrednosti (npr. MX 8/1 - 14051 B) ulaznih informacionih veličina. …”
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'I Can't Meet That Deadline': Implications of New Truck Driver Hours of Service Regulations for Florida Agriculture
Published 2005-04-01“…Rapid and reliable transport for these highly valued perishables is essential. In this paper, the revised HOSR is described and some assessments are made of its effect on trucking. …”
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Dimenzioniranje cevi artiljerijskog oruđa pomoću računara
Published 1990-01-01“…U radu su korišćeni polazni podaci za konkretno oruđe (radi testiranja odabrane teorije), a izlazni parametri korektno potvrđuju kako postavljenu teoriju, tako i unutrašnju i vanjsku trasu cevi, pa se mogu pouzdano koristìti za dalje analize.…”
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Eksploatacija vazduhoplovnih sistema po stanju
Published 1990-11-01“…Ovaj prelaz omogućava smanjenje utrošenog rada na održavanje, povećava koeficijent korisne upotrebe i operativne gotovosti te produžava vreme između otkaza. …”
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Metodologija razvoja i analiza primene ekspertnih sistema
Published 1990-01-01“…To omogućuje jednostavno memorisanje i tumačenje; predstavljanje znanja o problema u obliku pravila produkcije, predstavljenih u modelima u obliku tzv. struktura okvira (frame like structures); fleksibilnost održavanja baze znanja; olančavanje pravila zaključivanja (line-of-reasoning) jeste osnovni mehanizam zaključivanja kod sistema baziranih na predstavljanju znanja preko pravila; mogu se koristiti različiti izvori znanja za kompleksne sisteme; prikazivanje lanca zaključivanja na način koji posmatra korisnik. …”
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The impact of war on animal welfare: the Imperial Japanese Navy’s manipulation of pigeon behavior in WW II
Published 2025-02-01“…Many pigeons died during training and experimentation, while even larger numbers perished on the battlefield. Furthermore, the prolonged shortage of specialized military personnel led to inadequate care and neglect of the pigeons, resulting in the outbreak of infectious diseases and then deaths that could have been avoided among the birds. …”
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Decentralization Policy and Economic Development in Nyarusiza Sub-County Kisoro District.
Published 2025“…This study was conducted to explore the impact of decentralization on service delivery in Nyarusiza Sub-County, Kisoro District, with a specific focus on three parishes within the sub-county. The study had several objectives: to analyze the role of decentralization in promoting economic development in Nyarusiza Sub-County, to assess the impact of educational decentralization on economic growth, and to examine the relationship between agricultural decentralization and economic development in Nyarusiza Sub-County, Kisoro District. …”
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Razrada modela za utvrđivanje maksimalnog protoka vozila na putnoj mreži
Published 1990-01-01“…U teoriji postoji veliki broj razrađenih modela koji se koriste u planiranju saobraćaja, a čije je korišćenje bez upotrebe računara ograničemo. …”
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The Contributions of Pineapple Growing on Farmers Welfare.
Published 2020“…The study used both purposive and simple random sampling to select respondents and used a sample size of sixty nine (69) respondents selected from six parishes within the sub county. In addition, the study used qualitative and quantitative techniques in data analysis. …”
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Impact of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Production in Muramba Sub - County Kisoro District.
Published 2024“…The Research was conducted in the four parishes of Muramba Sub- County and it was carried out in three months. …”
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Prilog određivanju naprezanja lisnatih opruga uz pomoć eksperimentalno snimljenih ugiba
Published 1990-05-01“…Daljnjim povećanjem frekvencija oscilovanja dolazi do prigušenja u sistemu, te izlaz nije direktno proporcionalan ulazu. To možemo koristiti kao potvrdu da se pri analizi mjerenih veličina treba načelno uzimati u razmatranje frekventno područje od 0 Hz do 15 Hz. …”
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Effect of Soil Erosion on Crop Production in Kyanamira Sub-County Kabale District.
Published 2024“…The study was conducted in three Parishes in Kyanamira Sub-County. A total sample of 114 out of 225 targeted populations was selected to participate in the study. …”
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Comparative Study on the Preservation Efficacy of Rosemary Extracts and Conventional Preservatives on Tomatoes.
Published 2025“…Tomatoes, a vital agricultural commodity, are prone to significant post-harvest losses due to their high perishability. Traditional preservation methods like synthetic chemical preservatives have been effective but raise health concerns. …”
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