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Analysis of the Profitability of Cabbage Farming in Kabale District Uganda.
Published 2024“…These recommendations include the need for government support in providing subsidies for inputs, improving access to credit facilities for farmers, investing in irrigation infrastructure, and offering training programs on best farming practices. Additionally, establishing stable market linkages and price stabilization mechanisms could help farmers secure better returns on their produce.…”
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Thesis -
Motivation and Employee Performance: A case Study of Kabale Municipal Council, Kabale District.
Published 2020“…The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between motivation and employee performance for improved service delivery, find out the challenges of motivation that affect employee performance and explore the best strategies of motivation that affect employee performance in Kabale Municipal Council, Kabale District. …”
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Green Transportation and Environmental Sustainability in Selected Manufacturing Entities in Kampala District, Uganda
Published 2022“…It is therefore recommended that the education department of the National Environment Management Authority approaches the non-compliant firms and educates them on the best ways of cost effectively adopting green transportation to offset their fears about costs involved in adopting Green Transportation; many of which are groundless.…”
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LRP11 promotes stem-like T cells via MAPK13-mediated TCF1 phosphorylation, enhancing anti-PD1 immunotherapy
Published 2024-01-01“…LRP11 activation enhanced TCF1+PD1+CD8+ T-cell-mediated antitumor immunity, consistent with LRP11 blocking impaired T-cell function. Mechanistically, LRP11 activation induces MAPK13 activation. …”
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Guidance for the gastrointestinal evaluation and management of iron deficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2024-02-01“…The recommendations incorporate six areas, namely: general recommendations and practice, Helicobacter pylori, coeliac disease, suspected small bowel bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease, and preoperative care. …”
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Path and Practice of Gap Management in National Parks: A Comparison Between China and the US and Inspirations Therefrom
Published 2025-02-01“…The “Cod Cape Model” represents a compromise, blending federal authority with local regulator for gap management, allowing for flexible governance and local compliance with federal objectives. …”
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Pengukuran Kapabilitas Tata Kelola TI Sistem Informasi Tiras dan Transaksi Bahan Ajar Universitas Terbuka Menggunakan Cobit 5
Published 2021-10-01“…Hal inimenunjukkan bahwa organisasi belum sepenuhnya menerapkan beberapa best practices untuk tujuan proses yang dievaluasi, meski telah ada standar layanan tata kelola TI namun belum dapat diimplementasikan secara maksimal. …”
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Sistem Kontrol Swarm untuk Flocking Wahana NR-Awak Quadrotor dengan Optimasi Algoritma Genetik
Published 2021-11-01“…The search for optimal parameters in the swarm model controller requires optimization techniques such as the genetic algorithm (GA) to direct the search for solutions that produce the best performance. In this paper, tuning with the optimization of GA is only done for the PD controller in order to produce the best swarm trajectory, while the weight matrices of the LQR are done on a trial error basis. …”
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Implementasi Fuzzy C-Means untuk Pengelompokan Daerah berdasarkan Persebaran Penularan Covid-19
Published 2023-02-01“…Meanwhile, to determine the best number of clusters, the Elbow method will be implemented. …”
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Film Recommender System Menggunakan Metode Neural Collaborative Filtering
Published 2023-07-01“…The results on the model test show the best results with can average loss value of 0,1356 on the train label and 0,8898 on the val label, with the learning rate and batch size getting the best performance when the learning rate is 0,001 and the batch size is 1024. …”
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Pengelompokan Hasil Pencarian Skripsi Berbahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode DBSCAN dengan Pembobotan BM25
Published 2023-08-01“…The test results show that k1 and b parameters on BM25 weighting is quite affecting the quality of the clustering results using DBSCAN method. The best average silhouette coefficient results for each scenario sequentially are 0.722, 0.762, 0.945 and 0.907 by using the best parameters in the form of k1=1.8, b=0.5, epsilon=0.1 and MinPts=5 in the first scenario. k1=1.9, b=0.5, epsilon=0.1 and MinPts=5 in the second scenario. k1=1.4, b=0.55, epsilon=0.1 and MinPts=5 in the third scenario and k1=1.8, b=0.65, epsilon=0.1 and MinPts=5 in the fourth scenario …”
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Clinical, genomic, and histopathologic diversity in cerebral cavernous malformations
Published 2025-02-01“…Within PIK3CA mutations, the p.H1047R variant correlated with higher bleeding risk than p.E545K (P = 0.007). For non-hemorrhagic epilepsy, patients with single MAP3K3 mutations or combined MAP3K3 & PIK3CA mutations were at greater risk than those with PIK3CA mutations alone. …”
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Gra w karty Króla Zimowego (dziesięciojęzyczna reedycja i facsimile)
Published 2024-12-01“…Alegoryczne ilustracje na kartach do gry przedstawiają wydarzenia związane z wybuchem powstania czeskiego, jego genezą, przebiegiem i militarną klęską, zdławioną brutalnymi represjami. Omawianą talię zatytułowano po łacinie: Declaratio mysterii novorum foliorum lusoriorum, dictorum Folia Kosakorum Lisoviensium (Objaśnienie tajemnicy nowych kart do gry zwanych Karty kozaków lisowskich). …”
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[18F]Tetrafluoroborate, a new NIS PET/CT radiopharmaceutical: an overview focused on differentiated thyroid cancer
Published 2025-02-01“…TFB performed better than 131I; the TFB and 18F-FDG PET/CT combination achieved the best sensitivity. TFB delivered significantly less dose than the other NIS tracers. …”
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Serological epidemiology analysis of Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women in Diwaniyah, Iraq
Published 2025-02-01“…Primary maternal infection is best diagnosed by examining IgM and IgG antibodies. …”
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Using the alternative model of personality disorders for DSM-5 traits to identify personality types, and the relationship with disordered eating, depression, anxiety and stress
Published 2025-02-01“…A systematic four-step process using hierarchical, k-means, and random forest cluster analyses were used to identify the best fitting cluster solution in the data. Results The results revealed a four-cluster solution that represented overcontrol, undercontrol, resilient and an antisocial/psychoticism cluster. …”
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Predictive value of different baseline optical coherence tomography biomarkers for visual acuity changes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Published 2025-02-01“…Results Among 89 eyes with nAMD, mean best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved by 6 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) letters from baseline to month 3, with sustained improvement through month 12. …”
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Exploring integrated approaches for optimal well placement: a compelling case study of the Sarvak carbonate reservoir within an Iranian oilfield
Published 2025-01-01“…As high fracture intensity is an essential feature required for high oil/gas production rates, a continuous fracture model (CFM) was constructed, and average intensity fracture maps were developed to determine the best production locations and to avoid low-productivity (or potential loss-of-circulation zones) from a drilling perspective. …”
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La gestión de la Infraestructura Verde fluvial a escala metropolitana: el caso de Sevilla a la luz de la experiencia de Barcelona
Published 2024-11-01“…Con ese telón de fondo, y con el apoyo de 11 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a expertos en investigación y/o gestión de Infraestructura Verde, se analizan dos modelos específicos de gestión de Infraestructura Verde fluvial actualmente operativos en el área metropolitana de Barcelona (ríos Llobregat y Besòs). Finalmente se concluye confirmando la necesidad de abordar la gestión desde una escala supramunicipal, preferentemente metropolitana, subrayando la diversidad de las fórmulas concretas; así como la necesidad de transitar desde modelos convencionales de gobernanza participativa a procesos de coproducción social y cogestión de las nuevas realidades espaciales que las Infraestructuras Verdes significan. …”
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Predicting cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality using the lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio: Insights from explainable machine learning models
Published 2025-03-01“…The XGBoost model yielded the best performance metrics (AUC and F1 scores), and SHAP value analysis indicated that LMR significantly contributes to CVD outcomes. …”
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