Contemplation and liturgy: The experience of St. Mary Magdalene De’ Pazzi (Florence, 1566-1607)
Published 2022-06-01“…Revelation contained in the proclamation of the Word became the content of her encounter with God, leading to that moment when her encounter took her beyond words and concepts into intimate union with God. …”
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Inequalities within Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa on gender, with special reference to lGBTQIA+: Imago Dei
Published 2023-12-01“…First, the focus is on the creation of human beings as the image of God on an equal basis. The premise is that LGBTQIA+ people are created as human beings in the image of God, deserving to be welcomed in faith communities. …”
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Understanding spiritual experience in Christian spirituality
Published 2008-12-01“…A spiritual experience in a Christian context signifies the interaction of God. Furthermore, spiritual experience is an important aspect of Christian spirituality that in essence indicates a relationship and interaction between the believer and God. …”
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An incarnation engaged worship and spirituality
Published 2022-01-01“…Worship and spirituality are incarnational engaged lifestyles that give voice to the nature, character and will of God and are reflected in the Christian's human activities of adoracion to God and action in the world. …”
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Problems in the theoretical foundation of the functional-equivalent approach
Published 2002-06-01“…For Christians who view the Bible as God’s Word which is time-directed but not time-bound, and at the same time God’s Word which communicates with believers of all time, these theoretical viewpoints of the functional-equivalent approach are problematic. …”
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Published 2018-12-01“…It has been regarded by many as the prayer of an innocent person who was accused of some wrongdoing, but the direct exhortation to the “people” of God to put their trust in him seems to argue against this. …”
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Karl Barth’s Christological anthropology as a basis for building an interreligious relationship
Published 2024-12-01“…The theological concept of interreligious relations, based on Barth’s Christological anthropology, affirms that the most fundamental commonality between Christians and other religious people lie in the fact that they are God’s chosen human beings in Jesus Christ as partners of the covenant with God and with others. …”
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Męczeństwo formą samobójstwa?
Published 2012-07-01“…The article focuses on key elements of martyrdom (conscious and voluntary acceptance of death, dying for the faith, virtues pertaining to God, bearing witness to truth and love, patient endurance until death, externalised defending the truth of faith, a persecutor as opposed to the martyr, no pursuit of martyrdom, the pursuit of martyrdom not for its glory) and altruistic suicide (conscious and voluntary acceptance of death, death for the sake of others, society, bearing witness to the values, God, honour, friendship, freedom, desire for death without reward, death as a personal act, not harming innocent people, exceptions are acts of terrorism and suicide acts during wars). …”
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Ora sive labora?
Published 2013-07-01“…Nourished with prayer the theologal love makes all activities a form of adoration of God, transforming life into the constant prayer.…”
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Verstedeliking: Riglyne vir 'n kerklike bediening
Published 2022-09-01“…According to the Bible God in Christ never turned his back on the city, in spite of the concentration of sin within it, he is present with his children in the city. …”
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Discernment in Origen of Alexandria
Published 2013-06-01“…As the “intelligence” is created after the image of God, the Logos, its fulfilment lies in a cooperative movement with the Logos towards ever greater likeness with God. …”
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A transforming body: A post-exilic reading of Psalms 50 and 51 in the light of social norms communicated through the Leviticus sacrificial system and body imagery
Published 2021-12-01“…The psalm, with its strong focus on offering, brings about the renewal of Israel before God. Psalm 50 focuses on the community, while in Psalm 51, the focus is on the individual. …”
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The mirage of a triune rainbow
Published 2022-12-01“… This contribution explores the state of the debate on the triune God in theological discourse in South Africa. It assesses the direction in which this debate is going in conversation with Prof. …”
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Preparing a homily as an important element of pastoral care
Published 2024-06-01“…The homily, which the Second Vatican Council assigned a special role among various forms of preaching the Word of God, is an important task for those, who are entrusted with pastoral care. …”
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C.J.A. Vos, L.L. Hogan & J.H. Cilliers (Reds.), Preaching as a language of hope
Published 2008-06-01“…Die roeping van die kerk om die Woord van God aan ’n wêreld te verkondig wat in ’n skynbare proses van verval is, behoort hoop in ’n verwarde wêreld te bring. …”
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Roman victory propaganda – Revelation’s response: A historical and theological study
Published 2025-02-01“…Thus, Revelation creates a powerful and vivid message to convince the reader that God is the supreme and only ruler of the world, and Christ triumphs over every power, even the invincible Roman Empire. …”
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"Christ transforming culture"? Nagedink oor die aard van die gereformeerde geloof
Published 2002-01-01“…The essay demonstrates how this twofold emphasis, of affirmation and critical renewal at the same time, is rooted in the heart of the Reformed vision itself, which is described as “a way of being the Christian community in the world, before God”. Four aspects of this description are consecutively highlighted, namely “the Christian community” (the first section), “before God” (the second section), “a way of being” (the third section) and “in the world” (the fourth section). …”
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The truth about man and for man. Practical implications of John Paul II’s encyclical “Fides et ratio”
Published 2024-06-01“…The communication of truth should consider people’s needs to perceive it as a precious gift from God, not as a yoke. …”
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'n Pastoraal-narratiewe groepsontwikkelingsmodel vir vrywilligers van die Kankervereniging
Published 2005-12-01“…The first aim was to facilitate growth in understanding that every person was born in the “Narrative of God” (Ps. 139) and baptised in the name of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). …”
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Common grace as theological encouragement for interreligious dialogue
Published 2023-06-01“…Common grace emphasises that God’s grace operates not only in a salvific way for the elect, but also in a general way for every individual. …”
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