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- Diagnostic virology 1
- Ebola virus disease 1
- Ebola-Fieber 1
Adecuado lavado de manos para Manipuladores de Alimentos
Published 2020-03-01“…El lavado adecuado de las manos reducirá el riesgo de transmitir microorganismos, como bacterias, virus y otros agentes, que causan enfermedades a las personas que comen los alimentos que manipulas. …”
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HairSplitter: haplotype assembly from long, noisy reads
Published 2024-10-01“…On noisy long reads, HairSplitter recovers more strains while being faster than state-of-the-art tools, both in the cases of viruses and bacteria. Availability: HairSplitter is freely available on GitHub at (…”
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Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Published 2004-04-01“… The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), is found throughout the world, including all areas of North America, where it is viewed as a pest principally due to its ability to transmit plant viruses. In addition to attacking plants in the field, green peach aphid readily infests vegetables and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses. …”
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Correlation between Understanding Covid-19 and Use of Supplements, Pharmacy Study Program Students at Aufa Royhan University in Padangsidimpuan City
Published 2022-03-01“…COVID-19 is a new type of disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and this new type of disease caused a pandemic that has caused thousands of deaths worldwide. …”
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Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) Canker or Dieback in Trees
Published 2017-11-01“…Typically, species of Biscogniauxia are opportunistic pathogens that do not affect healthy and vigorous trees; some species are more virulent than others. However, once they infect trees under stress (water stress, root disease, soil compaction, construction damage etc.) they can quickly colonize the host. …”
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Cellular rejuvenation protects neurons from inflammation-mediated cell death
Published 2025-02-01“…Transduction of RGCs with an Oct4-Sox2-Klf4 adeno-associated virus (AAV) to rejuvenate the transcriptome enhances RGC survival in EAE and improves visual acuity. …”
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Anisakidosis y otras ictiozoonosis ¿Qué riesgo representan para la salud humana en Colombia?
Published 2021-12-01“…Esta reflexión presenta generalidades de las ictiozoonosis como enfermedades transmitidas al ser humano por parásitos, bacterias y virus, y en particular, de los nemátodos anisakidos, los cuales han sido reportados en Colombia en los últimos años por lo que constituyen un tema de interés en salud pública en general. …”
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Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Published 2004-04-01“… The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), is found throughout the world, including all areas of North America, where it is viewed as a pest principally due to its ability to transmit plant viruses. In addition to attacking plants in the field, green peach aphid readily infests vegetables and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses. …”
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Anisakidosis y otras ictiozoonosis ¿Qué riesgo representan para la salud humana en Colombia?
Published 2021-12-01“…Esta reflexión presenta generalidades de las ictiozoonosis como enfermedades transmitidas al ser humano por parásitos, bacterias y virus, y en particular, de los nemátodos anisakidos, los cuales han sido reportados en Colombia en los últimos años por lo que constituyen un tema de interés en salud pública en general. …”
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Mathematical Model For Transmission and Control of Covid-19 In Human Population.
Published 2024“…In this study, we propose and investigate a generalized model that describes the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 Virus Disease in humans. The transmission process from humans to humans and contaminated environment to humans is modeled by the SEIR model which covers many special cases. …”
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Thesis -
Relevance of Records Management in Delivery of Health Services in Health Centers: A Case Study Kabale Regional Referral Hospital.
Published 2024“…Solutions include the use of passwords, ant viruses, using box files, job training, and preservation and conservation.…”
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Thesis -
Published 2015-02-01“…Pupuk Hantu adalah yang terbaik, kemudian diikuti oleh pupuk organik Elang Biru, Bio Sugih dan Herbafarm. Untuk budidaya caisimdisarankan menggunakan pupuk organik Hantu 2 cc/l air. …”
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Outbreaks of Foodborne Illness Associated with Melons
Published 2021-08-01“…This 10-page major revision was written by C. Diekman, M. D. Krug, A. T. Myers, R. McEgan, K. R. Schneider, and M. …”
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Temporal associations between microclimate, adult Aedes mosquito indices, and dengue cases at the residence level in Malaysia: Implications for targeted interventions.
Published 2025-01-01“…<h4>Conclusions</h4>This study highlighted the DM and TLs of dengue virus-infected and non-infected adult female Aedes mosquitoes using onsite data collection. …”
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Noninvasive oxygenation and ventilation strategies for viral acute respiratory failure: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a critical shortage of respiratory ventilators, highlighting the urgent need to explore alternative treatment options for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by respiratory viruses, as an alternative to invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in future pandemics. …”
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Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Oropharyngeal Candida Species Isolated from People Living with HIV in the Era of Universal Test and Treat Policy in Uganda.
Published 2024“…Background: Despite the increased frequency of oropharyngeal candidiasis among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), its management is no longer effective due to empirical treatment and the emergence of antifungal resistance (AFR). …”
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Moss-pathogen interactions: a review of the current status and future opportunities
Published 2025-02-01“…In complex and diverse environments, plants face constant challenges from various pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses, which can severely impact their growth, development, and survival. …”
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Antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C: is there a time to change existing standards?
Published 2009-02-01“…According to published data viremia dynamics has important prognostic value during treatment, which allows to consider it as one of important factors determining duration and efficacy of treatment along with virus genotype. Poor efficacy of the latter, especially at patients with the 1-st HCV genotype, high cost and risk of the serious undesirable effects cause necessity to individualize antiviral therapy at CHC, improve risk/benefit ratio.Conclusion. …”
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Strategic analysis of the external environment
Published 2022-01-01“…The starting point from which we began our research was that many companies around the world could not predict and adapt to the new changes taking place in the environment (closure due to the corona virus pandemic, war in Ukraine, sanctions against Russia). …”
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COVID-19 seguridad de alimentos: Me debo preocupar del coronavirus y la comida para llevar?
Published 2020-04-01“…¿Pudiera contagiarme con el COVID-19 si toco comida o paquetes expuestos al virus? ¿Quépasa dentro de mi cuerpo si ingiero el coronavirus a través de alimentos? …”
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