Hayat Ağacı ve Vakvak Ağacı’nın Bitki-İnsan-Hayvan Metaforu Kapsamında Karşılaştırılması
Published 2025-01-01“…Makalede Hayat Ağacı ile Vakvak Ağacı’nın anlamı, nasıl kullanıldığı, varsa benzer veya farklı yönleri üzerinde kuramsal bir bakış açısı geliştirilmiştir.…”
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Influences of footstrike patterns and overground conditions on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during running: Statistical parametric mapping analysis.
Published 2025-01-01“…These findings suggested that nRFSs endure more ankle loads, while RFSs face increased knee loads. …”
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A szervezett bűnözői jelenségek a számítógépes hálózatokon
Published 2012-06-01Get full text
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Understanding Investigational Perspective of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Rice
Published 2025-01-01Get full text
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Kinematic and Kinetic Predictors of Y-Balance Test Performance
Published 2021-04-01“…In the posterior medial direction, hip flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle rotation accounted for 45.8% of the variance in reach direction (*p*\<0.001) while hip and knee extensor, and hip abductor moments explained 72.6% of the variance in reach distance (*p*\<0.001). …”
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SME users in Industry 4.0 Study of the Metalworking Industry in Argentina
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Published 2019-12-01“…Background: The incident of ankle sprain reported 1 of 10.000 case each day. …”
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A szabadságvesztés végrehajtása Magyarországon az európai szabályok tükrében
Published 2012-08-01Get full text
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Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Lower Extremity Research
Published 2023-06-01“…However, a consensus as to which PROMs are recommended for use in evaluating treatment outcomes for patients with hip, knee, ankle and/or foot pathology based on the strength of their psychometric properties is lacking…”
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Relationship between Shoulder Pain, Trunk and Lower Limb Pain in Overhead Athletes: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Published 2024-12-01“…Shoulder pain was associated with low back pain (OR=5.51), hip pain (OR=4.32), knee pain (OR=3.03) and ankle/foot pain (OR=2.84). # Conclusion This systematic review highlighted, with very low to low certainty, a significant association between shoulder pain and trunk/lower limb pain or injuries…”
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Instructional Course Lectures /
Published 2000Table of Contents: “…Sect. 1: The shoulder -- sect. 2: Rotator cuff and arthritis -- sect. 3: Pediatric sports injuries -- sect. 4: Miscellaneous sports-related conditions -- sect. 5: Hip injuries -- sect. 6: Foot and ankle injuries -- sect. 7: Elbow injuries -- sect. 8: Knee injuries.…”
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Yüzün Fenomenolojisi ve Etik: Müge Anlı Örneği
Published 2023-06-01“…Sonuç olarak Anlı’nın yüzünün etik dışı bir anlam taşıdığı ve ahlaki yozlaşmaya çanak tuttuğu dile getirilmiştir.…”
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Effects of spinal deformities on lower limb kinematics during walking: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2025-02-01“…Sensitivity analysis showed strong evidence of decrease in right leg stride length and ankle sagittal ROM, decrease in left leg single support and non-significant change in left leg step length. …”
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Proprioceptive Reweighting and Postural Control are Impaired Among Elite Athletes Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Published 2024-11-01“…., able to reweight proprioceptive signals from the ankle to the lumbar region), whereas an eRPW >105% classified individuals as rigid (i.e., maintaining an ankle dominant strategy). …”
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Concurrencias y bifurcaciones entre el racionalismo alado de Gaston Bachelard y el idealismo simbólico de Ernst Cassirer
Published 2015-01-01“…Primero, a partir de indicios bio-bibliográficos se construye el contexto de significación vital donde se anclan sus respectivas ideas; segundo, se establecen entre ellos paralelismos fundamentales, y, tercero, se ofrecen ejemplos de la terminología bachelardiana, cercana a la hermenéutica simbólica contemporánea. …”
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Female Adolescent Soccer Players Utilize Different Neuromuscular Strategies Between Limbs During the Propulsion Phase of a Lateral Vertical Jump
Published 2021-06-01“… # Purpose To examine dominant versus non-dominant limb performance using energy generation contribution of the hip, knee, and ankle during the vertical jump component of the lateral vertical jump…”
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Estados de consumo e instancias de desvinculación: el lugar de las mujeres
Published 2008-01-01“…En simultaneidad el malestar y el desasosiego se anclan en un sujeto sin garantes, desmembrado, aislado y sufriente.…”
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