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Drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis: A disproportionality analysis based on the FAERS database.
Published 2025-01-01“…However, limitations inherent in the FAERS database, such as underreporting and the potential for reporting bias, should be considered. Further clinical validation is warranted to confirm these associations.…”
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How do serum cytokine levels change in myocarditis and inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy relative to healthy individuals? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…Each stage of the review, including the study selection, data extraction, risk of bias and quality of evidence assessments, will be performed in duplicate. …”
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Implementasi Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) untuk Klasterisasi Cerita Berbahasa Bali
Published 2021-02-01“…Jika cerita-cerita tersebut dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan topik, tentu akan sangat memudahkan bagi para pembacanya dalam memilih bacaan yang diinginkan. …”
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SARS-CoV-2 infection rates and associated risk factors in healthcare workers: systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…ROBINS-E tool revealed a lower risk of bias in several domains; however, some concerns related to confounding and exposure measurement were identified. …”
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Analisis Metode Estimasi Biaya pada Perangkat Lunak Beserta Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi : A Systematic Literature Review
Published 2022-08-01“…Kegagalan estimasi biaya dalam perencanaan proyek perangkat lunak dapat menyebabkan proyek tidak berjalan dengan baik dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, banyak peneliti sampai saat ini masih mencari dan melakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan estimasi terbaik. …”
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Analisa Tingkat Kematangan Literasi Tik Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Berbasis TIKDi Puskesmas Kota Palembang
Published 2024-12-01“…Literasi TIK menjadi semakin penting bagi Tenaga Kesehatan Puskesmas di Kota Palembang dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, antara lain: aplikasi pelayanan kesehatan berbasis TIK, penggunaan media sosial (whatsapp, facebook, instagram dan website) sebagai media informasi, promosi, komunikasi serta menyampaikan himbauan kepada masyarakat. …”
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Asymptomatic testing people for SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare facilities: A systematic review
Published 2025-01-01“…After screening abstracts and full text articles, 3 cohort studies were included, each with serious risk of bias. Very low certainty evidence shows a decrease in occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the asymptomatic testing group among patients going for index surgery (OR: 0.05, 95 % CI: 0.00–0.82; 501 participants; 1 study) and among long term care facility staff (OR: 0.31, 95 % CI: 0.18–0.52; 3457 participants; 2 studies, I2 = 89%) than the ‘no asymptomatic testing’ group. …”
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Divergent thinking in groups during cold-water immersion is impaired by cold stress not the cold shock response
Published 2025-02-01“…However, results indicated that those with lower skin temperatures performed worse on the DAT.DiscussionResults suggest that the ability to engage in divergent thinking is relatively preserved in the critical ~10-min window although skin cooling may bias attention toward the cold stress impacting task performance. …”
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Klasifikasi Sinyal Phonocardiogram Menggunakan Short Time Fourier Transform dan Convolutional Neural Network
Published 2023-04-01“…Penggunaan sinyal PCG memberikan hasil prediksi yang lebih baik pada deteksi penyakit jantung bila dibandingkan dengan ECG. Tetapi, penggunaan PCG secara elektronik membutuhkan analisis sinyal yang kompleks untuk mengklasifikasikan kondisi jantung. …”
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Consideraciones sobre la oferta hídrica de los sistemas acuífero-humedal en la cuenca Magdalena-Cauca, Colombia, a partir de la interpretación de datos de los satélites GRACE
Published 2022-11-01“…Se observó, además, una alta correspondencia entre los eventos ENSO y GWS, en especial, los fuertes eventos La Niña 2010-2011 y El Niño 2015-2016 que causaron fuertes estragos en el país, lo cual se evidencia, en mayor medida, en la zona de la Mojana ubicada al norte de la cuenca. [Conclusiones]: Si bien estos resultados aún deben ser validados con datos de monitoreo continuo, las cifras que se presentan en este estudio invitan a ejecutar acciones en torno a la formulación de mejores políticas y gestión de los recursos hídricos que propendan por la seguridad hídrica futura. …”
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Penerapan Model Enterprise Architecture Cube Pada Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi
Published 2024-07-01“…Penelitian ini menghasilkan dokumen rencana strategis, blueprint dan roadmap yang dapat digunakan sebagai landasan bagi Apotek Afdhal. Abstrack Afdhal Pharmacy is an enterprise engaged in the pharmaceutical sector as a drug provider. …”
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Use of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Male Fertility: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Published 2023-10-01“…Limitations: The limitations are small sample size of most of the studies, polypharmacy, lack of information on dosing and high heterogeneity. Interpretation: AAS use is detrimental for sperm motility and has a partially reversible negative impact on male fertility. …”
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Rekayasa E-Aquaculture untuk Pemantauan Tambak Udang secara Realtime dengan Model Multipoint Node
Published 2021-03-01“…Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan bagi Indonesia dari sektor perikanan. Budidaya udang pada tambak, perlu memperhatikan kualitas air. …”
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Perancangan Desain Antarmuka Pengguna Aplikasi Pertunjukan dan Pembelajaran Kesenian Tradisional Menggunakan Pendekatan Human-Centered Design
Published 2022-12-01“…Keberadaan aplikasi “Teater Budaya” diharapkan dapat menembus batasan ruang dan waktu bagi seseorang yang ingin mempelajari dan menikmati kesenian Topeng Malangan. …”
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Optimasi Pertanian Padi: Peramalan Curah Hujan Berbasis Arima Untuk Penentuan Waktu Tanam Yang Tepat
Published 2024-12-01“…Abstract Growth and production of rice cannot be separated from the strong influence of climate change. Recent years of high climate anomalies have posed a threat to agricultural production, particularly rice cultivation. …”
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Evaluasi SIMRS pada Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dengan Framework COBIT 5
Published 2022-06-01“…Dua pernyataan tersebut menjadi sasaran program bagi RSUD Klungkung yang berkeinginan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan teknologi dan SIMRS, serta kuantitas dan kualitas SDM RS. …”
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Comparative survival outcomes of neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy in patients with T1c, node-negative, triple-negative breast cancer: A population-based analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…To balance baseline characteristics and mitigate selection bias, propensity score matching (PSM) was used to create the NAT and AT cohorts. …”
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Impacts of National Reimbursement Drug Price Negotiation on drug accessibility, utilization, and cost in China: a systematic review
Published 2025-02-01“…Most of the studies (66%, n = 12) have some limitations (unclear risk of bias). The published studies indicated the implementation of the NRDPN policy decreased drug prices, ranging from 24 to 72%, which increased the affordability of success-negotiated drugs (refer to those medications that have undergone a successful price negotiation process between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare authorities) and decreased out-of-pocket expenditures. …”
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Klasifikasi Teks Hadis Bukhari Terjemahan Indonesia Menggunakan Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (CRNN)
Published 2021-10-01“…Hadis merupakan sumber hukum dan pedoman kedua bagi umat Islam setelah Al-Qur’an dan banyak sekali hadis yang telah diriwayatkan oleh para ahli hadis selama ini. …”
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Effective dietary interventions during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of behavior change techniques to promote healthy eating
Published 2025-02-01“…Thirty- seven RCTs met the inclusion criteria. High heterogeneity was observed across intervention characteristics and measures of fidelity. …”
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