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Analisis Kemiskinan Digital Indonesia di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Published 2022-02-01“…Oleh karena itu sangat penting bagi pemerintah untuk memetakan serta menganalisis kelompok yang terkena dampak inklusi digital. …”
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Perancangan User Experience Aplikasi Info COVID-19 Menggunakan Metode Human Centered Design
Published 2022-12-01“…Hasil akhir dari rancangan sistem adalah berupa high-fidelity prototype yang kemudian dievaluasi menggunakan teknik usability testing. …”
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Sistem Monitoring Frekuensi Denyut Nadi pada Pelari Menggunakan Metode Photoplethysmographic
Published 2021-11-01“…Namun, olahraga ini mempunyai dampak negatif bagi pelari yang mampu memicu serangan jantung sehingga dibutuhkan alat kesehatan untuk mendeteksi frekuensi denyut nadi saat berlari. …”
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Penerapan Metode Extreme Programming pada Rancang Bangun Sistem Analisis Sentimen Portal Berita
Published 2023-12-01“…Keberadaan sistem analisis sentimen bisa dijadikan sebagai alternatif solusi bagi individu dan organisasi untuk melakukan analisis sentimen, sehingga mampu membantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan maupun evaluasi kinerja. …”
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Programa de acreditación Estado Verde de Chile y la educación ambiental: una evaluación desde la perspectiva de las personas funcionarias públicas
Published 2024-06-01“…[Resultados]: Las personas funcionarias reconocen cambios de hábitos favorables para el cuidado ambiental en sus instituciones, aunque estos no son generalizados. [Conclusiones]: Si bien el programa Estado Verde genera cambios de hábitos y conductas en el personal público, requiere un reforzamiento en el fomento de sus estrategias educativas y de modificaciones en algunas exigencias, para un pleno cumplimiento de su objetivo en materia de educación ambiental no formal. …”
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Effect of maternal HIV infection on birth outcomes among HIV positive women in Sub Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using I2 stastics. Publication bias was also assessed using Egger’s test with 5% significance level. …”
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Clinical Consultation in the Workplace: Are There Implications for Response Attitudes?
Published 2025-01-01“…Our main goal is to find out if, when psychological assessment occurs in the workplace context, patients being assessed present specific response bias that may have implications for the clinical results and correlative decisions. …”
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Síndrome de Sheehan: marcador de subdesarrollo
Published 2024-12-01“…Solo hubo un estudio en la India que exploró la prevalencia; además, hubo series menos grandes, pero con casos bien estudiados y con tecnología actual. En los países desarrollados se hizo prevención, dando la mejor atención obstétrica posible, donde el diagnóstico diferencial se hizo entre hipopituitarismo, manifestaciones psiquiátricas, hiponatremia, hipoglicemia severa, diabetes insípida, problemas de coagulación o de autoinmunidad, además de la presencia clínica de las clásicas deficiencias hormonales, actuando rápido en los pocos y frecuentes casos agudos. …”
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Perancangan User Interface dan User Experience Aplikasi E-Commerce Kain Batik pada UMKM Rezti’s Batik Menggunakan Pendekatan Design Thinking
Published 2023-07-01“…Based on the test results that have been obtained, it can be seen that the designed batik cloth sales application has a high and good level of usability from each aspect of the User Experience (UX) Attribute value. …”
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Mapreduce dalam Layanan Transcoding
Published 2023-07-01“… Penyediaan file video dengan bitrate bervariasi menjadi syarat utama bagi layanan Video On Demand yang menerapkan adaptive streaming. …”
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Modelling the mode choice behaviour of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) users in the Solent area of the UK
Published 2025-01-01“…Factors such as car and bike ownership, travel-related impairment, education, profession, public transport pass ownership, and residential area type were found to be significant predictors of most frequent mode choice selection. …”
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Klasifikasi Tingkat Dehidrasi Berdasarkan Kondisi Urine, Denyut Jantung dan Laju Pernapasan
Published 2021-03-01“… Dehidrasi merupakan suatu kondisi ketika tubuh kekurangan cairan. Secara umum terdapat tiga tingkatan dehidrasi, yaitu dehidrasi ringan, sedang dan berat. …”
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Investigating the Effect of Coffee Husk Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete C30.
Published 2023“…Coffee husks have been considered as agricultural by-product; as its quantity is rising, Uganda produced 6.77 million 60 kilo bags in 2021. Each kilogram produces 0.366kg of husks. …”
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Perancangan User Experience Aplikasi Bimbingan Akademik Mahasiswa FILKOM Menggunakan Metode Human-Centered Design
Published 2022-02-01“…Penelitian ini membuat perancangan user experience aplikasi bimbingan akademik mahasiswa FILKOM dengan menerapkan metode Human-Centered Design (HCD) untuk membantu mengembangkan desain solusi yang fokus pada perspektif manusia ke dalam semua bagian proses pemecah permasalahan agar dapat membantu memetakan kebutuhan yang tepat bagi stakeholder dan pengguna. Hasil pengujian dengan metode usability testing menggunakan kombinasi penilaian pengujian ISO 9241-210 dan UEQ dengan detail teknik penilaian completion rate, time based efficiency, System Usability Scale (SUS), dan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). …”
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The effects of acute and chronic exercise on immune markers of TH1/TH2 cells in older adults: a systematic review
Published 2025-02-01“…An acute session significantly increased serum IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 levels immediately afterward, returning to baseline within 1 hour at moderate to high intensities. Chronic exercise at moderate to high intensities reduced serum TNF-α, IL-6, and the CD4/CD8 ratio, while increasing IL-10 levels after 24 weeks. …”
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[18F]Tetrafluoroborate, a new NIS PET/CT radiopharmaceutical: an overview focused on differentiated thyroid cancer
Published 2025-02-01“…General characteristics, technical parameters, procedures’ sensitivities and standards of reference were extracted from the selected studies. The risk of bias was evaluated with the QUADAS-2 scoring system. …”
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Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Resistance Exercise Prescription on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Overweight and Obese Adults
Published 2024-11-01“…The literature was screened by 2 researchers according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevant data were extracted.Meta-analysis of included literature was performed using RevMan 5.3 software, and publication bias was assessed using funnel plots.ResultsA total of 17 papers and 700 study subjects were included, with 351 cases in the test group, and 349 cases in the control group.Meta-analysis results showed that compared with the control group, the glycosylated hemoglobin of the test group with resistance exercise[SMD (95% CI) =-0.30(-0.53--0.07), P=0.010], fasting blood glucose[SMD (95% CI)=-0.58(-0.90--0.26), P < 0.001], insulin resistance index[SMD (95% CI) =-0.90 (-1.42--0.38), P < 0.001], and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)[SMD (95% CI) =-0.28 (-0.53--0.04), P=0.020] levels were reduced.Subgroup analysis showed that the glucose metabolism levels of the test group with only resistance exercise and a combination of resistance-anaerobic exercise were significantly lower than those of the control group(both P < 0.05).The heterogeneity of the effect of resistance exercise on glucose metabolism in Asian populations(I2=57%) was smaller than that in Caucasion(I2=76%) and other populations(I2=94%), and the level of decrease in glucose metabolism indexes was significant[SMD(95% CI)=-1.15(-1.73--0.57), P < 0.001].ConclusionResistance exercise can significantly reduce the level of glycolipid metabolism indexes in overweight or obese people.…”
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Prediksi Mahasiswa Drop-Out Di Universitas XYZ
Published 2024-12-01“… Akreditasi dan reputasi merupakan faktor krusial bagi setiap perguruan tinggi, termasuk Universitas XYZ. …”
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Akuisisi Bukti Digital Tiktok Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode National Institute of Justice
Published 2023-03-01“…Media sosial sangat berdampak positif bagi khalayak ramai seperti mudahnya dijangkau informasi dan mengakses perkembangan zaman, meskipun demikian tidak menutup kemungkinan media sosial dapat mendatangkan pengaruh negatif seperti tindak kejahatan cyberbullying, penipuan, ancaman, dan pencemaran nama baik. …”
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Prevention and management of degenerative lumbar spine disorders through artificial intelligence-based decision support systems: a systematic review
Published 2025-02-01“…Conclusions AI-based DSS applications showed a high degree of accuracy in performing a wide set of different tasks. …”
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