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- Dictionaries 1
Published 2014-06-01“…Firstly, in the 1920’s, an important musicological movement marked the appearance of the periodical Muzica of Bucharest; the two main personalities of the Romanian music, musicologist Constantin Brailoiu and composer Georges Enesco, wrote a lot of essays to defend this «romanity». Secondly, during the communist period (1944-1989), the emphasis on the «new folklore» was an official recommendation of the State to strengthen a «national specificity» of communist vision. …”
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Reflexões a respeito da ideia de (r)existências do Sul
Published 2015-01-01“…Analiso ainda o adjetivo “do sul”, como uma forma de caracterizar e fortalecer as ações de resistência que afrontam a lógica ocidental hegemônica de homogeneização do globo. Dessa forma, a defesa aqui feita do conceito de (r)existências, em detrimento do conceito de movimentos sociais, vai no sentido de questionar uma gramática colonial da Sociologia, abarcar a pluralidade de resistências e se posicionar politicamente. …”
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Uma Análise marxista da agricultura capitalista: em busca de uma solução
Published 2021-01-01“… O texto procura discutir os elementos originários de uma agricultura industrial capitalista com base nos pressupostos teóricos de Karl Marx, ecoando a defesa de John Bellamy Foster acerca da compatibilidade do pensamento marxiano com as demandas da natureza pela preservação ambiental, analisando em seguida os impactos da inter-relação destrutiva entre a química e agricultura industriais em voga até os dias de hoje, sob o prisma da dialética das relações técnicas e sociais proposta por Guillermo Foladori, tratando do desflorestamento e utilização de pesticidas e herbicidas nos cultivos globais, abordando criticamente elementos que procuram sinalizar uma solução no interior do sistema do capital como a agroecologia e a agricultura sintrópica. …”
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Femininas, modestas e antifeministas: o ativismo on-line de mulheres católicas tradicionais
Published 2025-02-01“…Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o ativismo conservador e antifeminista realizado por mulheres católicas tradicionais a partir do conteúdo disponibilizado em sites e blogs autorais dedicados à divulgação da prática da “modéstia cristã no vestir” e seus principais valores, tais como feminilidade, exaltação da maternidade e defesa da “família tradicional”. A partir desses espaços virtuais, que evidenciam um engajamento feminino na difusão de discursos teológicos de fundo moral, examinamos discursos e mobilizações de cunho antifeminista que compõem cruzadas antigênero que vêm impactando o cenário político e religioso contemporâneo, dada a sua configuração de atuação em redes, conectando indivíduos em grupos que buscam incidir no debate público sobre os temas família, educação, sexualidade e direitos.…”
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Discernment - the compass on the high sea of spirituality
Published 2013-06-01“…It then analyses and evaluates discernment in the community of desert monks in the Christian tradition which illustrates the significance of discernment for spirituality. …”
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Unravelling the Impact of an Additional Sex Chromosome in an Adult Female
Published 2023-04-01“…We present an asyndromic adult female with features of recurrent pregnancy loss and decreased ovarian reserve detected with mosaic Triple X syndrome (TXS). The patient was initially evaluated by a low-cost peripheral blood (PB) conventional karyotyping using standard cytogenetic protocols. …”
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Patient's Heart Beat and Temperature Monitoring System.
Published 2023“…Health related issues and parameters are of utmost importance to man, and it is essential to man's existence and influence and thus there is a need for an improved system that would be able to capture and monitor the changes in health parameters irrespective of time and location so as to provide for measures that will detect abnormalities and cater for emergencies. This work presents a system that is capable of providing real time remote monitoring of the heartbeat with the help of an alarm and SMS alert. …”
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Pomorsko pravo : [prikaz knjige]
Published 2023-01-01“…Knjiga je podijeljena u deset poglavlja."…”
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Penerapan Animasi 3D pada Media Pembelajaran Mengenal Huruf Vocal untuk Anak 2-4 Tahun
Published 2020-12-01“…The second Test after the revised media obtained an average yield of 86.5% which is in very decent category …”
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Potentially inappropriate prescribing in hospitalised children: a retrospective, cross-sectional study at a tertiary children’s hospital in China
Published 2023-05-01“…Introduction For improving and optimising drug use in children, we previously developed a tool (including a series of criteria for identifying potentially inappropriate prescribing in children) by literature review and the two-round Delphi technique to prevent inappropriate medication prescriptions at the prescribing stage.Objective To assess the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP) among hospitalised children and explore risk factors associated with PIP.Design A retrospective cross-sectional study.Setting A tertiary children’s hospital in China.Participants Hospitalised children with complete medical records who received drug treatment and discharged from 1 January to 31 December 2021.Outcome measures We evaluated the medication prescriptions by using a series of previously developed criteria for detecting the prevalence of PIP in hospitalised children and used logistic regression to explore the risk factors (including sex, age, number of drugs, number of comorbidities, days of hospitalisation and admission departments) for PIP in children.Results A total of 87 555 medication prescriptions for 16 995 hospitalised children were analysed, and 19 722 PIPs were detected. …”
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Lactate Dehydrogenase-A-Forming LDH5 Promotes Breast Cancer Progression
Published 2025-02-01“…Western blot was performed to detect LDHA expression. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to detect the activities of LDH isoenzymes. …”
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Clinical and molecular analysis of JCPyV and BKPyV infection and associated risk of urothelial carcinoma development in the upper tract
Published 2025-02-01“…Nested polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing were used to detect viral DNA and genotypes. Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti- large T (LT) and anti-p53 monoclonal antibodies to detect the expression of viral early LT protein and cellular p53 protein, respectively. …”
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Reliability of high-quantity human brain organoids for modeling microcephaly, glioma invasion and drug screening
Published 2024-12-01“…Patient-derived Hi-Q brain organoids recapitulate distinct forms of developmental defects: primary microcephaly due to a mutation in CDK5RAP2 and progeria-associated defects of Cockayne syndrome. …”
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Nosological aspects of hepatomegaly and splenomegaly at pediatric age
Published 2016-08-01“…Overall 5178 children aged 1 month to 17 years were examined to detect hepatosplenomegaly. Frequency of hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly of unspecified etiology was analyzed with correlation to outpatient clinic admission rate and results of routine inspections. …”
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Motorcycle Parking Security System based on Website and QR Code Technology
Published 2023-09-01“…This alarm will be activated if vibrations above 20 cm/s2 are detected and will be accompanied by a buzzer sound as a danger signal. …”
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Glow-Worms, Railroad-Worms (Insecta: Coleoptera: Phengodidae)
Published 2005-06-01“…These fancy antennae are used to detect and follow pheromones produced by the female. …”
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Höfliche Ausdrucksweisen in der interkulturellen Kommunikation: Eine Analyse von chinesischen Studierenden in Deutschland
Published 2025-01-01“…Im Gegensatz dazu äußern sie ihre Bitten direkt. Kulturelle Unterschiede prägen die Höflichkeitsprinzipien, wobei gegenseitiger Respekt und Verständnis für Differenzen entscheidend sind, um eine erfolgreiche interkulturelle Kommunikation zu gewährleisten.…”
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Izbor koncepcije i modela preventivnog održavanja prema stanju motornih vozila
Published 1990-07-01“…POPS je savremena koncepcija održavanja u intenzivnom razvoju, novi pristup u održavanju motornih vozila, čijom se uspešnom primenom mogu ostvariti značajni efekti - održati traženi nivo pouzdanosti motornog vozila istovremeno smanjujući troškove održavanja, naročito kao rezultat produžavanja ostvarljivog radnog veka sastavnih elemenata motornog vozila. …”
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Whether pH-metry and investigation of esophageal motor function are necessary for diagnosis and choice of therapy for us today?
Published 2010-04-01“…Studying of motor function of the esophagus allows to obtain data on intraluminal pressure, coordination and motility of muscles of the esophagus, to carry out differential diagnostics of primary and secondary disorders of this function, differential diagnostics at chest pain of non-cardiac origin, to reveal and estimate defects of peristalsis before antireflux surgery and after surgical intervention, to estimate efficacy of carried out treatment. …”
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Field Observations During the Ninth Microwave Water and Energy Balance Experiment (MicroWEX-9): from March 24, 2010 through January 6, 2011
Published 2013-01-01“…The goal of MicroWEX-9 was to conduct a season-long experiment that incorporated passive microwave observations as well as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) observations for a growing season of elephant grass. …”
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