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Facts About Niacin
Published 2013-02-01“…Our bodies need niacin to use the energy in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Niacin also is needed for DNA repair and for the normal use of calcium in the body. …”
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Illicium floridanum Florida Anise Tree, Florida Anise
Published 2007-05-01“…The document outlines the plant’s growth habits, preferred growing conditions, and uses in landscaping. It also highlights the plant’s moderate drought tolerance, pest resistance, and ease of maintenance. …”
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Simulation of the electrolyte imbalance in vanadium redox flow batteries.
Published 2025-01-01“…Based on the leakage circuit, mass and energy conservation, electrochemicals reaction in porous electrode, and also the effect of electric field on vanadium ion cross permeation in membrane, a model of kilowatt vanadium flow battery stack was established. …”
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Absolutely minimum attaining Toeplitz and absolutely norm attaining Hankel operators
Published 2023-09-01“…In this article, we completely characterize absolutely norm attaining Hankel operators and absolutely minimum attaining Toeplitz operators. We also improve [19, Theorem 2.1], by characterizing the absolutely norm attaining Toeplitz operator $T_\varphi $ in terms of the symbol $\varphi \in L^\infty $.…”
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Pesticide Effects on Nontarget Organisms
Published 2011-06-01“…Pesticides are an integral part of agriculture as Florida's climate fosters an environment conducive to major pest outbreaks throughout the entire year. Our environment also is favorable for the development and presence of beneficial organisms that positively affect our agricultural production and enhance our wildlife and plant communities. …”
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On a Subfamily of Analytic Functions Associated With q-Sălăgean Operator
Published 2025-01-01“…Several consequences of main results are also given.…”
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Transparency in Agriculture and Natural Resources: Defining Transparent Communication
Published 2015-10-01“… When we think about transparency, we usually think about business, public relations, and government; however; transparency is also an important consideration in agriculture and food industries. …”
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Gall Wasps, Callirhytis quercusclaviger (Ashmead) and Callirhytis cornigera (Osten Sacken) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)
Published 2006-06-01“…This publication has been published as DPI Entomology Circular 355 (Nov. 1992) and is also available on the Featured Creatures Web site by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, May 2006. …”
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Infinite flags and Schubert polynomials
Published 2025-01-01“…Applications include Graham-positivity of coefficients appearing in equivariant coproduct formulas and expansions of back-stable and enriched Schubert polynomials. We also construct an embedding of the type C flag variety and study the corresponding pullback map on (equivariant) cohomology rings.…”
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A Flesh Fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart (Insecta: Diptera: Sarcophagidae)
Published 2011-12-01“…Sarcophaga crassipalpis is commonly used in laboratories to study gene expression, diapause processes, and physiological processes. It also has a significant impact in other areas of science including parasitology and forensic entomology. …”
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Lethal Yellowing (LY) of Palm
Published 2019-05-01“… Lethal yellowing (LY) is a palm disease prevalent in Florida landscapes in the southern one-third of the state. It is also observed in field nurseries. This disease has significantly reduced the number of tall-type Cocos nucifera (coconut) in Florida and the Caribbean Basin, and localized outbreaks continue to occur. …”
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Eriophyid mite vector of Rose Rosette Disease (RRD) Phyllocoptes fructiphilus Keifer (Arachnida: Acari: Eriophyidae)
Published 2013-09-01“…This mite can be spread by the wind and by contaminated clothing and equipment. It also is possible that it can disperse through phoresy (attaching itself to insects). …”
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Establishing a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization: An Overview
Published 2019-05-01“… This new 3-page document provides an overview of the process to establish a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and also discusses eligibility criteria and filing requirements. …”
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Oysters for the Future: The Value of Science-Based Management in the Oyster Fishery
Published 2017-05-01“… The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) provides many important functions in coastal environments, from serving a crucial role in the estuary’s food web to improving water quality for beachgoers and wildlife. Oysters are also a popular food choice for people. At times the commercial industry landings value has topped $8 million annually in Florida. …”
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Recreational Harvesting of the Florida Bay Scallop, Citrus County
Published 2011-08-01“…This publication offers a brief biology lesson on bay scallops along with everything you need to know about scalloping—legal requirements, equipment needed, how to collect and handle scallops, recipes, and information on scallop research and restoration. The brochure also includes a boat ramp and marina locator map for the Citrus County area. …”
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Aktualizowanie potencjalności twórczej uczniów poprzez integralną ekspresję kulturową usytuowaną w sztukach wizualnych
Published 2018-05-01“…The essence of the strategy lies in the specific organization of child’s perception process regarding a given visual art where the key issue is the artistic expression of the pupils, especially of paratheatrical nature. The article also presents results of the quasi-experimental research on the creative potentiality of pupils. …”
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2012 Florida Constitutional Amendment 4: Property Tax Limitations; Property Value Decline; Reduction for Nonhomestead Assessment Increases, Delay of Scheduled Repeal
Published 2012-07-01“…In addition to 2012 being a presidential election year, Florida voters also will be asked to vote on a number of proposed amendments to their state constitution. …”
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Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase
Published 2017-11-01“…The document covers growth requirements, such as partial shade and well-drained soil, and uses for mass planting, containers, and ground cover. It also highlights propagation methods and potential problems like scale and root rot. …”
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Food and Fitness: Myths and Truths
Published 2006-08-01“…This version is updated with references to the USDA MyPyramid eating plan and adjusts recommendations for fitness drinks. This version also includes additional sources for finding reliable information. …”
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Fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: Arctiinae)
Published 2011-01-01“…This 9-page illustrated fact sheet describes this pest whose larvae form large tents in the foliage of many ornamental trees and shrubs, and also agronomic crops — synonymy, distribution, description and life cycle, hosts, economic importance, and management. …”
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