Showing 2,961 - 2,980 results of 2,994 for search 'Hutu~', query time: 1.00s Refine Results
  1. 2961

    Kajian Strategi Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Menghadapi Bonus Demografi by Faizatul Amalia, Waras Kamdi, R. Machmud Sugandi

    Published 2023-10-01
    “…Untuk mencapai kompetensi siswa SMK TIK dapat dilakukan dengan: penerapan model pembelajaran di kelas seperti problem based learning dan project based learning, penggunaan metode pembelajaran demonstrasi dan discovery learning, penggunaan strategi problem solving, media pembelajaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan berupa e-learning, video, e-modul, software simulation, penggunaan fasilitas yang mumpuni di laboratorium, kurikulum yang disusun mencantumkan prakerin sebagai mata pelajaran yang harus diikuti oleh siswa, penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran melalui LKS berstruktur dan berbasis konstruktivisme, pembangunan sekolah kejuruan berdasarkan konsep corporate school,  kompetensi guru melalui keterampilan pedagogik, sosial dan kepribadian yang dapat mendukung peningkatan motivasi belajar yang nantinya memengaruhi kompetensi siswa, dan pengalaman prakerin dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa SMK.   …”
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  2. 2962

    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil respiration in a bare-soil Mediterranean olive grove by S. Aranda-Barranco, S. Aranda-Barranco, P. Serrano-Ortiz, P. Serrano-Ortiz, A. S. Kowalski, A. S. Kowalski, E. P. Sánchez-Cañete, E. P. Sánchez-Cañete

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…These results show high spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil respiration and the factors involved, which must be considered in future works in semi-arid agroecosystems.</p>…”
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  3. 2963

    Desain Layanan E-Surat untuk Desa Waru Barat, Pamekasan, Madura menggunakan QR-Code by Wahyudi Agustiono, Intan Rofika Putri, Devie Rosa Anamisa

    Published 2021-11-01
    “…Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan membangun aplikasi e-surat untuk Desa Waru Barat dengan menggunakan QR Code. …”
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  4. 2964

    A Community-Based Intervention for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Pregnancy and Postpartum: One Healthy Start Site&rsquo;s Story by Sampson M, Xu W, York FN, Roberson J

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…More robust data is needed to allow statistical comparisons are needed in future research.Plain Language Summary: In this study, we wanted to know how well a strengths-based program, the University of Houston Healthy Start (UHHS), screened and referred mothers for postpartum depression needs. …”
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  5. 2965

    Integrating Bulk and Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data to Identify Ferroptosis-Associated Inflammatory Gene in Alzheimer&rsquo;s Disease by Zhou H, Peng Y, Huo X, Li B, Liu H, Wang J, Zhang G

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…It provides a novel molecular mechanistic perspective and offers potential targets for future therapeutic strategies.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, single-cell RNA sequencing, microglia, ferroptosis, SLC11A1…”
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  6. 2966

    Consecutive prediction of adverse maternal outcomes of preeclampsia, using the PIERS-ML and fullPIERS models: A multicountry prospective observational study. by Guiyou Yang, Tünde Montgomery-Csobán, Wessel Ganzevoort, Sanne J Gordijn, Kimberley Kavanagh, Paul Murray, Laura A Magee, Henk Groen, Peter von Dadelszen

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…For clinical practice, models should be adapted to retain accuracy when deployed serially. The performance of future models can be compared with the results of this study to quantify their added value.…”
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  7. 2967

    Analisis Perbandingan Model Bert Dan Xlnet Untuk Klasifikasi Tweet Bully Pada Twitter by Teuku Radillah, Okta Veza, Sarjon Defit

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…These findings can help platforms like Twitter identify and prevent bullying content, thereby creating a safer online environment for users, and can be used as a basis for the development of more sophisticated and efficient bullying detection systems in the future. …”
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  8. 2968

    IGJR issue 1/2018 by IF and FRFG

    Published 2017-06-01
    “…Vanhuysse, Pieter (2015): Skills, stakes and clout: Early human capital foundations for European welfare futures. In: The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe. …”
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  9. 2969

    Changes in alcohol consumption among Belgian adults participating in the internet-based one-month-abstinence campaign ‘Tournée Minérale’ by Annelies Thienpondt, Jelle Van Cauwenberg, Joris Van Damme, Gera E. Nagelhout, Benedicte Deforche

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…However, without comparison with a control group of non-participants or comparison points, we cannot simply attribute the changes over time to participation in TMC. Future research with a stronger study design is needed to rule out possible bias (e.g., selection bias, seasonal effects or regression to the mean) and to examine mechanisms and longer term effects of TACs.…”
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  10. 2970

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Quizizz terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas 10 Program Keahlian DKV SMK Negeri 10 Malang by Krisna Wahyu Saputra, Faizatul Amalia, Khalid Rahman

    Published 2024-12-01
    “… Rendahnya hasil belajar yang didapatkan oleh siswa dikarenakan kurangnya pemanfaatan media pembelajaran yang interaktif menjadi permasalahan bagi seorang guru di kelas. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan efektivitas yang ditimbulkan dari adanya penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Quizizz terhadap suatu kelas penelitian yang dibandingkan dengan kelas penelitian yang lain. …”
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  11. 2971

    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi dengan Metode WARD & PEPPARD Studi Kasus Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Boyolali by Setiawan Tri Wibowo, Hanna Prillysca Chernovita

    Published 2022-02-01
    “…Dari kondisi yang seperti itu maka dibutuhkan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang sejalan atau searah dengan kebutuhan bisnis dan tujuan organisasi.  …”
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  12. 2972

    POS Tagging Bahasa Madura dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Brill Tagger by Nindian Puspa Dewi, Ubaidi Ubaidi

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…Berkurangnya penggunaan Bahasa Madura dapat mengakibatkan punahnya Bahasa Madura sebagai salah satu bahasa daerah yang ada di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya usaha untuk mempertahankan dan memelihara Bahasa Madura. …”
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  13. 2973

    Evaluasi Usability Website Berita Online Prokal.Co Menggunakan Evaluasi Heuristic dan Webuse by M. Gilvy Langgawan Putra, Nisya Rani Sabilla, Sri R. Natasia

    Published 2020-10-01
    “…It affects PROKAL's plan to redesign the user interface of the website in 2020, because PROKAL still doesn’t know the needs and problems experienced by users also what website will look like in the future. Based on the description above, a usability evaluation study was conducted using the Heuristic method in order to find problems from the website with reference to heuristic principles. …”
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  14. 2974

    Review and Prospect of Research on Urban Walking Safety and Environmental Influencing Factors Thereof by Lin LI, Yu YE, Yong CHEN

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…Research methods have also been developed from single-specialty technical analysis to multi-dimensional integrated research, which promotes the comprehensive application of research methods from such fields as environmental psychology, traffic safety and road engineering in the research on walking safety.ConclusionThis research reveals the development direction, main context and research hotspots on walking safety and environmental influencing factors thereof, highlights the significant influence of multi-level built environment factors on walking safety and walkers' safety perception, and provides theoretical support for empirical researches on walking safety environment. In future research, it is necessary to conduct collaborative thinking on walking safety and pedestrian safety perception, promote the applicability of relevant research technologies, and pay attention to the influence of the development of emerging transportation technologies on the safety quality of walking environment.…”
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  15. 2975

    Pemodelan Simulasi Sistem Dinamik untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Pendapatan Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya A.Yani by Anwar Romadhon, Erma Suryani

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Important information makes hospital management strive to utilize information technology as media for designing business strategies, computer simulations such as dynamic system modeling can describe and simulate real systems that refer to data, so that stakeholders can predict conditions that can occur in the future. The results showed that by changing the payment system from Fee For Services to INA - Case Base Groups can provide more benefits for hospital, this is because the rates set adjust to hospital rates throughout Indonesia. …”
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  16. 2976

    Key prognostic risk factors linked to poor functional outcomes in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Lili Lin, Senfeng Liu, Wei Wang, Xiao-kuo He, Muhammad Hibatullah Romli, Ruthpackiavathy Rajen Durai

    Published 2025-02-01
    “…This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of the prognostic risk factors for poor functional outcomes in patients undergoing CVST, which can guide clinical decision-making and future research. Trial registration This systematic review and meta-analysis has been registered with INPLASY (International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols), and the registration number is INPLASY202480072. …”
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  17. 2977

    Pengukuran Kapabilitas Tata Kelola TI Sistem Informasi Tiras dan Transaksi Bahan Ajar Universitas Terbuka Menggunakan Cobit 5 by Denisha Trihapningsari, Dewi Agushinta R., Lintang Yuniar Banowosari

    Published 2021-10-01
    “… Layanan bahan ajar Universitas Terbuka (UT) menerapkan Sistem Informasi Tiras dan Transaksi Bahan Ajar (SITTA) yang dalam prosesnya ditemui masalah terkait operasional dan optimalisasi Teknologi Informasi. …”
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  18. 2978

    Analisa Strategi Teknologi Informasi Pemasaran UKM Kuliner di Media Sosial Menggunakan Metode SWOT by Fahmi Ajismanto, Andika Widyanto

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan media sosial sebagai media promosi usaha kuliner kecil dan menengah di Palembang. Suatu teknik pengambilan keputusan dalam promosi usaha kuliner menggunakan metode Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). …”
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  19. 2979

    Evaluasi TKTI Puri Saron Hotel Seminyak dengan Framework Cobit 5 by Norsa Yudhi Arso, Made Wisnu Antara Kesiman, Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

    Published 2023-10-01
    “…Ada kesenjangan yang signifikan antara kemampuan manajemen TI saat ini dan apa yang diharapkan; dari 11 domain dan proses TI yang dianalisis, enam berada dua tingkat di belakang yang diharapkan, dan lima berada satu tingkat di belakang yang diharapkan, dan temuan penelitian ini disajikan dalam bentuk tabel rekomendasi perbaikan yang dapat segera diimplementasikan di Puri Saron Hotel Seminyak.   …”
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  20. 2980

    Hubungan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-Crm) Terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Pustaka by Sabrina Aulia Rahma, Holipah Holipah, Harun Al Rasyid, Fida Rahmayanti

    Published 2023-07-01
    “…Meningkatnya kompetisi antar rumah sakit menjadi salah satu alasan perlunya inovasi strategi pemasaran untuk menjaga loyalitas pasien rumah sakit sebagai konsumen. …”
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