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Ambient Atmospheric Aerosol Extinction Coefficient Reconstruction from PM2.5 Mass Concentrations and Application to Haze Identification in China
Published 2021-02-01“…After sensitivity tests confirmed good agreement between the extinction coefficients obtained through combinations of various values and those resulting from the reference values, linear regression was employed to reduce the discrepancy between the reconstructed and the observed coefficients. A closure study enabled us to determine the threshold of the extinction ratio (β/βObs) and identify haze and fog weather phenomena at the stations. …”
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Results of formation of primary and secondary smallintestinal reservoirs at ulcerative colitis
Published 2014-12-01“…Thus only in 2 (4,3%) patients of the first and in 1 (1,2%) patient of the second group with developed postoperative complications closure of imposed ileostoma was not performed.Conclusions. …”
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COVID-19 as a Factor Influencing Air Quality? A City Study in China
Published 2021-05-01“…Our results indicate that the improvement in air quality was related to traffic reduction and enterprise closures during the lockdown, which only marginally affected the spatial distribution of the AQI values. …”
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Colombia, España, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador: Seguridad Social para el adulto mayor
Published 2012-01-01“…Estudio de tres bloques de derechos necesarios para el adulto mayor: salud, pensiones y servicios sociales. …”
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La comunicación verbal colaborativa en tres grupos etarios y dos contextos socioeconómicos
Published 2015-01-01“…Participaron 41 díadas que realizaron una tarea de construcción con bloques.Las verbalizaciones fueron analizadas mediante categorías ad hoc. …”
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Efecto de la fertilización y aplicación de fitohormonas sobre la floración y rendimiento de Hylocereus megalanthus (K.Schum. ex Vaupel)
Published 2022-01-01“…Se estableció un diseño experimental de bloques completamente al azar con arreglo factorial compuesto por nueve tratamientos y tres repeticiones. …”
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Calidad de plantines de pak choi (Brassica rapa L. Grupo Chinensis) según tamaño de celda de la bandeja de germinación
Published 2020-01-01“….; se registró peso seco de hoja, raíz y planta, área foliar, longitud de la raíz principal y superficie radical. El diseño fue en bloques completos aleatorizados con 4 repeticiones; los datos se sometieron a análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey (p≤0,05). …”
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Durabilidad natural de la madera de Ochroma pyramidale Urb. en el municipio de Atrato, Colombia
Published 2020-01-01“…En cada uno de los ambientes: bajo dosel de árboles BDA, libre exposición LE y bajo sombra de plástico negro BS, se empleó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar conformado por tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones de 30 probetas cada uno. …”
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Ventilation Strategy for Proper IAQ in Existing Nurseries Buildings - Lesson Learned from the Research during COVID-19 Pandemic
Published 2022-02-01“…Abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic, many recommendations were made in the field of limiting the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, from which we can learn a lesson for determining ventilation strategies in strategic types of buildings (those whose closure during a pandemic is harmful to the economy, e.g., nurseries). …”
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Mobility, ICT, and health: a built environment investigation of older Chinese migrants’ social isolation and loneliness
Published 2025-02-01“…., coffee shops, libraries) decreased due to the closure of non-essential destinations and personal risk assessments. …”
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Quantifying Impacts of Local Traffic Policies on PM Concentrations Using Low Cost Sensors in Berlin
Published 2024-06-01“…These measures include a new bike-lane and a temporary community space, as well as the creation of a pedestrian zone through the closure of a street to through-traffic. The measurement campaign used the sensors in both mobile and stationary deployments, utilizing their small size and lower cost to increase spatial and temporal resolution measurements. …”
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Alpine, Variscan, eo-Variscan belts: comparison between hot and cold orogens from the examples of French segments
Published 2023-05-01“…Alps result of the opening and closure of the Liguro-Piemonte ocean, whereas the Paleozoic Eo-variscan and Variscan orogenies document multiple ocean openings and collisions in space and a polyorogenic history in time. …”
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Management of traumatic macular hole and retinal detachment using amniotic membrane transplantation: A case report
Published 2025-03-01“…Optical coherence tomography (OCT) confirmed that the AMT was in place as well as successful hole closure. The retina remained attached following silicone oil removal. …”
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Carotid endarterectomy outcomes according to anesthesia method: General anesthesia or regional anesthesia?
Published 2024-03-01“…Aim: Surgical strategies in carotid endarterectomy (CEA) vary according to the method of anesthesia, neurological monitoring, shunt use, and closure methods, and the gold standard method has not yet been determined. …”
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Post-disaster food insecurity: Hurricane Maria as a case study
Published 2025-01-01“…The primary causes of food insecurity were identified as grocery store closures, a lack of food in stores, or other reasons not listed in the survey. …”
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Post-rectectomy choice of preventive intestinal stoma formation method: prospective multicenter randomized clinical trial protocol
Published 2018-08-01“…In the western countries the preferred method is double barreled ileostomy due to more rapid formation and closure, as well as due to lower rate of stoma-related morbidity. …”
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Consumer Perceptions of Lawn Fertilizer Brands
Published 2016-05-01“…Many homeowners maintain their healthy lawns by applying fertilizers throughout the growing season, but excess fertilizer runoff and leaching have received much attention recently because of waterway pollution and algae blooms, leading many states to place restrictions on what chemicals can be used in lawn fertilizers. …”
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Uso de drogas e ato infracional: Revisão integrativa de artigos brasileiros
Published 2016-01-01“…La búsqueda fue simple (no boleana), y para el análisis, los artículos fueron separados en tres bloques: 1 -uso de drogas, 2 -actos ilegales, 3 -la relación entre los dos. …”
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Consumer Perceptions of Lawn Fertilizer Brands
Published 2016-05-01“…Many homeowners maintain their healthy lawns by applying fertilizers throughout the growing season, but excess fertilizer runoff and leaching have received much attention recently because of waterway pollution and algae blooms, leading many states to place restrictions on what chemicals can be used in lawn fertilizers. …”
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Reconstrucción de un flujo de derrubios: el desastre de Marines (Valencia) de octubre de 1957
Published 2021-01-01“… En la mañana del 14 de octubre de 1957 una masa compuesta principalmente por bloques y fango procedente de la vertiente oeste de las crestas del Rodeno (Sierra Calderona) asoló la mayor parte del casco urbano de Marines (Valencia), causando 6 víctimas mortales y numerosos daños materiales. …”
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