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Tips for Integrating Land and Wildlife Management: Deer in Forests
Published 2013-02-01“…This 2-page fact sheet provides some deer habitat improvement tips that focus primarily on raising the quality of deer forage but that also will help you grow better cover by improving plant diversity and productivity. …”
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A Parasitoid Wasp Cotesia congregata (Say) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Published 2014-09-01“… This species of Cotesia has been widely used as a model system in insect physiology. It has also been used to examine insect learning in host-parasitoid-plant interactions. …”
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Superstition, Idolatry and the Advancement of Learning.
Published 2022-12-01“…The problem of superstition regards the discipline of assent, but also the formation of a certain capacity of distinguishing truth from “superstition and impostures.” …”
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Rasga Coração, de Vianinha, e Hair: aproximação e distanciamento num contexto de contracultura
Published 2015-01-01“…This representation is made especially by the young ch aracters of these plays, and the different focus Rasga coração and Hair give to this political - cultural movement is also emphasized in the article.…”
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Kształtowanie przez dzieci form przestrzennych – doniesienie z badań
Published 2015-12-01“…After describing the research procedure, the results were also presented of empirical studies conducted by the author (constituting only a portion) based on an analysis of sculptural works made by children. …”
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Tabebuia serratifolia, Yellow Trumpet Tree
Published 2012-10-01“…Once established, this tree is drought tolerant, making it easier to care for and less demanding on water resources. Yellow trumpet tree also has a relatively high tolerance to salt spray, and therefore is an appropriate street tree or yard specimen in coastal areas. …”
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Sapodilla Growing in the Florida Home Landscape
Published 2006-10-01“…Tables include information on selected cultivars for Florida, cultural practices by month, fertilizer program, and nutritional information. This version has also been revised to indicate IFAS' assessment of sapodilla's invasive potential in south and central Florida. …”
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Facts About Minerals
Published 2012-03-01“…Minerals are substances like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc that are found in rocks and the soil. They also are needed for optimal nutrition. There are 16 different minerals that are known to be needed in our diets. …”
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Em viagem: sobre outras paisagens e movimentos no romance contemporâneo
Published 2014-01-01“…Characters which travel in the novels Algum lugar , by Paloma Vidal; Azul - corvo , by Adriana Lisboa; and Estive em Lisboa e lembrei de você , by Luiz Ruffato, also point out to those motivations, embodying the contemporary migration and indi cating diverse cultural maps. …”
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Hydrilla Management in Florida Lakes
Published 2019-11-01“…It can provide some benefits to fish and wildlife at low levels of coverage, but it also can have major detrimental impacts to water uses, causing substantial economic and environmental hardships. …”
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Tips for Integrating Land and Wildlife Management: Deer in Ranchlands
Published 2013-02-01“…This 2-page fact sheet provides some deer habitat improvement tips that focus primarily on raising the quality of deer forage but that also will help you grow better cover by improving plant diversity and productivity. …”
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External Parasites on Swine
Published 2006-03-01“…In Florida, the major pests on swine are lice, mange mites, ticks and stable flies, although horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes and wound-infesting maggots may also cause severe problems. This document is ENY-287 (IG138), one of a series of the Entomology and Nematology Department, UF/IFAS Extension. …”
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Green Scale, Coccus viridis (Green) (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccidae)
Published 2003-01-01“…This pest was first found in Florida near Davie, Broward County in May 1942, by State Plant Board grove inspectors, and is now well established in south Florida. This insect is also referred to as the coffee green scale. This document is EENY-253 (originally published as DPI Entomology Circular 165), one of a series of the Department of Entomology, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Fusarium Wilt of Canary Island Date Palm
Published 2019-05-01“…The name “Fusarium wilt of Canary Island date palm” was given to this disease to distinguish it from two other Fusarium wilt diseases that occur on palms, which are also very host specific. In Florida (and the U.S.), the name is often shortened to simply “Fusarium wilt.” …”
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Water Scorpions, Water Stick-Insects Ranatra spp. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Nepidae)
Published 2021-04-01“…In the southeastern United States, these insects are commonly referred to as water scorpions. Also published on the Featured Creatures website at …”
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”Kyrkan förvaltar, äger 460 000 hektar av skapelsen”
Published 2025-01-01“…The analysis shows that the Sámi representatives expressed that all elements were needed for reconciliation to be reached. It is also emphasized that for the reconciliation process to move forward, the Church of Sweden needs to further address the question of land as well as Sámi self-determination. …”
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Calvyn, Servet en ons ... teologie, geskiedenis en die negende gebod
Published 2004-01-01“… The case of Servet has not only been the subject of extensive investigation in church history often, but is also a case about which there has always been much speculation. …”
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Hydrilla Management in Florida Lakes
Published 2019-11-01“…It can provide some benefits to fish and wildlife at low levels of coverage, but it also can have major detrimental impacts to water uses, causing substantial economic and environmental hardships. …”
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Biology and Management of Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) in Ornamental Crop Production
Published 2015-02-01“… Bittercress commonly grows in the potting media of container-grown ornamentals and often through drainage holes in nursery containers. It also can be a problem in propagation houses, greenhouses, and in the field. …”
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Farmer Saved Peanut Seed: Factors to Consider
Published 2006-08-01“…In this revision, authors Tillman and Gorbet revise and expand upon Whitty's original publication to address economic and seed quality considerations. Also added is a table listing the legal protection status of certified seed varieties available in 2005. …”
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