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- Cardiac Surgical Procedures 1
Model Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan untuk Rekomendasi Aktivitas Pensiun
Published 2021-10-01“…With a percentage of 86%, the system built is easy to use with a percentage of 82.6%, and the system built is easy to learn with a percentage of 80.6%. …”
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Analisis dan Evaluasi Pengalaman Pengguna PaTik Bali dengan Metode User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
Published 2021-03-01“…Attraction has an average value of 1.8, clarity has a value of 1.7, Efficiency has a value of 1.6, Accuracy has a value of 1.7, Stimulation has a value of 2, and Novelty has a value of 1.3. …”
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Klasifikasi Kelas Kata (Part-Of-Speech Tagging) untuk Bahasa Madura Menggunakan Algoritme Viterbi
Published 2021-10-01“…Precision dan recall masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan menambahkan data yang lebih banyak lagi untuk pelatihan. Abstract Natural language is a form of language used by human, either in writing or speaking form. …”
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Pengujian Blackbox pada Desain Antarmuka Sistem Informasi Traceability Rantai Pasok Apel
Published 2021-12-01“…Selain itu apel selain dapat dikonsumsi langsung, dapat juga diolah menjadi beragam produk seperti minuman, kripik, pie dan yang lainnya. …”
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Model Formal Negosiasi dalam Sistem Penjadwalan Rapat Berbasis Agen
Published 2022-12-01“…Dalam negosiasi ini, resolusi konflik juga disiapkan untuk mengatasi konflik yang tidak dapat dihindari dengan menerapkan relaxing constraint. …”
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Perbandingan Metode Supervised Machine Learning untuk Prediksi Prevalensi Stunting di Provinsi Jawa Timur
Published 2022-12-01“…The support vector regression method in this study has a lower error value, namely 0.91 for MAE and 1.30 for MSE. …”
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Deteksi Dan Klasifikasi Hama Potato Beetle Pada Tanaman Kentang Menggunakan YOLOV8
Published 2024-08-01“…This model is capable of classifying objects with a precision of 78,1% and a recall of 89,8%. In the evaluation of individual object classes, the model successfully detects potato beetles with a precision of 88,1% and a recall of 90,3%. …”
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Prediksi Tipe Kepribadian MBTI Artis K-Pop Berdasarkan Caption Instagram Menggunakan Word2Vec dan Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Published 2023-10-01“…Abstract Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological test that distinguishes a person's personality. …”
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Analisis Penerimaan Learning Management System Institut Teknologi Garut Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model
Published 2023-08-01“…Abstract Technological advances from time to time continue to develop rapidly in various fields, one of which is in the field of education. Education has a very significant role in efforts to improve one's quality, but the emergence of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 outbreak has led to the birth of a new lifestyle order globally. …”
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Penerapan Dynamic Flow Removal untuk Mencegah Flow Table Overflow pada Software-Defined Networking
Published 2022-12-01“…Dynamic flow removal was implemented using a case study of a round-robin-based load-balancing server application on SDN with Ryu framework, Mininet, and a modified flow table space in OpenvSwitch. …”
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Prediksi Mahasiswa Drop-Out Di Universitas XYZ
Published 2024-12-01“…One factor that can negatively impact accreditation is the number of students who drop out (DO). To prevent a decline in accreditation and reputation due to this issue, this study aims to develop a predictive model for student dropouts. …”
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Sistem Pendeteksi Central Sleep Apnea Menggunakan Metode Neural Network dengan Fitur RR Interval dan Durasi QRS
Published 2022-12-01“…The Neural network technique classifies the two properties in the 18 test data sets, and the output in the form of Normal or Apnea classes is shown on a smartphone with Bluetooth connectivity. The sensor detection system performance test yielded a result of 96.18%, and the percentage accuracy of Neural Network classification was 83.3% with a processing time of 46.44ms. …”
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Pendekatan Bayes-HDSS dalam Menentukan Status Pantauan Gizi Balita
Published 2023-10-01“…Dalam perkembangan sistem pakar dan sistem pendukung keputusan juga dapat menggantikan dan menjadi solusi dari seorang ahli pakar. …”
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Sentiment Analysis Twitter Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis WORD2VEC Menggunakan Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Published 2020-02-01“…Opinion or information on social media can be used to assess how good or bad a companies is. People tend to be honest in expressing feelings towards something on social media. …”
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Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Loyalitas Pengguna Aplikasi Jenius Menggunakan Model E-S- Qual dan E- Recs- QUal (Studi Kasus: Pengguna Aplikasi...
Published 2022-12-01“…This research uses purposive sampling as a sampling technique and multiple and simple linear regression analysis as a technique in data analysis. …”
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Pengenalan Aktivitas Manusia Menggunakan Sensor Akselerometer dan Giroskop pada Smatphone dengan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor
Published 2022-02-01“…Selain untuk menjaga kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, dan membantu menentukan jenis olah raga, HAR dapat dimanfaatkan juga untuk diterapkan pada bidang keamanan dan pengembangan teknologi. …”
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Analisis Sentimen pada Data Saran Mahasiswa Terhadap Kinerja Departemen di Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network
Published 2021-10-01“…Student’s reviews can be a long sentence; hence the combination of Word2Vec as word representation and CNN with convolutional technique can produce a representative fiture from that long sentence. …”
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Audit Tata Kelola Academic Information System Menggunakan Framework Cobit 2019
Published 2023-07-01“…The expected output is a recommendation to maximize the system development process using a gradual method, namely observation, data collection, data validation, and identification of maturity level data. …”
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