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Alignment and embodiment in a play script writing process: A sociocognitive perspective
Published 2023-07-01Subjects: Get full text
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Coapplication of humic acid and gypsum affects soil chemical properties, rice yield, and phosphorus use efficiency in acidic paddy soils
Published 2025-02-01Subjects: Get full text
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Assessing type-2 diabetes risk based on the Indian diabetes risk score among adults aged 45 and above in India
Published 2025-02-01Subjects: “…Body mass index…”
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Suggesting a Novel Hybrid Approach for Predicting Solar Irradiance in the Qinghai Province of China
Published 2024-09-01Subjects: Get full text
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Preprocessing Data dan Klasifikasi untuk Prediksi Kinerja Akademik Siswa
Published 2024-02-01“…Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi kinerja akademik siswa dengan mengintegrasikan metode Correlation-Based Feature Selection (CFS) dan Algoritma Naïve Nayes pada gabungan dataset pelajaran Matematika dan Bahasa Portugis dua sekolah menengah di Portugal. Proses preprocessing data melibatkan integrasi data, pelabelan data, transformasi data, dan pembersihan data diterapkan pada tahap awal penelitian. …”
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Jaringan Komunitas Berbasis Similaritas Topik Bahasan dan Emosi untuk Mengidentifikasi Perilaku Pengguna Twitter
Published 2023-02-01“…Dari analisis 121 pengguna aktif, periode sebelum COVID-19 memiliki 98 pengguna representatif yang didominasi oleh 33% perilaku komunitas terkait aktivitas pribadi dengan emosi senang. Di sisi lain, periode setelah COVID-19 memiliki 54 pengguna representatif yang didominasi oleh 65% perilaku komunitas terkait kesehatan dengan emosi marah. …”
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Real-time Defense Against Cyber Threats: Analyzing Wazuh's Effectiveness in Server Monitoring
Published 2023-09-01Get full text
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Pengaruh Klasifikasi Sentimen Pada Ulasan Produk Amazon Berbasis Rekayasa Fitur dan K-Nearest Negihbor
Published 2024-02-01“… Ulasan online menjadi faktor penting yang mendorong konsumen untuk membeli barang di e-commerce. Dalam e-commerce, ulasan pelanggan sebelumnya dapat membantu pembeli membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dengan memberikan informasi tentang kualitas produk, kekuatan dan kelemahan, perilaku penjual, harga, dan waktu pengiriman. …”
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Implementasi Layanan Aplikasi Bergerak Untuk Informasi Wisata Provinsi Papua Barat
Published 2020-10-01“…Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada penduduk untuk mengakses informasi tentang lokasi wisata di Provinsi Papua Barat secara tepat dan mudah. …”
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Infestation of Ixodidae Ticks in Cattle: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in Ambo District, Western Ethiopia
Published 2022-02-01“…Adult Ixodid ticks were collected from different body parts of infested cattle, preserved in 10% formalin and transported to Ambo University Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory for stereomicroscopic identification to species level. …”
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Penerapan SMOTE untuk Mengatasi Imbalance Class dalam Klasifikasi Kepribadian MBTI Menggunakan Naive Bayes Classifier
Published 2024-10-01“…To overcome this, this study used the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) technique to increase the number of samples in minority classes. Additionally, the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method is used to extract important features from text. …”
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Resistance of cayenne pepper varieties (Capsicum frutescens) to anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) isolates from swampy areas
Published 2023-12-01“…The utilization of resistant varieties stands as a pertinent approach in early control efforts to minimize harvest losses. Additionally, the use of resistant varieties is a crucial component of integrated disease control implementation. …”
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Reliability and Validity of the End Range Hamstring Strength Test with Handheld Dynamometry
Published 2024-03-01Get full text
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