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Analisis Faktor dan Metode untuk Menentukan Tipe Kulit Wajah: Tinjauan Literatur
Published 2023-08-01“…The results of this literature review provide an overview of studies that are relevant to the topic, the differences in each literature discussed and are useful for researchers who will develop image processing technology to determine the type of facial skin. …”
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Korelasi Fixation Dan Beban Kognitif pada Pengguna Lansia Dengan Eye-Tracking Pada Aplikasi Komunikasi dan Media Sosial
Published 2024-08-01“…Temuan ini menunjukkan tantangan kognitif yang dihadapi oleh lansia yang direpre-sentasikan oleh beberapa dimensi saat menggunakan aplikasi perangkat bergerak yang dilihat melalui media peng-lihatan manusia. …”
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Perbandingan Metode Supervised Machine Learning untuk Prediksi Prevalensi Stunting di Provinsi Jawa Timur
Published 2022-12-01“…Nilai tersebut masih tergolong tinggi karena standar minimal yang ditetapkan oleh World Health Organization (WHO) adalah sebesar 20%. …”
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Divulgação de evidências científicas sobre Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde
Published 2025-02-01“…For this purpose, 212 summarized texts were posted, elaborated by the team, and based on scientific articles, in addition to dissemination of other content and activities relevant to this area. The PICS were carried out in person and online, contributing to the participation of different audiences in various places. …”
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Athletic Shoulder Test Differences Exist Bilaterally in Healthy Pitchers
Published 2022-06-01“… # Level of Evidence 2 # Clinical Relevance A need exists for objective measures of shoulder strength for rehabilitation and injury risk monitoring in throwing athletes that are easy to administer, have high reliability and validity, and provide minimal re-injury risk to athletes recovering from injury…”
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Identifikasi Pengaruh Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Perilaku Pengguna Twitter dengan Pendekatan Social Network Analysis
Published 2021-11-01“…Twitter, a flexible social media for discussing and exchanging opinions, has become popular in disseminating COVID-19 dynamic and up-to-date information. It makes twitter relevant as a medium of knowledge extraction in identifying user behavior changes. …”
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Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero: simulación de un sistema ganadero de carne típico de la región central Argentina
Published 2014-01-01“…Estas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producidas por el ganado bovino podrían reducirse aplicando distintas estrategias tecnológicas: i) vinculadas a la alimentación manejando la dieta de los rumiantes; ii) relativas a la composición del rodeo realizando una exhaustiva selección de catego - rías evitando animales improductivos; iii) observando la salud del animal y iv) procurando ajustar la genética del animal al ambiente y al producto que se quiera obtener.…”
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Sistem Informasi Geografis Penyebaran Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Majalengka
Published 2020-10-01“…Therefore to help oversee the growth of MSMEs, a geographic based system is needed that can provide spatial information on MSME growth locations for the relevant Dinas, represented by a coordinate system shown through storing longitude and latitude points at each location as a basis for consideration in determining Government policy in Majalengka Regency. …”
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Analisa Strategi Teknologi Informasi Pemasaran UKM Kuliner di Media Sosial Menggunakan Metode SWOT
Published 2020-12-01“…Create hashtags or keywords that are relevant to the products offered, build a brand image (Personal Branding), and create interesting advertising content (S1, T1, T3). …”
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Pemodelan Kausal Faktor-Faktor Beban Keluarga dalam Merawat Pasien Kanker Menggunakan Algoritma S3C-Latent
Published 2021-02-01“…Dalam merawat pasien dengan penyakit kronis, bukan hanya pasien tetapi kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup family caregiver juga penting. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana beban family caregiver dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi beban keluarga dalam merawat pasien. …”
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Pengelompokan Hasil Pencarian Skripsi Berbahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode DBSCAN dengan Pembobotan BM25
Published 2023-08-01“… Skripsi merupakan tugas akhir yang disusun oleh mahasiswa sebagai persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana. …”
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Penerapan Metode K-Means Clustering dan Simple Moving Average untuk Memprediksi Jenis Penyakit di Provinsi Jawa Timur
Published 2024-08-01“…The research objectives are to cluster cases into relevant and identifiable groups, predict trends in disease cases based on historical data in each region from year to year, build a website-based system as a medium for implementing predictions and clustering. …”
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BIJAKAWEB: Platform Berbasis Web Untuk Deteksi Hate Speech Pada Komentar Berita Bahasa Indonesia
Published 2024-08-01“…Harapannya, penelitian ini dapat membantu portal berita dalam moderasi komentar berita daring dalam melawan komentar yang mengandung ujaran dan menyediakan model yang dapat digunakan serta diadaptasi oleh platform berita daring lainnya untuk mencegah penyebaran ujaran kebencian di internet. …”
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Hubungan Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-Crm) Terhadap Loyalitas Pasien Di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Pustaka
Published 2023-07-01“…Of the 1,691 national and international journals identified, there were 53 journals that were relevant to e-CRM applications, and eight journals were included in this study. …”
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Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model dengan Penambahan Variabel Eksternal
Published 2020-05-01“…KRS (Kartu Rencana Studi) berfungsi untuk mengelola mata kuliah yang akan diambil pada Semester yang bersangkutan oleh mahasiswa, pengisian KRS dilakukan menggunakan akun yang telah diberikan oleh pihak kampus dengan cara masuk menggunakan identitas berupa Nomor Induk Mahasiswa dan kata sandi, mahasiswa dapat melakukan pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi dari manapun dengan informasi yang telah disediakan pada website, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa Sistem KRS merupakan penjembatan antara mahasiswa dengan pengelola dalam hal ini bagian akademik di Universitas Amikom. …”
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Computational Phenotyping of Obstructive Airway Diseases: A Systematic Review
Published 2025-02-01“…We conducted a systematic review to describe studies that utilized unsupervised computational approaches for phenotyping obstructive airway diseases in children and adults.Methods: We searched for relevant papers published between 2010 and 2020 in PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. …”
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Incidencia y control de los nematodes gastrointestinales bovinos en el Este de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina
Published 2011-01-01“…Se registraron más casos de GEV (P<0.004, X2 8.33) en rodeos de CC (37%) que en los de IN (21%) con un resigo relativo (RR) 1.77 (95%; IC 1.18 - 2.74), pero no se registraron diferencias entre estratos. …”
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Identification and Spatial Mapping of Locality of Streetscapes in Shanghai Hengfu Historic and Cultural Preservation Area
Published 2025-02-01“…The research proposes that streetscape locality should include the physical, social, historical and aesthetic aspects, with relevant indicators being identified for the four aspects respectively. …”
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Student Engagement and Feedback on Online Learning and Facilitation: A Case Study of the National Open University of Nigeria
Published 2024-12-01“…Il est important que NOUN s'attaque à ces problèmes en proposant des horaires plus souples, en explorant les possibilités de réduire les coûts de facilitation et en veillant à ce que les étudiants aient accès à une connexion Internet stable afin d'améliorer leur engagement dans les facilitations en ligne. Relever ces défis peut conduire à une expérience d'apprentissage en ligne plus réussie et plus satisfaisante pour les étudiants. …”
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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Carbon Emission of Garden Pavement
Published 2025-01-01“…Firstly, the carbon emission accounting model is constructed based on the life cycle of garden pavement projects: the carbon emission factor method is adopted to calculate carbon emissions in such stages as material production, construction and transportation, maintenance and material recycling of garden pavement projects, during which the specific calculation parameters are mainly derived from the engineering practical experience, national standards and relevant research data. Secondly, after calculating the total amount of carbon emissions released during the life cycle of each type of garden pavement, the data are normalized by “carbon emission per square meter per year”, and the research results are obtained. …”
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