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- Swahili fiction 2
- Swahili literature 2
- Themes, motives 2
- African literature 1
- Anesthesiology 1
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- Brothers and sisters 1
- Building 1
- Cardiac Surgical Procedures 1
Suatu Pendekatan Hibrid Menggunakan Topsis - Entropi pada Penentuan Siswa Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi Berbasiskan Kriteria Objektif
Published 2021-02-01“…Kondisi ekonomi Indonesia yang turun seiring pandemi Covid-19 yang belum juga berakhir menyebabkan sebagian masyarakat menghadapi kesulitan ekonomi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, salah satunya adalah dalam pembiayaan sekolah anak. …”
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Pengenalan Jalan Berlubang Berbasis Vision Menggunakan Pyramid Histogram Of Oriented Gradients
Published 2023-07-01“…Manajemen jalan berlubang yang efisien dan preventif di lingkungan jalan yang kompleks memainkan peran penting dalam mengamankan keselamatan pengemudi. Hal ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pencegahan kecelakaan lalu lintas dan kelancaran arus lalu lintas. …”
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Perencanaan Coverage Jaringan 5G Berdasarkan Propagasi Rugi Rugi Lintasan dan Shadowing
Published 2021-03-01“…So that in this study, a 5G network planning was carried out using a 5G system with a frequency of 869 MHz in Denpasar City using a rooftop tower. …”
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Analisis Asosiasi Untuk Menemukan Pola Pada Terapi Obat Pasien Dengan Menggunakan Metode Apriori
Published 2023-04-01“…Abstract Drug Therapy Monitoring (PTO) is a process that includes a process of activities to ensure drug therapy for patients is safe, effective and rational. …”
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Keterlibatan Stakeholder Pada Strategi TI; Studi Pemetaan Sistematis
Published 2023-02-01“…Whereas in information technology (IT), the benefits of stakeholder involvement are used as a conceptual basis for developing technology plans. …”
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Career Development Center Berbasis Social Media Menggunakan Algoritma Gale-Shapley dan Framework Codeigniter
Published 2022-12-01“…However, if a certain university does not yet have a system that can handle the problem. …”
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Pendekatan Model ADDIE dan Framework MDA pada Gamifikasi Edukasi Pendidikan Seks Anak Usia Dini
Published 2022-08-01“…The gamification approach is used in delivering information because it shows a positive graphic in motivating to improve a positive learning environment. …”
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Implementasi Simple Additive Weight pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya Berbasis Web di Dinas Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kota Magelang
Published 2022-08-01“…Selain itu data survey masih ditulis menggunakan kertas secara manual sehingga rawan untuk hilang ataupun rusak dan juga proses pemilihan Penerima Bantuan Selama ini belum terpublikasi. …”
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Desain Media Pembelajaran dengan Model Problem-based Learning dan Gamitifikasi untuk Materi Bangun Ruang Tingkat SMK Berbasis Virtual Rality
Published 2022-02-01“…However, Mathematics is one of the subjects that is a scourge for most students. So making students interested in learning this is a challenge. …”
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Perbandingan Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Analytic Hierarchy Process Untuk Pemilihan Supplier pada Restoran
Published 2022-02-01“…Abstract Kedai Susu Its Milk is a restaurant in the culinary field with a characteristic menu of milk processing, the main ingredient of pure cow's milk is located on Jalan Taman Siswa Unnes Gunungpati Semarang. …”
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Analisis Keselarasan Teknologi Informasi dan Bisnis Menggunakan Strategic Alignment Model Maturity (SAMM) di Universitas Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur
Published 2022-06-01“…The purpose of the alignment analysis in this study is to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors in improving technology performance that affect the quality of systems that support business goals. This research is a descriptive qualitativeresearch with a case study method approach and data analysis using the Pattern Matching method. …”
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Joint Distribution pada Weighted Majority Vote (WMV) untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Sentiment Analysis Tersupervisi pada Dataset Twitter
Published 2022-10-01“…Most of the sentiment analysis on the Indonesian language Twitter dataset relies on a single machine learning algorithm. This study combines the performance of various algorithms/experts while reducing the level of misclassification by updating the weights dynamically using a joint distribution-based weighted majority vote (WMV) from the Bayesian Network. …”
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Model Evaluasi Usability Menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis pada KRS Online
Published 2021-02-01“…Abstract Nowadays, the development of computer software systems is not just a functional analysis. At this time, the software interface has begun to become a focus in software development. …”
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Hubungan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-Crm) Terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Pustaka
Published 2023-07-01“…Aplikasi strategi e-CRM juga mempengaruhi kelangsungan aktivitas rumah sakit melalui peningkatan loyalitas dan retensi pasien. …”
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Klasifikasi Mahasiswa HER Berbasis Algoritma SVM dan Decision Tree
Published 2020-12-01“…Students who take remedial every semester almost reach a relatively high number of the total number of students. …”
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Deteksi Objek menggunakan Dashboard Camera untuk Sistem Peringatan Pencegah Kecelakaan pada Mobil
Published 2020-02-01“…Dashboard camera is a video camera placed in car’s dashboard faces in front of the vehicle to record the road condition. …”
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Sistem Identifikasi Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK) Berdasarkan Suara Paru-Paru Menggunakan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Berbasis Raspberry Pi
Published 2023-02-01“…Based on the tests that have been done, the accuracy rate obtained by the system is 93.35% with a computational time of 3.116 s. …”
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Analisis Perpindahan Wisatawan dan Preferensi Desrinasi Wisata Favorit Berdasarkan Geotag Instagram (Studi Kasus pada Destinasi Wisata Bandung Raya)
Published 2022-06-01“…Pariwisata adalah salah satu generator utama cadangan devisa nasional dengan pertumbuhan 10,1% per tahun. Pariwisata juga diharapkan akan menjadi kekuatan utama ekonomi lokal. …”
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Pengembangan Jadwal Shift Staf Editor Video pada Stasiun Televisi Nasional Trans7 berbasis Android menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony dengan Firebase
Published 2020-02-01“…The input data used in this study is the name of the editor and the room, and output in the form of a schedule per shift for each room for a certain period. …”
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