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- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Communication Studies 3
- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General 3
- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics 3
- Language and languages 3
- Sociolinguistics 3
- Electric wiring 2
- Electric wiring, Interior 2
- Insurance requirements 2
- Nutrition 2
- Popular music 2
- Soldiers 2
- World War, 1914-1918 2
- Aquatic plants 1
- Authors, Nigerian 1
- Buildings 1
- Criticism and interpretation 1
- Culture 1
- Cytodiagnosis 1
- Diet Therapy 1
- Diet therapy 1
- Economic conditions 1
- Ecophysiology 1
- Edible mushrooms 1
- Effect of underwater light on 1
- Electric equipment 1
- Electrical engineering 1
- Electricity 1
- Electronic circuits 1
- Gender mainstreaming 1
- HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets 1
De peces, barajas, azar y doble sentido: la evolución semántica de la palabra ‘albur’
Published 2019-01-01“…El estudio de este fenómeno del lenguaje demuestra que en México, debido a su importancia en la cultura popular, el uso de la palabra ‘albur’ para denominar un juego de palabras con doble sentido va ganando preferencia y ha desplazado a los otros.…”
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Proverbs in Yorùbá Contemporary Songs
Published 2022-01-01“…This study reveals that the use of proverbs as indigenous tattoos has elevated both the language of the song artists to the status of living art of popular communication and their personalities to that of a mystic ‘massieur’ as there is the need to localize the global issues and globalized the local ones. …”
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The Pastoral Model of Educating Seniors at Universities of the Third Age at UPJPII in Krakow
Published 2023-12-01“…Universities of the third age have become very popular in Poland and in the world. As institutions dealing with lifelong learning, they have the appropriate competencies to ensure that the various needs of seniors are met. …”
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Ruling the streets: the policing of protest and political violence in Madrid during the Second Republic, 1931-1936
Published 2025-02-01“…Nevertheless, the generalised notion that the majority of deaths were the outcome of the repression of popular mobilisation contrasts with the practical inexistence of studies devoted to the specific interactions between coercive forces and collective challengers. …”
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Reception games of Dušan Taragel (the non-actor)
Published 2025-02-01“…This period also saw a shift in readers’ genre preferences toward popular culture. The article analyses the forms of literary games with genres on the works of contemporary Slovak prose writer Dušan Taragel (1961), drawing on texts spanning his entire oeuvre from his debut book Rozprávky pre neposlušné deti a ich starostlivých rodičov (Stories for naughty children and their caring parents, 1997) to his latest novel Mafiánske balady (Mafia Ballads, 2022). …”
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A inserção do artigo 227 na Constituição Federal de 1988: os movimentos sociais, os atores políticos e a causa do menor
Published 2020-01-01“…In the sequence, the documentary analysis highlights the movements involved in the five Popular Amendments that collected almost two million signatures, broadening the boundaries of the discussion, and expressing the dynamics of social groups. …”
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¿"Proyecto de vida"? tensiones en un programa de prevención del delito juvenil
Published 2012-01-01“…El énfasis que los programas sociales para jóvenes de sectores populares ponen en la cuestión edad a partir de la idea de "proyecto de vida", subestima las condiciones de clase social de sus beneficiarios y beneficiarias. …”
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Educação, Inclusão Precária e a Politecnia como Estratégia Política dos Trabalhadores
Published 2018-09-01“…As políticas de alívio à pobreza e de inclusão precária imprimem direção à educação básica brasileira numa privatização do espaço público, operada em nome da democracia e da participação popular e numa formação aligeirada dos estudantes, em nome das necessidades de inserção da juventude no mercado de trabalho e de redução do desemprego. …”
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Published 2012-01-01“…En este artículo se presenta el análisis de las entrevistas semiestructuradas y las entrevistas grupales realizadas en barrios populares de la ciudad de Cuernavaca. Los resultados evidencian cómo el tener un cuerpo de hombre o de mujer, el hacer cuerpo, forma parte de complejos procesos y trayectorias de aprendizaje renegociados de forma continua en los cuales juegan un rol central los condicionantes de género. …”
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Los niños y niñas como constructores de conocimiento: un caso de investigación participativa
Published 2014-01-01“…Esta hipótesis se pone en práctica en una experiencia llamada Aula Vereda, un espacio barrial de educación popular con niños y niñas de un barrio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde se desarrolla una Investigación Participativa.…”
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Planning for Recreational Waterway Access in Rural Coastal Settings
Published 2016-09-01“…Overcrowding at beaches, boat ramps, and popular destinations in Florida's densely populated coastal areas leads more Floridians and tourists to consider recreating in rural coastal communities that still offer the solitude and natural settings desired by many. …”
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Published 2011-01-01“…El trabajo se organiza en torno a los seis ámbitos de la estructura físico espacial de la ciudad, 1) los antiguos pueblos de la mancha urbana, 2) el centro de la ciudad, 3) las colonias populares, 4) los fraccionamientos o colonias residenciales, 5) los cotos o fraccionamientos cerrados y, 6) los conjuntos habitacionales. …”
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From Villainess to Gilead’s Nemesis: The (Un)easy Rehabilitation of Aunt Lydia
Published 2025-01-01“…In the sequel to her most popular novel, that is, The Testaments, the author boldly rewrote the villainous Aunt as Gilead’s undercover agent, forcing the reader to reconsider their own perception and reception of this character retrospectively. …”
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Planning for Recreational Waterway Access in Rural Coastal Settings
Published 2016-09-01“…Overcrowding at beaches, boat ramps, and popular destinations in Florida's densely populated coastal areas leads more Floridians and tourists to consider recreating in rural coastal communities that still offer the solitude and natural settings desired by many. …”
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“O que quer uma mulher”: figuras femininas em Eles eram muitos cavalos
Published 2016-01-01“…En este estudio se destaca la fragmentación textual que crea una realidad urbana destrozada, hecha de espacios degradados por los cuales deambulan variados personajes, algunos integrados a la vida urbana, aunque disconformes con sus papeles sociales, otros asociados a los estratos medios y populares, igual que otros vinculados a la exclusión social, hundidos en la pobreza, la violencia y la alienación. …”
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Published 2014-03-01“… Este texto discute o processo de politização da cultura associado à emergência de um protagonismo renovado do movimento indígena-popular na Bolívia contemporânea e, brevemente, pauta desafios que esse processo tem colocado em termos de descolonização do poder. …”
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Mangrove Economy: etho-politics and social change
Published 2018-01-01“…Los grupos humanos que habitan el territorio ancestral y los que fueron desterrados del manglar y que lo recrean y lo hacen cobrar vida en diferentes contextos (incluido el urbano popular).CÓDIGOS JEL A19, B49, B59, H89, 119…”
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„Dark medicine” w wydaniu popkulturowym. Recenzja: Agnieszka Trześniewska-Nowak, „W kleszczach lęku. Thriller medyczny w literaturze i kulturze popularnej”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet...
Published 2025-02-01“…Thriller medyczny w literaturze i kulturze popularnej [The Turn of the Screw: Medical Thriller in Popular Literature and Culture]. It is the first study in the Polish humanities devoted to medical thriller. …”
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Derecho y Sociedad en el estado constitucional: Una introducción desde J. Elster, L. Kramer Y P. Häberle
Published 2011-01-01“…Me refiero a la teoría de los límites constitucionales de Elster, el Constitucionalismo Popular de Kramer, Waldron y Tushnet, y la teoría de la Sociedad Abierta a los Intérpretes de Peter Häberle.…”
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Identidade e futebol: um estudo sobre membros de uma torcida organizada
Published 2018-01-01“…Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil. It is one of the main responsible for Brazilians' identity and cultural construction. …”
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