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Suggested Topics within your search.
- English language 101
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- Handbooks, manuals, etc 29
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- Economic development 26
- Moral and ethical aspects 26
- Social aspects 25
- Women 25
- literature 25
- English 24
- Biochemistry 23
- Economic policy 23
- Health 23
- Mass media 23
Het ons te gou weggekyk? Nuwe belangstelling in die Hemelvaart en Sessio van Jesus
Published 2010-12-01“… In the last decade, after years of neglect, quite a number of interesting books about the Ascension and Sessio of Christ were published. …”
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Cash Management and Performance Small Scale Business in Mbarara City: A Case Study of Central Market.
Published 2024“…The study recommends that small-scale business owner should keep records and books of their daily cash receipts and payments. …”
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Thesis -
Library Website as a Tool for Information Dissemination for Students At Mbarara University Of Science And Technology.
Published 2024“…Findings on the role of the library website revealed that it provides access to an online catalog, enabling students to search for books, journals, and other resources available in the library. …”
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Thesis -
Florida's Introduced Birds: House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)
Published 2009-04-01“…Includes online guides, books, and other publications that provide additional information on Florida's native and non-native birds. …”
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A door to the unknown: crossing boundaries through picturebook art
Published 2016-05-01“…The juxtaposition of the two books that share the themes of visiting and hosting, of confronting otherness, and of cultural prejudice indicates differences in their narrative and artistic potential. …”
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Spirituality: sense and gist. On meaning, God and being
Published 2008-12-01“…The latter is illustrated by briefly juxtaposing the concepts of God and non-God and of self-implication and estrangement. The most important books for furthering such analyses are listed. …”
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Smit, Dirk J., Remembering theologians – Doing theology. Collected essays 5
Published 2015-06-01“…The publication – by Sun Press – of his academic articles in the form of “Versamelde Opstelle” and “Collected Essays” – already five books up to date – furnishes ample reason why he is highly respected by fellow theologians. …”
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Mystical handbooks of the late middle ages
Published 2022-06-01“… Mystical handbooks, or how-do-it books describing the path to union with God, was a genre that arose in Western Europe in the 12th century and lasted into the Early Modern period. …”
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Źródła duchowości służebnicy Bożej Dorothy Day
Published 2022-03-01“…It is a result of an analysis of her publications, that is books and articles in different magazines, above all “The Catholic Worker”. …”
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Niemieckie podręczniki do nauczania religii jako środki kształtowania tożsamości religijnej dziecka w wieku młodszoszkolnym
Published 2019-06-01“…In the second part, based on the results of the analysis of textbooks, the conclusion about the positive meaning of these books was formulated as a means of supporting the development of the individual and social aspect of the child’s religious identity and shaping a reflective and at the same time affirmative attitude towards religion. …”
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Computer Aided Platform For Teaching Physical Geography: A Case Study Of Kigezi High School.
Published 2024“…It has made data analysis extremely easy, and it can be done with a single click of the mouse unlike the traditional way of teaching which needs a lot of time to read books . While using CAI as an instructional way of teaching students are more interested in reading their lessons. …”
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Thesis -
Gee die Bybel nog vandag aan ons morele oriëntering oor kwessies soos homoseksualiteit?
Published 2006-06-01“…The next section highlights the emphasis by contemporary biblical scholars on the influence of the context within which the various books of the Bible were written. Some less convincing proposals regarding the way in which the moral guidance of Scripture can today be affirmed are then discussed. …”
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10 Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married
Published 2012-08-01“…Americans love romantic books and movies that involve wedding vows and “happily-ever-after” endings. …”
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Visual representations of war in Polish and Scandinavian picturebooks. A metaphorical perspective
Published 2016-05-01“…The analysed material includes three Polish and two Scandinavian books, published within four years, 2011–2014: Pamiętnik Blumki1 (Blumka’s Diary, 2011) by Iwona Chmielewska, Powieki (The Eyelids, 2012) by Michał Rusinek and Ola Cieślak, Ostatnie przedstawienie panny Esterki (Miss Esterka’s Last Performance, 2014) by Adam Jaromir and Gabriela Cichowska, Lejren (The Camp, 2011) by Oscar K. and Dorte Karrebæk and Krigen (The War, 2013) by Gro Dahle and Kaia Dahle Nyhus. …”
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Major Asset Classes: A Brief Glossary
Published 2019-05-01“…But before one can actually make an informed decision on which financial vehicles to select for an investment portfolio or plan, it is pivotal to know about the options available in the market, and to clearly understand the main idea and principles behind each of these investment vehicles. There are entire books written on these topics, but for the purpose of this article, we aim to provide a brief, yet comprehensive glossary of the main financial investment vehicles. …”
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Die Heidelbergse Kategismus en die kategesemateriaal van die Ned Geref. Kerk: 'n kerkhistoriese oorsig
Published 2014-12-01“…Secondly it gives an overview of the material used by the church through its early history before it compares the different books which were used later on. This is done in order to establish what role the Heidelberg Catechism played in the learning material of the church. …”
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St. Augustine by Serge Lancel
Published 2003-12-01“… From text: The author, Serge Lancel of the University of Grenoble, is an acknowledged master of the ancient history of north Africa and has written major books on Carthage and Hannibal. This present biography of Augustine, translated from the French, is addressed to the common educated reader and is furnished with numerous erudite notes to inform the inquisitive where the evidence for his statements can be found. …”
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Constitutional History as an Integral Part of General History: The German Case
Published 2023-09-01“…However, neither the Basic Law nor the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court play a significant role in the books of historians on the Federal Republic. The article argues that the influence of constitutional law on political behavior and social relations is a decisive factor for the situations, developments and events that historians want to describe and explain. …”
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Discernment in 1 Thessalonians
Published 2013-06-01“…Paul’s own understanding of discernment is then further investigated in terms of his socio-religious background and other New Testament books. It shows how he links discernment with a concrete situation and how discernment enables the human heart to realise its full potential by purifying it from all obstacles. …”
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Origin and originality of John Calvin's 'Harmony of the Law', the expository project on Exodus-Deuteronomy (1559-1563)
Published 2008-12-01“… John Calvin’s plan to study Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy in the form of a Harmony on the Last Four Books of Moses was conceived in the weekly Bible studies of the joint ministers of Geneva. …”
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