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Lo más fresco de la Florida: Melones (cantaloupes)
Published 2009-10-01“…This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. …”
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Lo más fresco de la Florida: Calabacines (de Verano)
Published 2009-10-01“…This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. …”
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Lo más fresco de la Florida: Tomates
Published 2009-10-01“…This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. …”
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Teen Dating on the Decline
Published 2012-07-01“…This is coming up soon for some of my teenage friends. Chances are they will be excited—and nervous, too. …”
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Interview with Professor Philippe Denis
Published 2015-06-01“…In the 1970s and 1980s, his research focused on the history of the Reformation in Germany, France and The Netherlands, and specifically on issues of confessional development, biblical exegesis, and cultural representations. …”
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Lo más fresco de la Florida: Persimos
Published 2009-10-01“…This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. …”
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Lo más fresco de Florida: Nueces (pecans)
Published 2009-10-01“…This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. …”
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Primeros datos sobre la composición holocena de los bosques de montaña en el Parque Natural Sierra de las Nieves (Serranía de Ronda) a partir del análisis pedoantracológico
Published 2021-05-01“…La implementación de los resultados en la gestión conservacionista y adaptativa de los bosques más amenazados y sus hábitats, frente al cambio climático, debe ser una prioridad en el marco de protección de estos espacios naturales de alto valor ecológico. …”
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Religião, política e espaço público no Brasil: perspectiva histórico/sociológica e a conjuntura das eleições presidenciais de 2018
Published 2019-12-01“…Examina as estratégias pelas quais correntes expressivas de igrejas cristãs (evangélico-pentecostais e católica) ocuparam a política e o parlamento formando suas bancadas e frentes para estabelecer uma normatividade legal através da qual valores de sua dogmática religiosa são embutidos e convertidos em projetos que regerão políticas públicas. …”
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La gestión metropolitana del turismo en Barcelona: interdependencias, desafíos y límites
Published 2023-12-01“…Con todo, la escala metropolitana resulta clave para la gestión pública del turismo con el fin de hacer frente a desafíos propios del ámbito territorial y, además, permite profundizar con el debate sobre los límites de la acción política en turismo. …”
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Resolução de problemas como metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem em matemática
Published 2024-12-01“…Em muitas ocasiões, os métodos de ensino e aprendizagem utilizados para a resolução de problemas matemáticos têm a característica de serem aplicações dos conteúdos e não como conteúdos que resultam necessários para aplicar nas ciências e na vida cotidiana. Frente a este dilema, o processo de ensino deve focalizar desde o ponto de vista do problema, pelo que cada problema deve situar-se no centro da aprendizagem dos estudantes, fundamentado sobre bases científicas, proporcionando uma metodologia ao professor para mediar o processo docente e com as particularidades das didáticas específicas. …”
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Pegaso (1924): ubicación y balance de una revista olvidada
Published 2024-12-01“…Para ello, se incorporarán las reflexiones de Michael Löwy y Robert Sayre sobre el romanticismo como una visión premoderna y crítica frente al capitalismo. En ese sentido, nuestro objetivo principal será contextualizar y analizar el contenido de la revista, mientras que, como propósito secundario, se problematizará la identificación de Xavier Abril, entre 1923 y 1926, como un autor surrealista a partir de sus poemas publicados en Pegaso. …”
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La acción social colectiva queer durante el posacuerdo de paz en Colombia
Published 2024-02-01“… Entre los años 2020 y 2021 Colombia atravesó varias protestas, producto del descontento generalizado por el gobierno de Iván Duque, que tuvieron tres particularidades: sucedieron durante la emergencia sanitaria producto del COVID-19; evidenciaron la indignación por una nueva reforma tributaria y por el escaso compromiso del Gobierno frente a la continuidad del proceso de paz; y participaron nuevos actores y colectivos autodenominados queer. …”
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El destino de la basura: una mirada a sus impactos
Published 2025-02-01“…En México, la disposición final inadecuada de estos residuos es un problema crítico, agravado por la prevalencia de sitios no controlados frente a los rellenos sanitarios. Se registran 2,203 Sitios de Disposición Final (SDF), de los cuales el 87% son sitios no controlados, siendo los rellenos sanitarios la minoría. …”
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CONFLITOS SOCIAIS EM DEBATE: O Caso das Catadoras de Mangaba no Nordeste e Norte do Brasil
Published 2014-03-01“… Secularmente mulheres negras e pobres praticam o extrativismo da mangaba no Norte e Nordeste brasileiro. Recentemente, frente à valorização da fruta no mercado regional de produtos nativos e à ocupação das terras de livre acesso com atividades agrícolas ou turísticas, diminui o acesso das mesmas às plantas com a proliferação de conflitos entre diferentes atores. …”
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Puzzled by Your Care Receiver's Refusal of Services?
Published 2006-11-01“…Sometimes an elderly care receiver may refuse help or assistance from family, friends, or agencies. This publication lists some common reasons for this behavior, ranging from fears about accepting "welfare" to worries about losing independence. …”
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Placing Technology
Published 2025-02-01“…While Hui's work contains strong implications for architecture and spatial disciplines, he has rarely addressed them directly. In this far-ranging discussion, Hui brings together diverse topics, including the philosophy of Lewis Mumford, the cross-cultural history of cybernetics, and technology's connection to sacred space. …”
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Yellow-Legged Hornet (suggested common name), Vespa velutina (Lepeletier 1836) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Published 2020-05-01“… The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina (Lepeletier), is a pest of concern outside of its native range. Vespa velutina is native to Southeast Asia and has invaded several regions in Europe, first appearing in France in 2004. …”
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Re-establishment of Malletia sorror (Soot-Ryen, 1957), an endemic bathyal bivalve off Chile (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Nuculanoidea)
Published 2024-12-01“…Fresh material of a nuculanoid bivalve of the genus Malletia, collected during an expedition of the R/V SONNE off Chile in 2023, allows the re-establishment of Malletia sorror (Soot-Ryen, 1957), a species previously considered a synonym of M. peruviana Dall, 1908. …”
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Enviroshopping for Teens
Published 2012-09-01“…This revised 3-page fact sheet will help you make environmentally friendly choices whenever you make purchases and encourage you to take a second look at items before throwing them away. …”
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