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Vivir con Diabetes
Published 2016-06-01“…This major revision provides an overview of diabetes, a list of people at high risk of developing the disease, and a description of each type of diabetes. It also discusses tests, possible health problems, control of blood glucose, and diabetes management. …”
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Identification and Control of Coral Ardisia (Ardisia crenata): A Potentially Poisonous Plant.
Published 2013-11-01“… Coral ardisia, also known as coral berry, spice berry, and scratchthroat, was introduced to Florida in the early 1900′s for ornamental purposes. …”
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Eunug in die antieke Nabye Ooste
Published 2008-06-01“…The reference to the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 is also discussed, and the conclusion is drawn that syrs refers to a foreign official visiting Jerusalem to worship, and not to a castrated man. …”
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Defect groups of class S $$ \mathcal{S} $$ theories from the Coulomb branch
Published 2025-01-01“…We show how these can also be identified from dimensional reduction of M-theory. …”
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Basic Tips for Designing Efficient Irrigation Systems
Published 2020-04-01“…Designing efficient irrigation systems and equipment will not only save money but also conserve water. This 10-page fact sheet discusses factors to consider when designing irrigation systems. …”
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Generalized Grand Lebesgue Spaces Associated to Banach Function spaces
Published 2024-07-01“…In this paper we introduce the class of grand Lebesgue spaces associated to a Banach function space $X$ by replacing the role of the $L^1$-norm by the norm $\|\cdot\|_X$ in the classical construction of the generalized grand Lebesgue spaces. Also, we study the inclusion property of these spaces.…”
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Chinese Mustard Cultivation Guide for Florida
Published 2021-01-01“… Chinese mustard is a nutritious leafy vegetable in the family Brassicaceae. Chinese mustard also goes by many common names, such as brown mustard, mustard greens, leaf mustard, Indian mustard, Oriental mustard, and vegetable mustard. …”
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Flea Beetles of the Genus Altica: Altica spp. (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Published 2019-04-01“…Their great jumping skills are thought to have evolved as a mechanism to escape from predators. This document is also available on the Featured Creatures website at …”
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Healthy Eating: Improving Your Convenience Foods
Published 2016-04-01“…However, precut, prewashed, frozen, and canned fruits and vegetables also can be classified as convenience foods. They are healthy foods but are usually more expensive than less prepared fresh fruits and vegetables. …”
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Handbook of Florida Water Regulation: Consumptive Use
Published 2019-05-01“…Several details of cited laws are also left out due to space limitations. This document is FE604, one of a series of the Food and Resource Economics Department, UF/IFAS Extension. …”
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Published 2023-04-01“…The researcher discusses the common themes and nuances in the issues and challenges they confront from behind bars and in free society, and their struggles for survival throughout the pandemic. This paper also examines their service needs and, in the case of those released from the penitentiary, the salient factors that contribute to the risk of recidivism. …”
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Foliar Nematode Aphelenchoides spp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchida: Aphelenchoididae)
Published 2020-05-01“…Ten other species of Aphelenchoides also are recognized as facultative plant-parasites, but these are not as commonly encountered or as economically significant as the aforementioned species. …”
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Mango Fruit Fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Insecta: Diptera: Tephritidae)
Published 2012-03-01“… The mango fruit fly is also commonly known as the marula fruit fly, based on its common occurrence in these host plants. …”
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On Saigo Fractional $q$-Calculus of a General Class of $q$-Polynomials
Published 2024-03-01“…In this paper, we derive Saigo fractional $q$-integrals of the general class of $q$-polynomials and demonstrate their application by investigating $q$-Konhouser biorthogonal polynomial, $q$-Jacobi polynomials and basic analogue of the Kamp$\acute{e}$ de F$\acute{e}$riet function. We have also derived polynomials as a specific example of our significant findings.…”
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Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems—Lesson 1: Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Connections
Published 2014-10-01“…The 4-H Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems curriculum provides an opportunity for young people to practice a variety of life skills while learning marine science concepts. The curriculum also utilizes science inquiry as a way for young people (9-14) to gain a deeper curiosity about the natural world. …”
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A Beginner’s Guide to Water Management — Bacteria
Published 2004-03-01“…The discussion includes a comparison of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment plants versus septic tanks. Also, indicators used for detecting bacterial contamination are explained, along with basic laboratory methods. …”
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The Great Trek as Exodus in J.D. Kestell's and N. Hofmeyr's De Voortrekkers of het dagboek van Izak van der Merwe
Published 2003-06-01“…Not only in many of the novels written in Dutch and Afrikaans, but also in some which appeared in English, the bravery of the Voortrekkers was a pivotal theme. …”
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Guide to Using Rhizomal Perennial Peanut in the Urban Landscape
Published 2004-05-01“…It is not only beneficial to the environment since it requires no supplemental nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization or pest control, but it also is aesthetically pleasing, can be walked on, and has edible, peanut flavored flowers. …”
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External Parasites on Horses
Published 2006-03-01“…Non-biting flies such as house flies and face flies are also important in producing fly worry, irritation and disease transmission. …”
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Miyaoka–Yau inequalities and the topological characterization of certain klt varieties
Published 2024-06-01“…Ball quotients, Abelian varieties, and projective spaces are also characterized topologically: if a complex, projective manifold $X$ is homeomorphic to a variety of this type, then $X$ is itself of this type. …”
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