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Suggested Topics within your search.
- New testament 3
- History 2
- Christian sociology 1
- Christianity 1
- Criticism, interpretation, etc 1
- In the New Testament 1
- Jews 1
- Judaism 1
- Origin 1
- Person and offices 1
- Quotations in the New Testament 1
- Relation to the Old Testament 1
- Social scientific criticism 1
- Sociology, Biblical 1
- new testament 1
- old testament 1
Mission among the Jews
Published 2005-12-01“…When Gentile Christians are called to proclaim the gospel to the Jews, they can do so only on the common ground of the Scriptures: the Old Testament. This requires knowledge of the Old Testament that is compatible with the Jewish knowledge of the Scriptures, which must be living letters of Christ as a result of the fullness of the gospel in their lives. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…He contrasted that God’s violent deeds with the peaceful nature and character of the New Testament God. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…Combining the initially often intellectually a-critical religious sentiments of students with the demands of biblical/Old Testament/New Testament studies as science (language skills, exegetical methodologies, critical theories, hermeneutics of understanding and of relevance) is characterised by some difficulties, which lead to various and some extreme reactions among students. …”
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Ben J. de Klerk & Fika J. van Rensburg, Preekgeboorte. 'n Handleiding vir gereformeerde eksegese en prediking. Toegepas op 1 Petrus 2:11-12, 18-25
Published 2008-06-01“…Die boek is afgestem op preekmaak uit die Nuwe Testament, maar die stappe kan sekerlik ook op die Ou Testament toegepas word. …”
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Semiotics of alterity and the cultural dimensions of Bible translation
Published 2023-12-01“…Alterity involves the incipient sign system, namely the biblical languages and their cultural contexts ranging from Iron Age Israel within the context of the Ancient Near East for the Old Testament to Roman Palestine in the first century for the New Testament. …”
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Die oudheid van die letter en die nuutheid van die Gees. Enkele opmerkings oor die Skrif as lewende Woord
Published 2002-01-01“…Old and New Testament). This tension is the work of the Spirit as the auctor primarius of Scripture, through which the “dead letter” is transformed into the living Word. …”
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Isaiah 3:16–23: Dress, pride, ostentatious items or syncretism?
Published 2025-02-01Get full text
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Prediking en preke
Published 2022-01-01“…Die boek word ingelei deur inleidende kantaantekeninge oor die prediking uit die Ou Testament. …”
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Jezus, de unieke drager van Gods Geest
Published 2003-12-01“…For all of the authors of the New Testament the divine presence culminated in the experience of the Risen Lord. …”
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Rhetoric and Galatians. Assessing an approach to Paul's epistle by Philip Kern
Published 2001-06-01“… Uit teks: Philp Kern is dosent in Nuwe Testament by die Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australië en hierdie boek is ’n verwerking van sy proefskrif wat hy onder Dr Loveday Alexander aan die Universiteit van Sheffield gedoen het. …”
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Riglyne vir prediking oor Spr 16:32
Published 1995-12-01“… Spr 16:32 kom voor in dié literatuur van die Ou Testament wat 'n wysheidsperspektief op die werklikheid belig. …”
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Christ as once for all sacrifice: a cultrual reading of Hebrews
Published 2014-06-01“…This article aims to determine that, from Hebrews, the demise of Old Testament sacrifices brings an end to ancestral sacrifice. …”
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Published 1996-06-01“…So 'n geleenheid het hom voorgedoen met die aftrede van prof MHO Kloppers as departementshoof van die departement Ou Testament aan die fakulteit Teologie aan die Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat op 1 April 1996. …”
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Review: The parables of Jesus the Galilean: Stories of a social prophet
Published 2017-06-01“… From text: It has become fashionable in recent scholarship to claim that it is methodologically impossible and hermeneutically undesirable to uncover the meaning of the parables of Jesus outside their literary contexts in the New Testament. Some scholars even go as far as to claim that the interpretation and application of the parables in the Synoptic Gospels are representative of the intent of the historical Jesus. …”
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When kingdoms are kingdoms no more: a social-scientific reading of the Mustard Seed
Published 2013-12-01“…It is argued that the parable is not a parable of growth or contrast, and does not allude to the Old Testament. In taking the specifics of the Lukan version of the parable seriously, it is proposed that the Mustard Seed questions religious respectability as understood by the kingdom of the Temple, and undermines imperial interests of the kingdom of Rome. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“… Devoting one’s life to the study of the Old Testament is to walk on a never-ending path that becomes a lifelong journey. …”
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Tolmie, Francois, Philemon in Perspective: Interpreting a Pauline letter
Published 2011-06-01“… From text: The present collection of essays had its origin in a conference in August 2008, at the fifth meeting of the International Colloquium on the New Testament at the Faculty of Theology of the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. …”
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Tendencies in the interpretation of Galatians 3:28 since 1990
Published 2014-06-01“…The overview is structured in terms of the following categories: Translation, grammar, origin, Paul’s views expressed in this verse, new interpretative approaches, the verse viewed in terms of other Pauline/Biblical texts/perspectives from the world of the New Testament, the Wirkungsgeschichte of the verse, and the implications of the verse for church and society. …”
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Happiness in the Psalms
Published 2011-06-01“… The article enquires into the nature of happiness or well-being in the Old Testament Psalms. It considers first the Psalms’ use of ‘happiness’ language, then goes on to seek a broader basis for the enquiry in key concepts such as freedom and justice, making some comparisons with Greek ideas. …”
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The sixth seal in Revelation 6:12-17
Published 2004-06-01“… This article illustrates the relevance of a close reading of the text in the ongoing work of New Testament as a discipline by means of Revelation 6:12-17. …”
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