Spronk, K. & Van Wieringen, A. (reds), De Bijbel theologisch. Hoofdlijnen en thema’s
Published 2013-06-01“…Die Bybel bied geen gesistematiseerde weergawe aan van wie God is en hoe mense God moet verstaan nie. Die vraag na ’n Bybelse teologie word beantwoord deur die verhaalstruktuur van die Bybel en die voortdurende verhouding tussen God en mens wat hom binne die Bybel afspeel, in ag te neem. …”
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The Heidelberg Catechism: elements for a theology of care
Published 2014-12-01“…The thesis argued here, is that the Heidelberg Catechism offers essential elements for a “theology of care”. It describes 1. God as a caring, ‘mothering” God; 2. human beings as having care as their essence and divine vocation; and 3. the relationship between God and human beings as a relationship of mutual care. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…He contrasted that God’s violent deeds with the peaceful nature and character of the New Testament God. …”
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Reflection on the leadership practice of Saul as a failure of leadership for church pastors
Published 2022-12-01“…Samuel was opposed to the idea of having a king as he saw this as a rejection of himself and of God’s rule over Israel. However, God instructed Samuel to comply with the people’s request to have a king, but to inform them of how the king would conduct himself. …”
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Cierpienie i radość w duchowości św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej
Published 2012-12-01“…The joy is characterized by permanence and independence from outer factors. This attitude of God’s child results in apostolate wherein serenity of soul together with a smile are effective means of Christian witness as well signs of the union with God. …”
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Matka naszego Pana czy Królowa Męczenników
Published 2012-07-01“…The Queenship of Mary must be inserted within the kingly status of the People of God. The insertion of Our Lady’s Queenship into the context of the kingly office of the People of God, while not detaching the person of Mary from the ecclesial community, help us to understand the meaning of Marian Queenship and its challenges for contemporary Christians. …”
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Hezychia w ujęciu Jana Klimaka i jej odzwierciedlenie w wizerunkach postaci na ikonach Andrzeja Rublowa
Published 2012-12-01“…These are people who were divinized as a result of God’s power. However, the conception of Our Lady of Vladimir see that the Mother of God has opened to the grace of God. …”
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“The Poor will always be with you”: Ethical Implications for the Church and Development in Africa.
Published 2024“…We live in the world and Africa in particular where the Church promotes the love of God and neighbor but also harbours the poor as well. …”
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“The Poor will always be with you”: Ethical Implications for the Church and Development in Africa
Published 2022“…We live in the world and Africa in particular where the Church that promotes the love of God and neighbor but also harbours the poor as well. …”
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Man's image in creation narratives
Published 1997-12-01“… The title of this paper sounds rather unfamiliar, because one usually deals with man as being created in or after the image of God. And that is also the core of biblical anthropology, namely that man is created by God in or according to God's likeness or image. …”
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Het getuigenis aangaande Jezus een pheumatologische verkenning
Published 2004-01-01“…How do we know that Jesus is the Son of God? How are we personally related to this extraordinary truth that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God? …”
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The Book, deconstruction, and the religious sign
Published 2009-06-01“…This is where deconstruction, guided by a certain otherness or transcendence, renders all God’s attributes as unthinkable. Thus, God’s presence is not the opposite of absence and his will is not in the way of our freedom. …”
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Mystical perspectives in interreligious dialogue
Published 2008-12-01“… This article discusses the distinction that is being made between the unknowability of God, the source of all that is, and Jesus of Nazareth, the body language of God, from the viewpoint of spirituality with Paul’s address at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17:16-32) as point of departure. …”
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??? ??????? (1 KGS 3:9): receiving and forming towards a listening heart
Published 2013-06-01“… This reflection article studies the request made by King Solomon to God for “a listening heart” (1 Kgs 3:9) at the beginning of his reign. …”
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Paupertas (poverty) in John Calvin's Institutes
Published 2008-12-01“…He cautiously upholds a reverent distance in respect of God’s knowledge. However, when considering true and credible knowledge of God, the pastor withholds nothing from the splendour of the teaching of Scripture in this regard. …”
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Published 2021-06-01“…Consequently, the search for God (Confessiones) and for the Trinitarian imprints of God (De Trinitate) appear to raise the more serious questions that inform and shape Christian self-formation: Can one “know oneself”? …”
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Konfrontacja ascetyki Hieronima ze Strydonu i Pelagiusza z Brytanii na podstawie wybranych dzieł
Published 2013-11-01“…Jerome postulated the way of Christian pilgrimage to God, where faithful tackling weaknesses by the grace of God and ascetic practice. …”
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Spiritualiteit in het Lucasevangelie: verscheidenheid en gemeenschap
Published 2012-12-01“…While the poor are oriented towards God, the rich are oriented toward themselves and focused on preserving their future. …”
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A church with the poor - lessons form scripture and from congregations in informal settlements
Published 2012-06-01“…In the Bible, the community of God is a community of love. Although there are instances of retribution in the Old Testament, there are clear instances where the community of God experiences the implications of love for one’s neighbour. …”
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Johannes Calvyn oor gebedsverhoring
Published 2005-01-01“…This article particularly researches his views on God’s answering of prayer, on which relatively little has been published yet. …”
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