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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 7
- Aging 5
- Social conditions 5
- Mass media 4
- Information technology 3
- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Communication Studies 3
- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General 3
- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics 3
- Language and languages 3
- Older people 3
- Politics and government 3
- Sociolinguistics 3
- Women 3
- Aged 2
- Aging parents 2
- Britons 2
- Civilization 2
- Colonial influence 2
- Fathers and daughters 2
- Gerontology 2
- Health and hygiene 2
- Inheritance and succession 2
- Internet in public administration 2
- Kings and rulers 2
- Manners and customs 2
- Moral and ethical aspects 2
- Pediatric Nursing 2
- Public administration 2
- Quality of life 2
- Research--Methodology 2
First case report of isolated pleural cysticercosis demonstrating pleuroscopic findings
Published 2025-01-01“…We herein present a case involving a man of advanced age who presented with symptomatic eosinophilic pleural effusion. …”
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Bringing the words out of the Montessori box: Towards a Montessori system for enhancing language development from birth to six years
Published 2024-12-01“… Anecdotal evidence from early years practitioners in the UK reflects a perception of gradual, but persistent, decline in the extent of native English-speaking children’s vocabulary and oral communication skills when they start nursery aged 2–3 years. This paper will examine the scope and reasons for the perceived decline as background, before surveying and evaluating national programmes implemented in the UK to remedy it. …”
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Subduction of active spreading ridges and the disappearance of Andean-type cordilleras
Published 2024-03-01“…We address the possible link between the age of subducting oceanic lithosphere and growth of elevated cordilleras versus extension-dominated arc regions. …”
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Prevent Osteoporosis: Catch the Silent Thief
Published 2017-05-01“…By 2020, one in two Americans over the age of 50 is expected to have osteoporosis of the hip or be at high risk of developing the condition. …”
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Психологические условия развития смысловой сферы в процессе обучения детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возрастов...
Published 2018-09-01“…The specificity of the construction of such education prompts the purposeful and directed development of an individual’s imagination at different ages. The presented specific traits of the development of imagination at different stages of childhood and the described respective features of educational curricula construction are aimed at the creation of conditions for the development of the sphere of sense. …”
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„Rózga i karcenie udziela mądrości…” . O społecznym micie przydatności bicia w wychowaniu
Published 2016-04-01“…A lot of historical resources indicate that violence in upbringing was a common reality for children in Poland from the Middle Ages and during the following centuries. Today in Poland violence in upbringing is banned in our law and although violent behaviours towards children are less popular and not as severe as in the past, still as a way of disciplining a child violence is in some forms socially accepted. …”
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Collaboration for Innovation and Sustainable Performance: Evidence of Relationship in Electro-Electronic Industry
Published 2016-01-01“…Intervening factors such as size, age, internationalization and capital structure were also considered in verifying the relationship between collaboration for innovation and sustainable performance.…”
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Discovering 4-H Member Project Book
Published 2005-07-01“… Discovering 4-H Member Project Book (4H EXM 10) is a general club materials and organizational development publication for 4-H members ages 8–12. This project book gives an overall view of the many projects 4-H has to offer for those who are just starting 4-H. …”
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Fins & Scales: An Introduction to Bony Fish—A Marine Science Project Guide for 4-H Leaders and Educators
Published 2014-10-01“… The Fins and Scales Project is intended for youth age 11-13 (Intermediate 4-Hers). The Leaders Guide follows the layout of the Youth Project Book and provides a suggested approach for each section. …”
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The Structural Changing Phases of Ifẹ̀ Festivals and Tradition Towards Economic Boost and Cultural Tourism
Published 2021-12-01“…Tis essay seeks to interrogate these structural reforms, with the mind of identifying improved areas of the age-long tradition, the philosophy of the festival, and the economic value added. …”
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W świecie poznanych i „niepoznanych” liter, czyli o kontynuacji bezsensów w instytucjonalnych praktykach nauki czytania i pisania dzieci
Published 2021-06-01“…The article presents the results of research on the content of textbooks and methodological guides intended for the basic reading course for children aged six and seven. As a result of the comparison, it was found that the literacy process was doubled at the school level according to the scheme in force in the kindergarten. …”
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After the Hurricanes Have Gone: Stress and Decision Making When Living Alone
Published 2005-09-01“…Of course these strategies won't make all the fear go away, but by following these suggestions you can regain control over your life—no matter what your age. This document is FCS9233, one of a series of the Family Youth and Community Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. …”
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Advances in the study of apathy related to cerebral small vessel disease
Published 2025-02-01“…Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is a complex clinical-imaging pathological syndrome caused by small vessel lesions in the brain, which is characterized by aging-related, insidious onset and slow progression. …”
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Managing the Stress of War and Terrorism: Guidelines for Families
Published 2003-06-01“… War and terrorism are scary for children and families. Children of all ages may overhear adult conversations or see acts of war or terror on the news. …”
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Concentration and health risk assessment of melamine in commercial citrus juices
Published 2025-02-01“…However, the risk assessment did not identify any risk for different ages. But, these findings highlight the need to monitor melamine levels in commercial juices.…”
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Convergence of numerical solution of stochastic differential equation for the self-thinning process
Published 2002-12-01“… For theoretical and practical analysis of the self-thinning process we use stochastic differential equation, which take the form: dN (t) = N (t) (α - β ln N (t))dt + μN (t)dW (t), N(t0) = N0, t0 ≤ t ≤ T, where N – tree per hectare (stem/ha), t – stand age, W(t) – scalar standard Brownian motion, N0 – not random, α, β and μ are parameters – real constants. …”
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Discovery of Metal-poor and Distant Pre–Main Sequence Candidates in WLM with JWST
Published 2025-01-01“…These candidates have masses between 1.25 and 5 M _⊙ , with ages <10 Myr, and exhibit significant near-infrared excesses at 2.5 and 4.3 μ m. …”
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Study on Innovative Practices to Promote Girls’ Retention and Transition to Secondary and Higher Learning Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Published 2024“…Only 14.8% of teenage mothers under the age of 15 years returned to school, compared to 42.3% and 42.1% of teenage mothers who become 3 pregnant at the age of 15-17 years and 18 years or older respectively. …”
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Technical Report -
Retrospective Analysis of Pregnancy Terminations: 9-Years Experience at a Tertiary Hospital in Southeastern Turkey
Published 2021-04-01“…Four groups were formed based on the consistency of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis with pathological diagnosis. Results: Mean age, gravidity, parity, abortion, and gestational week were 28 years, 3, 1, 1, and 15.7 weeks, respectively. …”
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Middle hepatic vein incorporation in live donor liver graft transplantation; implication and safety
Published 2021-08-01“…The recipient age (48.5 ± 11.3), male/female 27/13, intensive care unit stay (4.75 ± 3.9), floor stay (7.7 ± 3.7) days, portal vein velocity (63.96 ± 24.65 ml/sec), hepatic artery peak systolic velocity (74.76 ± 32.85) hepatic artery resistive index (0.7 ± 0.15), and triphasic/continuous venous outflow 27/13. …”
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