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- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Communication Studies 3
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- Gender mainstreaming 1
- HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets 1
Hollies at a Glance
Published 2012-03-01“…This revised 5-page fact sheet includes a list of dozens of popular hollies sold in Florida. Written by Sydney Park Brown, Dewayne L. …”
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Poemas entre músicas: dialogia melopoética e(m) uma didática contemporânea
Published 2011-01-01“…Under the dialogical notion of a given poetic-musical language can be structured a didactic process with activities that best relate literature and music (popular and classical). Referring to hearing music and literary reading, the teaching aims to understand students as individuals represented by a strong dialogic ethical and aesthetic reception. …”
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Reflexiones acerca de los procesos de paz en Colombia. El marco jurídico y otras consideraciones
Published 2002-01-01“…Existe un cambio de lenguaje entre la Constitución de 1886 y la de 1991;la primera, con amplias referencias a la guerra, y la segunda, con lainvocación reiterada de la paz como valor, principio y derecho de 3ªgeneración, garantizable mediante las acciones populares. En la últimadécada en Colombia, los procesos de paz con grupos subversivos hansido manejados por el ejecutivo mediante facultades obtenidas por víade declaratoria de los estados de excepción o mediante facultades decarácter transitorio recibidas del Congreso, en las cuales ha predomina-do el estilo presidencial, el cual ha oscilado entre la vocación militaristay la democrática…”
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Reflections abouth the peace proceses in Colombia. The legal fremework and other considerations
Published 2002-01-01“…Existe un cambio de lenguaje entre la Constitución de 1886 y la de 1991;la primera, con amplias referencias a la guerra y la segunda, con lainvocación reiterada de la paz como valor, principio y derecho de 3ªgeneración, garantizable mediante las acciones populares. En la últimadécada en Colombia, los procesos de paz con grupos subversivos hansido manejados por el ejecutivo mediante facultades obtenidas por víade declaratoria de los estados de excepción o mediante facultades decarácter transitorio recibidas del Congreso, predominando en ellas elestilo presidencial, el cual ha oscilado entre la vocación militarista y lademocrática…”
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Wading Birds of Northern Belize
Published 2020-04-01“… Belize is home to over 605 bird species, many of them wading birds popular with bird watchers who enjoy their bright colors and charismatic behavior. …”
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Criteria-Based Rehabilitation Following Revision Hip Arthroscopy: A Clinical Commentary
Published 2023-04-01“…Hip revision arthroscopy is becoming an increasingly popular surgery for those with unsatisfactory outcomes following primary hip arthroscopy. …”
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"By patience, labour and prayer. The voice of the Unseen God in the language of the Bechuana nation." A reflection of the history of Robert Moffat's Setswana Bible (1857)
Published 2009-12-01“…What made Moffat’s Setswana Bible so popular? The relevant primary sources — collected and studied as the focus of this article — suggest that it might have been the daily life and work of this missionary and his wife for nearly half a century amongst the Batswana. …”
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Entre práticas e discursos: Gilberto Mendes, Willy Corrêa de Oliveira e o campo da música erudita brasileira pós 1980
Published 2017-01-01“…Besides that, the discourse in favor of an approximation of popular artistic creation was present in the creative process of these two composers, in a movement characterized by the musical field as “aesthetical overture” or “post-modernism musical”. …”
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Black Scale Saissetia oleae (Olivier, 1791) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)
Published 2015-08-01“…In Florida, black scale is found on citrus, cultivated olive, avocado, and many popular landscape plants. It is likely that black scale, like many invasive pests, was imported to the United States on infested nursery plants. …”
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Best Practices for Scalloping: From the Boat to Your Plate
Published 2018-07-01“… Recreational scalloping in Florida is a popular group activity for many residents and visitors throughout the summer months. …”
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Black Scale Saissetia oleae (Olivier, 1791) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)
Published 2015-08-01“…In Florida, black scale is found on citrus, cultivated olive, avocado, and many popular landscape plants. It is likely that black scale, like many invasive pests, was imported to the United States on infested nursery plants. …”
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Wading Birds of Northern Belize
Published 2020-04-01“… Belize is home to over 605 bird species, many of them wading birds popular with bird watchers who enjoy their bright colors and charismatic behavior. …”
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Recomendaciones para la Detección y Mitigación de la Marchitez del Laurel en Árboles de Aguacates y Especies Relacionadas en Jardines y Patios Hogareños
Published 2020-09-01“… This is the Spanish translation of HS1358, Recommendations for the Detection and Mitigation of Laurel Wilt Disease in Avocado and Related Tree Species in the Home Landscape. Avocado trees are a popular choice for homeowners in Florida, with over 600,000 growing in Florida home landscapes. …”
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Pinceles y gubias contra la violencia de género: Frida Kahlo, Isabel Villaseñor, Aurora Reyes y María Izquierdo
Published 2024-01-01“…Mientras los corridos populares y las notas rojas de prensa intentaban naturalizar y justificar su existencia, un grupo de artistas plásticas mujeres formado por María Izquierdo, Frida Kahlo, Aurora Reyes, Isabel Villaseñor, y la folklorista y feminista Concha Michel, adoptaron una perspectiva contra-hegemónica para visibilizar y denunciar la violencia de género, desmontando con sus imágenes, canciones y escritos, algunos de los perniciosos prejuicios que intentaban justificar dicha violencia.…”
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Recomendaciones para la Detección y Mitigación de la Marchitez del Laurel en Árboles de Aguacates y Especies Relacionadas en Jardines y Patios Hogareños
Published 2020-09-01“… This is the Spanish translation of HS1358, Recommendations for the Detection and Mitigation of Laurel Wilt Disease in Avocado and Related Tree Species in the Home Landscape. Avocado trees are a popular choice for homeowners in Florida, with over 600,000 growing in Florida home landscapes. …”
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Best Practices for Scalloping: From the Boat to Your Plate
Published 2018-07-01“… Recreational scalloping in Florida is a popular group activity for many residents and visitors throughout the summer months. …”
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Published 2024-07-01“… Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes being considered one of the most popular machining methods today. The EDM process basis on thermoelectric energy between the workpiece and an electrode, so that the discharge energy generated during the operation characterizes the productivity of the process. …”
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Chronic Disease Management in Patients with Non-infectious Arthritis: Challenges and Solutions
Published 2025-01-01“…To address these challenges, a systematic strategy for chronic disease management of NIS needs to be developed at the national level, which encompasses increasing popularization of science, improving the referral system, using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist in early diagnosis, and implementing interventions including optimized pharmacological/surgical treatments and multidisciplinary collaboration. …”
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Evaluation of choices and time spent on an open online elective course by undergraduate medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2024-06-01“…Based on the top 10 LinkedIn Learning course selections of both cohorts, there appeared to be a preference for courses that were consistent with the role of medical professionals in practice. The most popular LinkedIn Learning course was The Six Morning Habits of High Performers. …”
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Zmartwychwstanie przez technikę. Problem tożsamości umysłu w koncepcjach rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji.
Published 2024-01-01“…In contemporary popular concepts concerning the development of artificial intelligence, it is assumed that if a program/model provides answers or operates in a manner similar to humans, then it can be considered to have achieved human-level capability. …”
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