Spiritüel Ağ: Sosyal Medya ve Yön Değiştiren İnanışlar Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Published 2024-12-01“…Hem kitle hem de astrologlar için yeni oluşan bu kültür endüstrisi ortamı Pınarbaşı’nın kitabında Facebook üzerinden bu yeni etkileşimi anlama ve anlamlandırma çabasıdır. Sosyal medya içerikleri karma nitel ve nicel yöntemlerle detaylı bir incelemeye tabii tutulmuş ve New Age inanışlar arayışının izi sürülmüştür. …”
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A biomechanical comparison of posterior malleolar fracture fixation using screws and locking plates in Trimalleolar fractures: a finite element study
Published 2025-02-01“…Abstract Background The aim of the study is to compare the mechanical stability of posterior malleolar fractures fixed with different screw types and locking plates in the management of trimalleolar ankle fractures using the finite element (FE) method. …”
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The Fibularis Quartus Muscle: A Cadaveric Case Report with Historical, Embryological, Molecular and Clinical Considerations
Published 2024-12-01“…The muscle has been implicated in a variety of clinical problems ranging from ankle pain to subluxation and tear of peroneal tendons. …”
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Reliability of the Expanded Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (E-CAST) to Assess Trunk and Limb Alignment During a 45-Degree Side-Step Cut
Published 2022-04-01“…# Background Current clinical screening tools assessing risky movements during cutting maneuvers do not adequately address sagittal plane foot and ankle evaluations. The Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (CAST) is reliable in evaluating frontal plane trunk and lower extremity alignment during a 45-degree side-step cut. …”
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Plasmablastic transformation of a double hit follicular lymphoma: An emerging entity
Published 2024-04-01“…We report a case of simultaneous identification of extranodal, soft tissue plasmablastic lymphoma in the ankle and bone marrow involvement by follicular lymphoma. …”
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Lipids as key biomarkers in unravelling the pathophysiology of obesity-related metabolic dysregulation
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, fatigue and stress among gas station workers in China: a cross-sectional study
Published 2024-07-01“…Workers in gas stations usually work in poor ergonomic working conditions, including prolonged standing and repetitive posturing.Objective The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of WMSDs and fatigue and to identify the predictors of WMSDs among gas station workers.Design The present study was a cross-sectional study.Setting and participants 2962 gas station workers from an oil and gas company in China, with ages ranging from 17 to 75 years old, 55.47% female.Results The prevalence of WMSDs within the 12 months prior to the study was 73.23%, with the highest prevalence in the neck, shoulders, ankles and feet. Furthermore, a correlation was observed between fatigue, stress and WMSDs. …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…The article argues that the aggressiveness with which the Ewe-Ghanaian Christian confronts his/her destiny issues is premised on the primal belief that everyone came to this world with his/ her own destiny (gbetsi) or fortune (aklama). However, there are forces that interfere with one’s destiny. …”
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Jóvenes y patriarcado en la sociedad TIC: Una reflexión desde la violencia simbólica de género en redes sociales
Published 2017-01-01“…Así se configura un escenario habilitado para magnificar o anular las expresiones de violencia de género (explícita y simbólica). …”
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Knowledge Management System Berbasis Web tentang Budidaya Hidroponik untuk Mendukung Smart Society
Published 2020-05-01Get full text
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Dijital Çağda Kültürel Dönüşüm: Yeni Sosyokültürel Kimlikleriyle Genç Kuşağın Eleştiri, İlgi ve Beğenileri
Published 2023-06-01“…Dijital düzenleme, ekranın mobil dönüşümü ve hızlanma insan eylemlerinden edebiyat, sanat ve estetik de dahil olmak üzere genel olarak dünyayı anlama biçimi yeniden şekillenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, hızlanma neticesinde mikro edebiyat, sanat ve estetiğin dönüşümüne dair tartışmalar sistematik bir yöntemle derlenmiştir. …”
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Sağlığın Medyadaki Görünümleri Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Değerlendirme
Published 2024-06-01“…Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada televizyonlarda yayınlanan sabah kuşağı sağlık programları ve tıp dizileri, gazete ve dergilerin sağlık köşeleri, internet ve sosyal medyada paylaşılan sağlık temalı bilgilendirmeler ve sağlığın medya aracılığıyla reklam ve pazarlama aracı olarak ticarileşmesi gibi hususlar üzerinde durulacak, sağlık ve medya ilişkisine dair genel bir çerçeve sunulmaya çalışılacaktır.…”
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Estatutos antidiscriminación y su desarrollo en Colombia
Published 2007-01-01“…Así, lo primero que deben remover estas normas antidiscriminación es la Discriminación, entendida como toda distinción, exclusión o restricción arbitraria que tenga por objeto o resultado, consciente o inconsciente, menoscabar o anular el reconocimiento, goce o ejercicio de los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales a una persona o grupos de personas en lo político, económico, laboral, social, religioso, cultural y civil o en cualquier otro ámbito. …”
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Yeni Despotizm: Demokrasilerin Geleceği Mi?
Published 2024-12-01“…İçerik itibariyle oldukça detaylı, girift ve kesif sayılabilecek bu çalışmayı iktidar yapılarını anlama, karşılaştırma ve özellikle dijitalleşmenin küresel ölçekte had safhaya ulaştığı yüzyıla yönelik bir eleştiri olarak okumak mümkündür. …”
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A tradução como particular experiência de leitura: Triz, de Pedro Süssekind
Published 2019-01-01“…Siendo un lector muy particular, de cierta forma, se anula a sí mismo para elegir una “morada virtual” en el texto, en una especie de “proyección dirigida” (Gombrich, 2007).…”
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A estratégia da urgência: considerações sobre O cheiro do ralo, de Lourenço Mutarelli
Published 2018-01-01“…No para distraerlos, sino para sensibilizarlos, a partir de la representación de formas de vida aceleradas, automatizadas y envueltas por una atmosfera terrorífica de malestar (como es la del protagonista de O cheiro do ralo), sobre las angustias humanas ocasionadas por estilos de vida típicos de una sociedad donde predominan los medios de comunicación y un capitalismo voraz, que, abreviando la relación de los seres con el tiempo y con el entorno, producen, entre otras cosas, intensos estadios de aturdimiento mental, anulan la ética, la solidaridad y la afectividad entre los hombres, además de estimular la proyección de un egocentrismo muy cercano a la perversión.…”
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A Well-Differentiated Liposarcoma with History of Benign Prostatic: A Case Report
Published 2024-09-01Get full text
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Can BlazePose accurately assess joint angles in outdoor running environments?
Published 2025-01-01“…This study aims to validate and evaluate the accuracy of BlazePose for measuring hip, knee, and ankle joint angles at key gait events, initial contact (IC), midstance (MS), and toe-off (TO) in outdoor running.…”
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