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Suggested Topics within your search.
- methods 55
- Moral and ethical aspects 26
- Research 23
- Methodology 17
- Statistical methods 10
- Study and teaching 10
- Mass media 9
- Professional ethics 7
- therapy 7
- Communication 6
- History 6
- Management 6
- Physical Examination 6
- Social sciences 6
- Sociology 6
- diagnosis 6
- Anatomy 5
- Child 5
- Ethics 5
- Extremities (Anatomy) 5
- Human anatomy 5
- Information technology 5
- Law 5
- Legal ethics 5
- Psychology 5
- Public administration 5
- nursing 5
- Abdomen 4
- Biochemistry 4
- Chest 4
Decentralized Planning, Budgeting and Service Delivery in Local Governments. A Case Study of Health and Education Services in Musanze District, Rwanda.
Published 2020“…A sample was taken from each category using the Solvein’s formula to arrive at the minimum sample size of 244. The sampling methods used included purposive and simple random sampling. …”
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Financial management practices and Profitability of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kabale Municipality.
Published 2020“…Objectives of the thesis are (1) To investigate the various financial Management practices used by SMEs, (2) To determine how financial management practices and financial characteristics affect SMEs profitability and (3) To determine the relationship between financial management practices and profitability of SMEs The study adopted descriptive research design, specifically cross-sectional survey design using both the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The study comprised of the staff of 63 selected SMEs including those basically involved in financial management practices. …”
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Microfinance and Socio-Economic Development in Byumba Sector. A case Study of Reseau Interdiocesain De Micro Finance (Rim S.A)
Published 2020“…In this study, the researcher used different methods for collecting data as follows: Questionnaire, interview, personal participative observation and documentation techniques in the process of gathering information. …”
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Sales Promotion and Changing Market shares of Telecom Companies. It was Carried out in Kigali City Rwanda.
Published 2020“…The study used a cross sectional descriptive study design employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. The target population was the staff of telecom companies operating in Kigali city and consumers of products from the companies. …”
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School feeding program and students Performance: A case Study of Selected Primary Schools in North “A” District, Zanzibar.
Published 2020“…The research used both simple random and purpose sampling techniques in identifying the sample population. the methods that were used in data collection included questionnaire, observation and interview, data collected was edited, coded, entered into computer and analyzed with excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables, basing on results from the study, from objective one above, it was found out that school feeding program increase enrolment and attendance. from the research question two it was found out as indicated by the respondents from selected primary schools in north “A” Zanzibar that, too few text books and insufficient instructional which forced many children , especially girls to drop out early in schools. …”
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Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Academic Performance at Uganda Certificate of Education in Secondary Schools in Uganda: A case Study of Kamwenge District.
Published 2020“…A causal comparative research design was employed for the study; both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data. The researcher used purposive and simple random sampling techniques to select the research participants respectively from selected secondary schools. …”
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Versus Standard of Care Recovery for Emergency Cesarean Deliveries at Mbarara Hospital, Uganda
Published 2020“…Despite the potential benefits of enhanced recovery protocols, limited research has been done in lowresource settings, where 95% of cesarean deliveries are emergent and could possibly benefit from the application of ERAS protocols. METHODS: In a prospective, randomized, single-blind, controlled trial, mothers delivering by emergency cesarean delivery were randomly assigned to either an ERAS or a standard of care (SOC) recovery arm. …”
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Gender differences in response to warrelated trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder – a study among the Congolese refugees in Uganda
Published 2020“…Even though it is clear that civilians who are exposed to potentially traumatizing events in war and conflict areas develop trauma-related mental health problems, scholarly information on gender differences on exposure to different war-related traumatic events, their conditional risks to developing PTSD and whether the cumulative exposure to traumatic events affects men and women differently is still scanty. Methods: In total, 325 (n=143males, n = 182 females) Congolese refugees who lived in Nakivale, a refugee settlement in the Southwestern part of Uganda were interviewed within a year after their arrival. …”
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Molecular epidemiology of anaplasmosis in small ruminants along a human-livestock-wildlife interface in Uganda
Published 2021“…Background: Information as regards the epidemiology of the Anaplasmataceae in small ruminants in several lowand middle-income countries is scarce. Methods: In this study a total of 712 DNA samples collected from small ruminants were analyzed for Anaplasmataceae and Anaplasma ovis using the 16S rRNA and MSP4 genes respectively. …”
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Molecular epidemiology of anaplasmosis in small ruminants along a human-livestock-wildlife interface in Uganda
Published 2021“…Background: Information as regards the epidemiology of the Anaplasmataceae in small ruminants in several lowand middle-income countries is scarce. Methods: In this study a total of 712 DNA samples collected from small ruminants were analyzed for Anaplasmataceae and Anaplasma ovis using the 16S rRNA and MSP4 genes respectively. …”
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Interface between biomedical and traditional systems of treatment and care among HIV positive fisher folk in two fishing communities on Lake Victoria, Uganda
Published 2022“…Objective: To examine the use of biomedical and traditional health care in two fishing communities around Lake Victoria in Uganda. Methods: Exploratory, in-depth qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with 42 HIV positive fisherfolk. …”
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Factors associated with delays in seeking tuberculosis treatment among patients at Muhima district hospital, Rwanda
Published 2022“…The study investigated factors associated with delays in seeking treatment among tuberculosis (TB) patients at Muhima District Hospital, Rwanda. Methods: The study adopted descriptive cross- sectional study of 49 smear-positive TB patients derived using proportion estimation of case registry (November 2016 to January 2017) newly- diagnosed patients, first and second months treatment. …”
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Project Monitoring and Evaluation in the Sustainability of Donor-Funded Potato Projects in Kabale District, Uganda
Published 2022“…Objective: This study was set to determine the effect of project monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of funded potato projects in the Kabale District. Methods: This study adopted a descriptive survey design, and it used potato farmers as the unit of analysis. …”
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Human Resource Management Practices and Performance of Small Scale Enterprises, A Case Study of Ntungamo Municipality
Published 2022“…The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design based on questionnaires and interviews, and a mixed methods research approach. A sample of 169 was selected from 300 employees using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. …”
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Grain Amaranth Is Associated with Improved Hepatic and Renal Calcium Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of Male Wistar Rats
Published 2023“…The objective of the study was to determine key changes in calcium levels and s100a1 protein levels and antioxidant and histopathologic changes in blood, renal, and hepatic tissues of male diabetic Wistar rats. Materials and Methods. This was an experimental study in which 30 male Wistar rats were kept for 5 weeks (6 groups, N =5). …”
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Factors Contributing to Utilisation of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Bed Nets Among the Households of Kayonza Subcounty, Kanungu District.
Published 2023“…A cross sectional study design involving both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The main findings from the study revealed that all the house hold heads their knowledge and attitude was high on ITN usage and utilization. …”
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Community Participation and the sustainability of Development projects: A case Study of Essential Nutrition and Health package Project in Kabuga, Gasabo District, Rwanda.
Published 2020“…Data was analyzed using SPSS software and presented in tables. Ethical guidelines were followed in the study including obtained informed concept from the respondents and getting ethical clearance from Kabale University. …”
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Multi-omics and machine learning-driven CD8+ T cell heterogeneity score for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Published 2025-03-01“…Utilizing eight machine learning methods, we identified the key gene OLR1. Single-cell analysis of HNSCC tissues and peripheral blood, along with spatial transcriptome analysis, revealed that OLR1 predominantly functions in macrophages, modulating the immune microenvironment of HNSCC. …”
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Application of an active middle ear implant in congenital middle ear malformations: A contemporary review
Published 2025-05-01“…Objective: To evaluate hearing outcomes and postoperative complications among patients with middle and external ear malformations undergoing active middle ear implantation with Vibrant Soundbridge® (VSB). Methods: Review of the literature. Studies published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish at the following databases: PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library were searched. …”
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