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Weed Management Principles in Commercial Vegetable Production
Published 2014-09-01“…They interfere with hand harvest and can complicate or prevent machine harvest. Weeds also serve as alternative hosts to diseases, viruses, and nematodes. …”
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Alocasia spp. Elephant's Ear
Published 2018-08-01“…It details the plant’s characteristics, including its fast growth rate, upright habit, and coarse texture. The document also covers the plant’s adaptability to different soil types and light conditions, its invasive potential, and its uses in landscaping as a border, ground cover, or container plant. …”
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Introduciendo Alimentos Sólidos
Published 2006-11-01“…This document helps parents understand when to introduce solid foods to their babies and in what order. Also provides guidance on avoiding mealtime battles and on helping children learn to like a variety of foods. …”
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Particulate Phosphorus in the Everglades Agricultural Area: I -- Introduction and Sources
Published 2002-10-01“…Published September 2002. This publication is also a part of the Florida Sugarcane Handbook, an electronic publication of the Agronomy Department. …”
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Management of Gummy Stem Blight (Black Rot) on Cucurbits in Florida
Published 2018-08-01“… Gummy stem blight (GSB) is a major disease of many cucurbits, including watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, muskmelon, and other melons. The disease is also known as black rot due to its characteristic appearance on infected fruits. …”
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What You Should Know Before Planning Your Citrus Weed Management Program
Published 2005-04-01“…A typical decision process of planning a weed management program as well as some important factors that impact tree growth and yield are also discussed. This document is HS999, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Leptomastix dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae): parasitoid of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Published 2024-02-01“…This beneficial insect is known for providing significant reductions in mealybug populations in Florida and other locations. It is also intended to provide knowledge about this parasitoid to a wide range of interested audiences including growers, Extension agents, researchers, students, laypersons, and other stakeholders. …”
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Some Suggestions for Controlling Benghal Dayflower in Field Nurseries
Published 2008-02-01“… ENH-1085, a 9-page illustrated fact-sheet by Robert Stamps, describes this increasingly problematic weed — also known as jio, tropical spiderwort, hairy wandering jew, and Indian dayflower — in field nurseries, its identification, control, factors effecting pre- and post-emergence herbicides, tables of recommended herbicides, and references. …”
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Grammar and Punctuation
Published 2021-05-01“… This 4-page publication covering proper grammar and punctuation for news media writing is the third of a five-part series on news media writing. This series also covers an introduction to news media writing, news writing for print, news writing for television and radio, and interviews for news stories. …”
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Forage Moisture Testing
Published 2002-07-01“…The information in this document was adapted from Production and Utilization of Pasture and Forages in North Carolina, Technical Bulletin 305, North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University and is published with their permission. This publication is also part of the Florida Forage Handbook, an electronic publication of the Agronomy Department. …”
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The Use and Economic Value of the 3K SNP Genomic Test for Calves on Dairy Farms
Published 2011-09-01“…AI companies have been using genomics to select AI sires. Now also commercial dairy producers can find value in testing their calves to help decide which ones to keep. …”
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Eriophyid mite vector of Rose Rosette Disease (RRD) Phyllocoptes fructiphilus Keifer (Arachnida: Acari: Eriophyidae)
Published 2013-09-01“…This mite can be spread by the wind and by contaminated clothing and equipment. It also is possible that it can disperse through phoresy (attaching itself to insects). …”
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Establishing a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization: An Overview
Published 2019-05-01“… This new 3-page document provides an overview of the process to establish a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and also discusses eligibility criteria and filing requirements. …”
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Keeping it Safe: Extension Cords
Published 2019-05-01“…To resolve this problem you will need an extension cord—you will also need the correct type of cord. Using the wrong kind of cord, or using it incorrectly can create safety hazards such as fire, shock, electrocution, trips and falls, and blown fuses. …”
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Planning a Successful Field Trip
Published 2014-09-01“… Field trips can be great experiences for youth to learn project content and life skills. Field trips also contribute to the experiential learning philosophy of 4-H. …”
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Cranberry Fruitworm Acrobasis vaccinii Riley (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Published 2021-04-01“…As larvae, these moths are the primary pest of large fruit cranberries and a significant pest of highbush blueberries (Fitzpatrick 2008). Also published on the Featured Creatures website at …”
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Carolina Satyr Hermeuptychia sosybius (Fabricius, 1793) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini: Euptychiina)
Published 2016-07-01“…It details the butterfly’s distribution across the southeastern United States, its preferred habitats, and its life cycle stages from egg to adult. The article also highlights the morphological differences between the Carolina satyr and the similar intricate satyr, Hermeuptychia intricata. …”
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A imagem da política: implicações das propagandas políticas nas escolhas eleitorais no Rio de Janeiro
Published 2008-01-01“…This is crucial to understand, not only the logics reproduced by the candidates to get the position of a representative in the executive power, but also, the means of the image transmitted to the electorate that will support the democratic choices of the population. …”
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The Form and Functioning of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers in the Late 1940s and Early 1950s in the Context of Czech Literature
Published 2025-02-01“…The paradoxical role of writers and artists after 1948, i.e. to serve and to lead at the same time, is also discussed. …”
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School-Based Agricultural Education Industry Certifications: Part 1—Introduction to Industry Certifications
Published 2024-03-01“… "Introduction to Industry Certifications" briefly discusses the history of agricultural education and the Smith-Hughes Act. It also provides an explanation as to what industry certifications are, as well as recognizes the organizations and the different types of certifications available to students within the Agriculture and Natural Resources pathway. …”
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